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Fantasy Reminiscence Academy

Phoenix Dixon]" no were are not mistaken said:


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Midnight Crusader

Midnight observes the scars on Ewan's hands, and pokes at one of them. Her hands are extremely cold, but it doesn't bother her, and she retracts her hand, looking at her finger. The scars looked strange and different than normal ones, or at least the kind she was used to. "Do they ever fade?" She asked him, tilted her head slightly, letting her white bangs truly in front of her light blue eyes. @Rad frog father
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After a lot of walking, Shiro had eventually reached the school. He headed to the auditorium and sat down on one of the seats, patiently waiting for the principal or someone else to arrive. He wondered what type of school this was going to be, and what type of people he'd meet there. He thought about what made this school so different from the others. 'Reminiscence Academy' was quite a strange name too. He looked around the place, trying to examine it.


Clad in the black jacket and muffler he always wore, the principal of the academy entered the building. He was hoping the best for the students this year and that they would do their best, be it controlling their powers or anything else. His outfit and the seemingly solemn expression on his face did not befit that of a person who was the head of the school, so he doubted anyone would recognize his role besides his daughter. He walked in on the auditorium, standing on the stage and announcing with his microphone, "Hello, I am the principal of this school."

Admittedly, he wasn't very good at speeches, which is something you wouldn't expect from a man of his maturity, but carried on, "I hope you will all enjoy this year. I am sure you will find it very special." What he meant by that would only be known by one person other than himself. He then finished it off, not wishing to be the center of attention of a hundred eyes any longer. "For those of you who are interested, come to me after school. You may now go to your classes."

He left the area, walking to somewhere he wouldn't be seen.
"No, I don't think so." He shrugged, looking his hands over. He had nearly memorized all of their locations, knew all of the stories and creations behind them."But I kind of like them, they're all little pieces of my passion and are kinda like inventor marks." He smiled softly before putting his hands in his jacket pocket, looking out around the auditorium.
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Midnight Crusader

"Well that's a nice thought."
Midnight smiled slightly at the male. Why am I smiling so much? This isn't normal for me... Midnight shook her head and focused on the principal, whose speech was actually short and to the point. "Umm...what if we don't know where our classes are?" Midnight asked Ewan, concern obvious on her face. She was still nervous about the school day.

@Rad frog father
"Don't you have class numbers on your schedule?" He spoke as he pulled out a paper, pointing to the room numbers. "You can probably follow these." He thought for a moment, remembering that she had told him she was home-schooled. "But you probably never dealt with room numbers before, maybe I can help you out." He neatly put his paper back in an immaculate folder.
(Bleh I'm sick of doing the name thing. Too much typing)

Midnight nodded, still very confused. "Yes. Please assist me." She had no clue what he meant by class numbers and whatnot, since she had practically been born under a rock. She fidgeted with her white blouse as she looked around, watching all of the other students go to their classes. She felt... Left out. Like she didn't belong. Like an outcast. This feeling showed more on her face as she panicked about the school day.
He picked up her panic and hovered his and above her shoulder. "Hey, chill out. You'll find your classes." He shot her a reassuring smile and stood up, flinging his backpack over his shoulder. He held out his hand. "Hand me your schedule and I'll show you where to go. No need to worry about it."
Midnight looked up at Ewan, feeling her tension leave her. "Thank you." She told him with a small smile and handed her schedule to him. All the paper had were a bunch of numbers and names, which didn't make any sense to her. If Ewan hadn't been here, she would be so lost and confused. Her day would have taken a turn for the worse. "And...thank you for helping me today." She said, in a quieter tone, not used to being so talkative.
"No prob." He said as he took the paper and looked it over. "I should probably be able to get you to there soon." He started to walk in the direction of the door. "Just follow me, and I'll get you there."
Ashaficent said:

<< Ayuzawa Suzanne >>

Suzanne was starting to get annoyed. Why didn't they have better security at this school anyway? She decided that desperate times would call for desperate measures.

Using her powers, she slowly closed her eyes. When she opened them again, they looked like a dark blue in color. Her magic made her chocolate brown hair look like brownish-black. She was creating a subtle illusion, which she was sure would deceive the twins.

They still don't have their powers after all.

"Not her, whoever she is." She said blankly, and leaned in a little closer. "Got it?"
We both turned into foxes and ran after and asked her again in a creepy tone. "Can you help us! We need to make tis one BETTER!" we both turned into wolves and howled.

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