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Fandom Red vs Blue Rebooted

"so you stopped calling it after fake things"
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Sergeant Wilkes tried desperately to find his happy place, which he'd lost a long time ago when he started working in this god forsaken joke of a military. He tried focusing on being calm, tranquil...

Ignoring the tank that pretty much flattened Kaboose.



...the finer things in life....


"Damn it Oleski!" Wilkes shouted as he stood up "If this is anything other than the mother fucking apocalypse I swear to-!"

"We're under attack!" Oleski shouted

Wilkes stared at her before listening for the non-existent sounds of gunfire...


"They fired a tank at us and killed one of the team-regulated meat-shields!" Oleski said frantically as she gestured towards the tank

It was at that point that Kaboose's words uttered up from beneath the tank.

Wilkes just sighed "He's dead you dumb bitch, just probably even more mentally challenged than before. Now this is probably the tank command sent us, so get in there and see if you can move it off him."

Oleski nodded and saluted "Just so you know sir, I thank you for giving me tank privileges."

"Yeah sure, whatever," Wilkes muttered as he watched her go climb the tank "just don't go firing the-"

Before he could even finish, a tank round soared over the sky above and blew a portion of rocks off one of the distant cliffs.

"Damn it woman don't go pressing random shit!" Wilkes yelled

"But I can shoot stuff!" Oleski whined

"Oh for, can you just get that damn thing off of him?!?"

"Trying, just need to figure out which of these peddles is reverse.

"You need to put it in reverse first, like driving a car." Wilkes shouted before thinking about it "Well like driving four cars mashed together with a massive cannon on it."

"Never drove a car and never operated a cannon." Oleski called out

Wilkes struggled to breath for a moment "Just pull the lever thing!"

"What lever thing? There's only pedals!"

Wilkes had to pause at that, "What."

"Yeah, no buttons, no levers, not even one of those wheel thingies!" Oleski shouted before looking down "There's like sixteen pedals on this thing!"

"What the hell kind of tank is this?!?" Wilkes shouted before shaking his head "Agh, what do the pedals do?!?"

Oleski put a finger to her chin "Well the one six over and three up fired the cannon so the one to go backwards should be... here!"

To Wilkes's utter befuddlement, the Tank's cannon began spinning around in circles.

"Its fully fucking pedal operated." he said in utter disbelief

"No wait, probably this one!" Oleski called again as the cannon stopped going in circle's and instead started going up and down

"Pedal... Operated..." Wilkes said again

"Oh no! No no no wait I got it!" shakily, the tank began backing up off of caboose against the side of blue base "Haha! First try!"

Wilkes put a hand to his head as he tried for the life of him to comprehend the level of stupidity he had just witnessed.
Godless555 said:
"so you stopped calling it after fake things
"i swear it looks like a puma."

(and dude, if you read a page before, kaboose aint dead)

"rest in piece, grill.." kaboose whimpered.
"Kif when we get thier you will go mount on the gun and start shooting. ok?"
"Pedal...Operated..." Wilkes said, incapable of properly forming words or responding to Kaboose as he watched Oleski try to make donuts in the ground with the Pedal-Operated tank
Kaboose tried to crawl away from the donuting tank, and which they kept spouting out Pedal operating.

Then leaned against the wall of the base, panting a bit and ripped off his helmet. Letting in his faded brown buzz cut glisten in the light for a bit.
He looked around to see if no one was looking.He soon started to fire randomly into the sky for fun "Yay its so great doing this"
"doesn't the bullets drop exactly where its fired at?" kaboose asked

Kif huffed and puffed.. "Damn Sarge.. why.. *pant* do we..*pant* gotta do this"
"Oh right I fired all around while looking up their going to fall down any minute"He put his weapon on his back.

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