Reign of Darkrai (gijinka pokemon rp!)

Kaizo smiled and shakes des. ''dude yo dude you okay'' He kept shaking him trying to wake up the sleeping three headed dragon.
Des snapped from the fixed hallucination, more angered then anything. Mainly irritated from being 'woken' up to people checking and shaking him. "Get the hell off of me..." he said in a stern voice. "Dude? Seriously?" he thought to himself. "Oh god I found another Kroocodile character..." he thought.
Kaizo looked at him, tilting head. ''what you talking about, I fear your in doubt ya fool HOOO'' He steps back pointing at the hydreigon, posing. ''I am the fist that rocks the madness, I am the creature that fights the sadness I am kaizo, the eternal fighter, don't mess with me unless your truly the righter fool~ ya fools~ HOO!''
Shizuka looked at Nichole with wide eyes, then looked back at Kaizo and started giggling, something about the word 'hoo' always set her off.
"Oh great... I though I would be right, but I guess bad rhyming fool would be the wrong title for him..." he muttered to himself. "I guess babbling moron fits the description perfectly..." Des added shaking his head in annoyance. "Fool? Looked in a mirror lately Mr. Strike A Pose?" Des asked, looking at Kaizo with arm folded.
Kaizo points and smiles. ''least I wernt beaten by the ghost toast, and infact im better then you anyday, ill prove it any time any place ill beat you all the way fool ya fool HOOO!!''
Kaizo looks to nichole. ''no need to apologise, this fool just needs to open his eyes. We helped him with his slumber, now hes gotta help us under fool ya fool~ hooo!''
kaizo looks and sighs. ''sorry bro, I had to do this, but we gotta go go go fool ya fool hoo'' using a dynamic punch he punches him in the head carrying the dragon like male.
kaizo looked to nichole. ''I don't like it, but what if dreed found him, he could convert him and then wed be in poo fool ya fool hoooo~''
nichole sighed sadly and said"ok..."holding up her hands in surrender. then walked off to think. her mind was clouded with thougths. 
nichole sighed sadly and said"ok..."holding up her hands in surrender. then walked off to think. her mind was clouded with thougths.
Shizuka hugged Nichole again, "Don't be sad please! We have to get though this together," she looked back at everyone else, "As a team, now come on. We have to get moving, whose with me?"
"Ok!" she stands up and holds her hand out to Nichole, "Now are you coming or am i going to have to drag you?" she smiles.

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