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Fantasy Reminiscence Academy


One Thousand Club

Reminiscence Academy

Heya, and welcome to this school, known as 'Reminiscence Academy'. This is an academy filled with things that you'd undoubtedly not expect from a normal one. The idea to it is not limited to simply studying books and learning lessons, and so, the requirement for enrolling in has a higher standard than a normal learning place.

This RP will begin on the first day of school, starting from the moment you wake up. Don't forget to check the other threads for information!

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Katsu woke up in his house just outside of town rolling on his side and yawning before sitting up and rubbing his head "Time for school...Great." getting up out of bed Katsu got changed into his casual clothing and had some breakfast before leaving and walking to his first day at Reminiscence Academy.
Bags could be seen under his eyes as the person whose name was known as Shiro jump awoke, leaving his wonderful dreams behind. The alarm clock that was ringing loudly and wildly beside him was too much of an annoyance for him to stay asleep, but that was the purpose of it, after all. A yawn escaped his mouth, followed by him stretching his arms outward and removing the blanket that he hid under away from his body. He hopped off of his bed and made his way to the closet, picking out a shirt and pants that he liked, and changed into them from his pajamas. He proceeded to the dining room, where a tasty and nutritious breakfast awaited him on the table.

“Tamagoyaki!” He yelled out excitedly like a little child. A smile formed on his face as he sat down on a chair and picked up a fork and knife. His smile widened as he heard the birds chirping and the rustle of the leaves as the wind zoomed past them. Indeed, it was quite a refreshing autumn morning. There was a special feeling he felt at that moment, one that he experienced everyday before noon, one which was inexplicable.

“I made that lunch especially because you’re starting your first day of school day,” His mother explained the reason she prepared food, making the young man drop his cutlery out of pure shock.

“Eh?” He was in a state of disbelief. “EHH?!?”

“Did I say something wrong?”

“I forgot there was school!” He quickly held the kitchen utensils and began stuffing the food into his mouth.

“Take your time, or you won’t be able to swallow it properly!” She advised her son, but he responded by mumbling incoherent words. All of a sudden, he began frantically waving his hands. His mom handed a glass of water to her with a worried face, “You shouldn’t speak with food in your mouth either!”

He swallowed the grilled egg completely, wiping his face afterwards and rushing out the door. “What’s he in such a hurry for?”

The young student’s opinions about school were mixed. He viewed it as both pointless and fun. It had no point in it because, for him at least, it was impossible to keep all the information contained in his head. He could remember every lesson they repeatedly taught him, but the others got lost in his brain. Sometimes, he would completely forget them, and at some moments, recollect every single detail when it didn’t have any use. It was entertaining because he had met a lot of great people in there, ones that would always look out for him, ones that would tease him in a way that meant no harm, ones that would stay with him no matter what. His friends were the best individuals he had ever met, barring his family of course. His parents were the ones who told him about his own friends.

Sadly, this was the day he had to transfer to a new school. He sighed, wondering what his new friends would be like. ‘I guess I shouldn’t be worrying this much. I still have a lot of ways to get in contact with my old friends, and I need to be in a better mood to enjoy the new school. I won’t make any new friends by acting all depressed.’
School never changed the beginning of Ewan's mornings. 5:30 every morning, he felt most comfortable on a schedule. He rolled out of his bed, pushing his thin blankets to the side. Ewan grabbed his clothes from his closet and his scuffed dress shoes to match. He made a mental note to stop by the thrift shop to try to find ones in nicer condition. While walking out he stopped a foot away from his door. Something is wrong. He checked inside, nothing was. While walking out again the feeling persists, but he does not check again. This was a daily issue he needed to break, but that is not to say that it did not pester him his entire way to school.
Midnight Crusader

Midnight had been awake early, meditating in the small apartment in which she owned now. Her father had sent her away, with some of the money he had from his large reserves, to this new town, where snow didn't constantly touch the earth. She didn't like it, but she had no choice in the matter. Midnight opened her eyes, greeting her dark room. She had dark blue curtains to keep the sunlight out, and a small bed with white sheets. She wasn't going to miss this home, since she had only been in it a few weeks. She sighed, knowing that she would have to leave soon.

Midnight rose, then walked throughout her room, grabbing the random things she'd need in order to be ready for this 'school.' She picked out a pair of 'normal people' clothing, consisting of a white, lace-decorated, blouse with black jeans, as well as a light blue hair tie to hold back her long white hair. She tied her hair into a messy bun, not caring about her appearance. The only reason she was going to school was so she could learn. 'Friends' or 'social status' weren't important to her, at least not yet. She slipped on a pair of light blue ballet flats, as well as a simple black watch, then grabbed the bag she had prepared the previous night. It had a planner, a folder full of paper, and a pouch of pencils and pens. After slinging the back over her shoulder, she left the apartment, neglecting the need for breakfast items.

I hope the school isn't near any bodies of water... Midnight thought to herself as she walked along the sidewalk, her bag bumping her hip with each stride. Her apartment was a little ways away from the academy, so she decided to take a form of public transportation she had never used before. She sat at a bus stop, placed her bag on her lap, and looked at her watch, waiting impatiently. If the bus doesn't get here soon, I might be late... Just as she finished her thought, the bus pulled up right in front of Midnight, and she stood, then boarded the bus. Midnight handed the amount of money necessary to board to the driver, and he gave her a warm smile.

"Headed to school, miss? I'm assuming you go to the one that's closest, that 'Omniscient Academy' or whatever?" Midnight nodded, correcting him mentally. It's 'Reminiscence Academy,' you twit. Of course, had she said that out loud, he wouldn't be so friendly to her. "I'll take you to the block beside it." She smiled tersely, thanked him, and sat towards the front of the bus, not interested in any further social contact. Once the bus reached the location he named, the bus driver stopped the vehicle and waved to her as she got off. "See you later today, miss!" The man called out to her before he drove off, causing her to shudder. Maybe I'll just walk home today.

Midnight walked towards the school, nervous for the new day. She wouldn't normally be nervous, but she assumed the first day of school was the most important, since she wanted to establish a good relationship with her teachers. She continued walking, spotting a couple other students walking towards the school as well.

@Rad frog father
A loud electronic beat suddenly erupted off of the nightstand next to the bed, not a moment after this Pamela's head shot up. She slapped the alarm to turn it off, and she quickly got out of bed, she hummed the rest of the tune out loud, its clear that either is an amazing morning person, or is really excited about the day ahead. She promptly got ready for the day, washed up, got dressed in what looked like brand new cloths...cloths bought just for this first day to make a good first impression, made sure her hair was straight, and put on a few finishing touches... Most namely a white star shaped barrette(beret?....the things you put in your hair) that sat on the left side of her head.

After the grooming, Pam rushed downstairs to greet her mother who sat at the kitchen table, with a bunch of papers spread about. She ate a quick a quick breakfast, hugged her mother tightly, grabbed her bookbag that was next to the door, and headed off. She decided to walk to the school to burn some of that ever present energy she seemed to always have.

<< Ayuzawa Suzanne >>

Suzanne woke up at her usual timing - around 5:00 am. As usual, she went for a morning jog, and came back at around 5:30, hot and sweaty. She quickly took a bath and changed into her usual clothes - a black blazer with a white top inside, along with black knee high socks and combat boots.

She went downstairs to find breakfast and ready and her dad gone, which was a daily routine for them. They never went to school together, that would make people suspicious.

Suzanne quickly stuffed her face with her breakfast, which was ramen noodles. She then quickly washed it down with some pomegranate juice.

Grabbing her bag which she had gotten ready the night before, she walked out of the house and locked the door, and put her keys under the mat - quiet a cliché hiding place.

She prepared to get annoyed as she set down the sidewalk. Right on cue, her irritating neighbour started to shout his stupid sales pitches after her.

"Ayuzawa-san! There's a new perfume that I have to sell! It's really nice! Why don't you try it? I'm sure you'll love it!"

"Not interested. Now stop talking. You're annoying me." She replied in her usual blunt tone of voice. She didn't bother to look back as she knew that this was the part where crocodile tears would stream down his face, as he fell on the ground defeated, like a deflated balloon.

As she got closer to the school, she noticed some other students on the path.
They must be new. Thought Suzanne, as she realised that she had never seen any of them before.

She let a small smirk creep onto her face before she let it disappear.

I wonder who all will have their powers awakened?
His eyes scanned the crowds entering the school in hopes of recognizing someone. Alas this was not a gift he was granted. He was unsure of whether or not he wanted to grip to someone as he planned to move from that apartment, but he recognized that it may not be soon and that that would be quite the lonely existence. He put himself right into the crowds and looked for a face that seemed friendly. Though he looked awkward holding his bag as he did, the one strap was broken and the other held by a thread but hey it still carries things, why pay for a new one?
Midnight Crusader

Midnight continued walking until she reached the school, her bun bouncing behind her head as she walked. Her bag bumped her hip several times, annoyingly, but she ignored it because she had butterflies in her stomach. Am I really ready to learn in a different environment? Where everyone is a stranger? She looked around, nervous, hoping her fear wasn't showing on her face. Midnight had stopped in front of the school, and noticed someone else doing the same. She quickly looked away from the male and back to the crowds entering the school, looking for an opening she could slip in through.
Each step he takes he looks around at the faces passing by him. Eventually he spotted a white-haired girl walking in the same crowd as he was. She looks friendly enough. He thought as he walked over to in a manner of attempted discreetness. "So, new school year, yeah?"
Midnight Crusader

Midnight looked up at the male she noticed earlier and bit her lip in order to refrain from saying anything rude. He had white hair, similar to hers, but with black roots, which meant his hair wasn't naturally white. Pity. Would've been interesting. Midnight thought to herself, then realized she hadn't answered his question.

"Yeah. First year at any kind of school." Midnight responded with, her voice as cold as her appearance. It wasn't intentionally frosty, it was the way she naturally spoke.
He was somewhat taken aback by her tone, wondering if he had said something somehow offensive to but was well aware that asking if something was offensive is likely more offensive than the statement in question.

"So you were home schooled?" He asked. He remembered his few months of homeschooling, it was not something he looked back on fondly.
Pam approached the school, and started weaving through the crowd..there's a lot of people here....none of them she knew, this actually comforted her to a degree, nobody knew her name, recognized her face and she thankfully didn't recognize any face from....before. She was nervous...its hard not to be at least a little bit, but her face didn't show it for she had a look of upbeat confidence, her head held up high as she made her way. She didn't exactly know where to go for now, so wandered about, getting used to the type of people who'd be there, and getting a lay of the land.
Midnight Crusader

Midnight eyed the boy, thinking about her life before she came to this town. "Somewhat. I was raised by my tribe. My father only recently sent me here." Her voice softened, since she was curious as to how the boy would respond. Her light blue eyes looked into his darker blue ones, wondering if he could relate to her. While she waited for his response, she fiddled with her watch, and looked to the sky, hoping it wouldn't rain.
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"Your tribe?" A look of confusion washed over his face. He wasn't sure what he envisioned someone from a tribe as looking like but she didn't fit his assumption. "Where are you from?" His head slightly tilted to the side as he spoke.
Midnight Crusader

"Quite far up north. This isn't my normal garb, obviously, I'm wearing this for the academy."
Midnight stated in response to the boy's confusion, somewhat annoyed that she had to wear these kinds of clothing rather than her usual wear. She glanced up at the sky again, seeing clouds gathering. It was already chilly, so a storm would make it all worse and much colder, especially since it was Autumn. "What is your name?" She asked, not wanting to refer to him as 'boy' anymore. Is this like having a friend? Midnight thought to herself, unsure of what friendship was really like. She preferred to keep her cold appearance up, but this male was intriguing.
"Up north?" He mumbled. "Must've been cold as balls."

He held out his hand for a handshake, his hands are large as they match his height. "My names Ewan, you got a name?" He laughed quietly. "I hope you have a name."
Midnight Crusader

Midnight smiled slightly as the boy commented about her homeland. Ewan. Nice name. "I do have a name. Midnight." She put her smaller hand in his and shook it firmly, before releasing her hold and letting her hand fall back to her side. Her pale skin was starting to turn a little pink in the sunlight, and since she wasn't used to getting sunburns, Midnight didn't notice. She looked around, seeing a couple other students searching around aimlessly. We need to find the front office, or the auditorium. Right? That's where discussions are held. Midnight turned back to Ewan and asked, "Do you know where the auditorium might be?"
He shoved his hands in his jacket pockets and looked around. "This is my first day here so I'm not sure, but..." His eyes followed other students before returning back to her. "I'm sure if we follow enough people we can make an educated guess about it." He looked for a path where most people were walking, putting his hand horizontal on his forehead to keep the sun out of his eyes. "And nice to meet you Midnight, I'm glad you have a name."
Midnight Crusader

Midnight nodded at Ewan, then began walking into the school. She saw someone with a hat and blonde hair, and decided to follow her, since she seemed to know where to go, but Midnight was a really bad judge of character and couldn't tell that the girl was just as clueless as they were. She jogged up to the girl and tapped her shoulder. "Do you know where the auditorium is?" She expected Ewan to follow, since they were all going to the same place.



Amalee awoke with a start, her body ached and her head pounded. Her fuzzy vision soon focused and she realized she was in some sort of stuffy infirmary. She looked down at her arm and yanked out the tubes attached to the machines. She noticed her clothes had been changed, and she disliked the school girl style; though a glove covered her right hand and concealed the flame that once burned from it. Cautiously looking around Amalee wondered out into the halls, searching for the nearest exit to this strange place. Then the people came, boys and girls came like a stampede through the hall and the look on Amalee's face could only be described as sheer surprise. As they rushed passed her she desperately scanned the crowd for a face, any face that seemed to offer some hope of helping her figure out what had happened to her since she had passed out in that building.
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He does follow after her after grabbing his backpack from his side and holding it in one of his arms. It was not heavy, just an inconvenience. His eyes scoured the halls for a door that may hold the answer.
Pam turned around to face the person who asked the question only to be greeted by a white haired girl, there also was a boy lagging somewhat behind her. The girl was visually striking, with the white hair, and piercing blue eyes, it all combined to make a lovely aesthetic in Pam's eyes. " the...auditorium." She said with a bit of hesitation. She started to look around to visually retrace her steps before facing the pair again. "You'll want to head that way" she said with a cheery smile, jabbing her thumb in the direction of a larger building.

@Anaxileah @Rad frog father (soz...clocked out for a bit)
Midnight Crusader

"Thank you." Midnight bowed her head at the other student slightly, in thanks, then began walking towards the large building, her bun swaying behind her. She wondered if either the girl she just spoke to or Ewan were going to head towards the auditorium as well, since it did seem like a smart decision. She walked purposefully and quickly, wanting to avoid the oncoming rain and being caught in the crowd of people.

@pridedzoey @Rad frog father
"Rad, thank you." He gave her a thumbs up and as he lifted his thumbs he snapped his fingers before walking towards the auditorium. He wondered about seating and how full it would be, he wondered what they would say, he wondered about the day ahead. he never liked assemblies, he found them boring and a waste of time, especially on the first day when he didn't have any work to keep him occupied.

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