Reign of Darkrai (gijinka pokemon rp!)

she nodded sadly and sat down with a sigh. "everytime i got near her i was attacked by her,abused,hit with iron tail a lot, was almost broken by her before i escaped...."
"I can relate to your pain." Soul replied out of the blue. "The other Absols I used to call my family were infected. My own brother tried to kill me with a Night Slash. I barely escaped."
Des was nearing the cave entrance. With every step he took the light got brighter and brighter. "God, I'm almost out of here!" he said closing his eyes and bolting for the entrance, only to open his eyes and find another cavern with the same bio luminescent fungi, which glowed brighter. "WHAT THE HELL!!!" he roared not only in his dreams but in the reality he had forgotten about. The roar was only something he did when he was truly infuriated or annoyed. "You know what, screw this... I'm torching the whole damn place down!" he exclaimed, his voice echoing through the caves in an eerily fashion.
Kaizo smiled at them. '' simple...we find everyone not affected, then we take out darkrai'' secretly, the evil lord dreed watched them smiling. ''so...they wanna try and stop me do they...well this will be fuuun'' He laughs so loud it makes the earth shudder in fear.
Des continued to walk, torching everything in his path, yet unknowingly doing so. "I'm tired of this crap. I can't wait till I get out of this damn nightmare, so I can kill that bad excuse of a 'god'..." Des muttered to himself lighting 'giant spider' after 'giant spider' on fire. Unknowing that they were other morphs.
Suddenly des was freed from the nightmare, as he flashed out. ''hmmm..''

Kaizo looks seeing des, and smiles. ''hay guys come with me!'' He runs over and shakes him. ''dude, hay okay''

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