Reign of Darkrai (gijinka pokemon rp!)

((one thing sorry, I didn't want to use the latest, newest is unova sorry) 
I don't get it 
((sorry again)

Is it ok if I find a new pokemon but keep the same character description and change her name?
Name: Shizuka Myutetsu

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Species: Kirlia

Mad?: No

Personality: Shizuka is a very delicate person, she is independent and likes to be by herself. She is extremely shy around the people she doesn't trust and doesn't talk much because of it. She is a very good, kind-hearted person if you get to know her, she will do almost anything for her friends... well... if she had any.


Shizuka was looking down at the ground, walking home, she looked sad, even though she didn't feel sad. She always looked sad, its just the way her face was made I guess...
Shizuka noticed Nichole and her dog from the corner of her eye, she stood in fear. She had a phobia of dogs, in fact, she had a phobia of almost anything. She hid behind the nearest lamppost and cried.
Nichole said"isn't that a kirlia?" Pointing to the girl. She sniffed again and said"yep shes a kirlia!" Nichole being the super derp she is waved.
"Most probably." he replied. "Especially with the scythe laying around." he added quietly, glancing at his scythe before looking back at the Kirlia.

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