Repo: the genetic role play: War of the Repo men

"Wait Leo I think..." candy heard gun shots."Crap now?!?!"candy pouted but grabs Leos hand and led him to the ally.Candy was now clearly p*ssed and she looked over at tane."Nice distracting tane keep it up" candy left the two and went around to the ladder to the roof.Only to find snipers "oh well this is a full blown party huh?"
Leo ducked behind a trash can. "F*ck!" he exclaimed. Then he shot his rifle. One shot got a gunman in the head. SPLAT! His brains were all over the wall. "Bull's eye!" he yelled. Then he looked up at Candy. "Be careful." he called.
The three snipers looked at her and one yelled "get her!"

candy sighs crossing her arms "listen you really cut into my time with Leo now your gonna pay."

She kicks one in the gut and shoots the other.

she was doing good until one grabs her arm turning her around and punched her giveing her a cut on the cheek.

They fight for a while until they got to the end of the building and he pushed her off but she grabbed the end of the building and yanked him off climbing back up faceing the last one. He charges after her and she moves just in time for him to fall of the building.
Leo watched. He loved the way Candy fought. 'God I love you.' he thought. He shot two more guys in the chest. "We need to go! Candy get down here!" he called shooting another gunman. His rifle ran out of ammo. "Sh*t!" he exclaimed. Then he pulled out his secondary weapon ( "Hello my baby." he said kissing the oddly shaped Kunai. He threw on and hit a gunman in the face. "Direct hit!" he exclaimed.

((Yeah ash. Basically the grave robbers went out on a job and when they tried to sell what they got they were ambushed by Gen-co gunmen. That's pretty much what happened. ))
Tane was relieved whenever Leo and Candy showed up. When they began distracting the guards, she took her chance. Tane spun on her heel, facing the trash bin. She diverted all of her strength into her leg and reared it, kicking the bin as hard as she could. It slid across the alleyway towards the guards, which Tane followed closely behind. The bin was on wheels, which helped it glide straight into one of the guards, crushing him against the wall. Immediately, Tane went for another guard, swinging her gauntlet saw and cleaving his head off. She grabbed his rifle and aimed down the sights, using her HUD to help her pick out her targets quickly. She squeezed the trigger carefully, popping a round into each guard's head, using the zoom function on her HUD to help. When she head expended the ammo in the rifle, she threw it aside and dove for cover again, hearing Leo's words.

"Nuh-uh, no ******* way! These bastards drove away my customers! I'm gonna make 'em pay!" Tane yelled over the lessening gunfire.
candy smiled as the sniper shook slightly. "yeah just let me take care of this one." she called to leo."time to play.." candy said before chargeing after him.

she got him to the ground and he pushed her off sliding down the lader to get away but she followed.the man ran into leo and hit him trying to help his guys."hey you dont touch him!" candy yelled with her arms crossed looking at the two.she didnt look to happy until she threw the sniper over her shoulder and stomped an her sweet spot 3 or 4 times.
Reno peeks out from where he was hiding and watched the GRs take out the gunmen "god why can't he hire anyone useful?" he whispers quietly to himself as he looks down at his chainsaw "i know baby, i know you're thirsty. you'll get to drink soon."
Leo got the wind knocked out of him. "Ow, son of a b*tch!" he exclaimed. Then he got back up. He threw a kunai passed Candy's head and hit a gunman in the head. "Don't you even think about hurting Candy." he said in a cold voice. Then he turned around and stabbed a gunman in the stomach. "Die." he said. He turned to Candy. "Thanks for that." he said giving her a small smile. he kissed her cheek. "I'll see you back home." he said running down an ally and into the night.
Candy froze as the sniper got back up.she waited till he left before yell "yes he kissed me he likes me!!" She says jumping up and down like a hyper kid.she hugs the sniper with confused the crap out of him

The sniper calms her down then tries to killer her but she jumps on his shoulders and snaps his neck.she walks slowly down the ally and thinks about Leo the whole way home.
[[ ...Yeah, I'mma drop out of this RP. This really ain't my style, nor is it Repo's style, in my opinion. It had potential, but...No. So, to no longer sully Repo's image in my mind, I'mma drop out. Later. ]]
Leo walked into a wear house. "Hello Andy." he said to a kid with long brown hair. "Sup man?" Andy greeted. "Well i'm in need of new weapons." Leo explained. "Oh well I have just the thing." Andy said walking into the back room. about five minutes later Andy walked back out with two automatic cross bows and a re-curve bow. ( Cross bows. re-curve bow)

"Thanks man you always know what I like." Leo smirked as he walked out of the wear house. He walked back home. He smiled seeing Candy. "Hey, check these out." he said holding out his cross bows. Then Leo got closer and gave Candy a small kiss. "Hope you didn't miss me to much." he flirted.

--- Merged Double Post ---

You can jump in when ever
candy kisses him back and steals his weapons then sits down to look at them."miss you in your dreams but il happily take weapons" she says teasingly.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(can i make another carry)
Leo smirked. "Yeah well sorry not this time." he said taking them back. "Got these from a friend." he explained. "Oh, don't act like you didn't miss me." he joked. Leo kissed Candy again. "Well I missed you." he said in a soft voice.

((Yeah make as many as you want just keep up with them.))
[MENTION=1929]Ash Autopsy[/MENTION]

Uh I don't know Ash. That's all up to you. You can jump in now we're at the Grave Robber hide out.
Okay and message me[;

Ash was sitting on the ground twiddling with her knife.

Ravyn was sitting on a brick, sharpening her knives(?)
Axle smiled slightly. he shook her hand. "That's cool." he said. "Nice knife." he said looking at the blade. "Looks dangerous." he joked. "So why did you join the Grave Robbers?" he asked.

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