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Fandom Red vs Blue Rebooted

"Just don't care, easiest solution for things like this." Wilkes said without moving, even as Oleski walked up to him "What is it Private?"

"The reds shot me sir," she said while gesturing to the small little wound now adorning her shoulder "I demand retribution!"

"Come on Oleski," Wilkes said "With all the death and destruction you preach about I'd expect you to endure more than that."

Oleski grumbled, but reluctantly joined the rest of the blues in their meal. Except for Wilkes, who didn't even attempt to take his helmet off to eat.
[QUOTE="Joshua Prouty]Hunt just pulled open the door and dropped Hopper inside. He went in, shut the door, and grabbed a hot pocket from his freezer, putting it in the microwave for a minute or two. "Hello? Kif? Sarge? Anyone?" he called out while hopper laid motionless and in pain. Hunt just left him on the floor and turned on the tv, he was ready to watch Family Guy.

Kif came back and parked the jeep. "You know, dude, this thing looks like a puma, I swear. What's up?"
"Got one, you left him on the ground after you got captured so I went to get him back." He gestured to the bleeding, bruised, and stunned Hopper on the ground with his helmet laying next to him. His armor blended in with the floor (What material is the floor made out of anyways?) and he visibly struggled to even keep his eyes open. Hunt just sat on the couch (If we have one) and laughed as the show made another astounding joke. "Best not to touch him, he took a little beating from yours truly after what they did to you and he probably can't take anymore." he said once he finished laughing. The microwave started beeping and he got up, got it, sat back down,took off his helmet, and started to eat it.
"Dude, I don't think we would let red guys capture blues. Last time we did, we got hammered. Arn't you a kiss-ass to some high ranking dude or something?"
"If they come, I get to kill them all." he said almost as if it was scripted. "But yeah, guess your right... best to take him back once we get the secrets out of him.".
Godless555 said:
Walker is sitting in his room, think about the next plan of attack.
"Sarge what the hell are we going to do with him?" Kif pointed at the banged up blue on the ground
"Nah, not like he'll be crying for help after what I did to him. You can gag him now though if you want."
"I'm tellin' ya, they always go for a rescue mission. And we're boned!" Kif kept complaining.

Meanwhile at Blue base

Kaboose ate burger after burger. It's like he's a garbage disposal. He did see that most of everyone liked the food.
"Well awake in up so I can question. Good job rookie. Whats your name?" Walker asked
"Kif get your ass over here and tell the rookie to come also" Walker yelled from the top of the base while eating a bag of chips
(just gonna say hey both did with a little control)

They did come up, and Kif stated out: "Hey Sarge, looks like one of the blues just got Tanked"
"I know." he eates another chip "after few years of nothing but package military food this stuff seem great"
"Welcome to my life Sarge, doing nothing, eating some simple junk food to pass the time. And we can sit here and watch the blues die off from their machinery, and we can get the benefits."
"Kif...did...you...just...*sigh* never mind I have more worries like the tank the blues got a tank and I want you to cheack it out..Maybe climb in the chamber while I..I mean the blues are about to shoot it" He said putting his helmet on
"Some of them look like they didn't care. Look!" he pointed. And just when he said so.


"I'm, ok, is my grill ok?"

"It's busted dude."


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