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Fantasy Reminiscence Academy

Pam nodded her head as the two started to walk to where she pointed. She started looking around again... Perhaps it would be beneficial if she followed her own directions, she'll have to go there anyways. She started walking a decent distance behind the pair, but still attempting to keep them in sight, she didn't want to get mixed up in the crowd after all. The sky seemed to be getting more infested with clouds as time goes bye, strange she doesn't remember seeing something about incoming rainy weather. Pam shrugged it off thinking of it as a coincidence... Or that maybe she just missed the weather report. She continued walking, keeping the somewhat noticeable hair in the corner of her eye.
We woke up at 2am like normal. We both did everything at the same time, we both got dressed, we both had breckfast, we both walked out at the same time the only difference is that i had black hair and she has white hair.

"Morning Gumy!"

"Morning Niko!"
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<< Ayuzawa Suzanne >>

Suzanne did her best not to laugh at new students as they cluelessly walked around, looking nervous and lost. They were trying to find the auditorium, which was where she was headed too.

This really brings out my sadistic side. Just watching them look so hopelessly lost... Suzanne snickered internally as she kept a poker face on outside.

Some people greeted her, and she greeted them back in a voice without much warmth or emotion. But if she were with her friends... She would literally be a completely different person.

Su sighed as she saw another girl walking in the completely wrong direction. Her ginger waved behind her as she kept on muttering to herself, "This is the way to the auditorium, right?"

Suzanne couldn't help but walk up to her and tap her on the shoulder. "The auditorium is that way." She said monotonously, as the girl first looked at her in surprise, and then in relief. "Oh, thank you!" The girl bowed and quickly ran in that direction.

Suzanne decided to go around the back. She really wasn't in the mood to sit an auditorium. Going around the back would waste some of her time, and the back door wasn't very noticeable. Nobody would see her coming in late.

Su did want to do well in her studies. But she knew that sitting in an auditorium and listening to the same speech she listened to every single year wasn't the way.
We walked to the back of the Auditorium. We were going round the back so we could help out with the speeches this year. Because every other year has been boring. We prepared our papers.


"Yes Gumy?"

"Got your papers ready?"

"Yep, ready to walk in?"


We walked in at the same time after we walked in we saw another girl walk in the back.

"Oh, hello! Are you helping with the speeches this year as well?"

Me and my twim sister said this is unison to the girl infront of us.

<< Ayuzawa Suzanne >>

Suzanne walked through the back door only to be attacked by two voices speaking in unison. "Oh, hello! Are you helping with the speeches this year as well?"

Su examined the source(s) of the two voices that spoke. They were two girls, who looked exactly like each other except for their hair colours. One had black hair, while the other had white. Both of them looked quiet striking.
Twins. She thought.

Suzanne just looked down for a second before looking up back up at the twins, with her usual blank expression.
"No." Her tone was blunt and monotonous.

She calmly walked past the twins, not caring that she was being quiet rude.

Amalee felt overwhelmed and her heart was pounding in her head.

"Follow the crowd
", she thought and she was swept into a large auditorium and ushered into a random seat next to a very light haired boy.

"He has such a handsome face", she thought.
She peeked a little further behind the veil of hair that almost covered his eyes and noticed several piercings and tattoos. She was strangely attracted to that sort of quality in this man, a quality of badass-ness, but she dare not admit it to herself. Quickly she withdrew her gaze and curled up in the seat she sat in, she could feel such a heat in her cheeks but she didn't know if it was due to nerves or the man sitting beside her.
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<< Ayuzawa Suzanne >>

"Wait!!! Please don't go, we need your help with the signs!" The two spoke in unison again.

Suzanne paused at the doorway to the auditorium, and slowly turned her head back as she put a hand against the wall.
"You are not entitled for my help." She replied monotonously, as her chocolate brown bangs fell over her left eye.

Su wasn't the helpful type, unless she gained something herself.

<< Ayuzawa Suzanne >>

"If you help, the speech won't be the boring speech it is every year!" The two were speaking in unison again, which was starting to get annoying.

Suzanne raised an eyebrow, not trusting these two twits.
"Oh?" She asked, blunt and monotonous as ever. "And how can you ensure that?" Not anybody could simply change the opening speech of the year.
"We are opening a club and it envolves that everyone gets to leave early and take some time off school and the presentation that we were working on last night looks really cool! And we would like you to help us since we read your file and found out that you were the principles daughter!" I said (gumy the white head)
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"Plus we want to get to know you since we read your file and know everything about you" I said (Niko the black head)

<< Ayuzawa Suzanne >>

This time, it was the white haired girl that spoke. When she finished talking, Suzanne was shocked by her last statement though her face remained as neutral as ever.

And on top of that, the brunette brought up her secret

"I'm pretty sure that you have the wrong person." She said, making sure that she sounded emotionless. "You can't just get your hands on those files anyway." She prayed that the twins would buy her act.
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" no were are not mistaken, you are the principles daughter and you seem boring to others but your fun around friends and that last one was a hunch" gummy said

"And I never mistake your face with the info it had under" Niko said

"Plus we have our secrete ways on getting everyone's file. We have every in this schools profile" we said in unison
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In assemblies he didn't pay much attention to the people around him as he did while walking in groups, his focus goes more to his disheveled bag that sat on his lap. He put his hand in his light-colored bangs and pushed them out of his face. He took the zipper and opened the bag. The bag was relatively empty with the exception of a few folders, loose pens, and a small bag. He took out the smaller bag and once again pushed his reluctant hair away from his eyes. Inside the bag were parts for an electronic that looked like a speaker. While taking the pieces out of his bag and organizing them on his lap he looked down at them with focus and a mild intensity in his face.
Midnight Crusader

Midnight sat beside Ewan, since she didn't know anyone else, and watched as he worked, fascination lit up on her face. She lived without technology for quite a while, other than mobile transportation such as cars and buses. She felt both intimidated and intrigued by technology, and was amazed that her new acquaintance could fondle with such things. "What is it you're messing with?" She asked, eyeing the contraption in his hands.
"Oh this?" He laughed quietly and spoke with sarcasm. "This is a death ray laser beam of doom and destruction, or a speaker." He never looked away from the trinket on his lap while he spoke. "Probably just a speaker."
Midnight Crusader

Midnight nodded, listening to each word he said. "Fascinating...we do not have these where I am from. How come you can tinker with it so well? Won't it shock you or something?" Midnight was aware it was powered by a form of electricity, but was still confused by the entire process. Would that make me old-fashioned? If so, it seems better than messing with shock-y things. She thought to herself with a faint shudder, and then looked around. Is the assembly going to occur?

"Thats fascinating!" Amalee mumbled as she watched the boy tinker. She raised her eyes and they met a pair of peircing blue eyes sitting on the other side of the boy.

"And you are?" Amalee asked the blue eyed girl; she meant for that to come out more politely...

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"Oh" he said as he leaned back from his hunched over position in order to allow the two girls to speak without having to look over him. He carefully but the speaker back in the small bag and then put the smaller bag back into the backpack.
Midnight Crusader

Midnight looked at the girl, her head tilted to the side. "I am Midnight." Then she turned her gaze to Ewan. "Luckily you are careful, correct?" She smiled slightly.
"Yeah well..." He laughs and holds up his hands covered in little scars and burns from cutting his hands on the sharp metal and electrical burns. "Most of the time." He lowered his hands.

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