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Fantasy Reaper

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"Swords? I saw Awy and Revi, but the Kanonono was probably there too." She nodded to herself, remembering that those behind her didn't know who she was talking about. "Kanonono is the blonde with a gunblade, huge pervert with a big head. Awy was the tall long haired boy with the twin, Yla, also pervert and big headed. Revi was the brooding boy with his girlfriend Xixi, though he is not a pervert, he does tend to keep secrets." She was bristling, though she kept it on the down low just in case any problems were to manifest themselves. She was slightly tired after Arcadia's work, that being one of the first times she relied on the AI on an operation. "Did I miss anyone?"

(I know, umbra2 xD )
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Machi took a mental note of the nicknames and corresponding fun facts, and replied with a simple "No" to her leader's question.
"Got the right idea Chichi, so please stop with the 'ma'am' if you please, Letty~ I don't pull rank, so it doesn't matter what you do here, just as long as you DO NOT keep secrets from me, everything with be fun~" She gave them a quick wink before making it to the end of the hallway, a single door leading to the entrance of their barracks as her own room and office were in a separate building (or at least that's what Umbra1 said) "Alright, you guys can pick your rooms, beds and do all the other things roommates do in there. Seeing as you seem to want me out of your hair as soon as possible, this is the last call. Are you two fine on your own as of now or is there anything else this b..." She took a glance at Chichi. "Um... sister can do for you two?"
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"Inside, you got everything you need, first door down to you're left if I'm not mistaken~" She replied cheerfully before her bright expression shifted with disappointment for some reason. "You have to get your food at the mess though, but you can do what I do and just bring some into the room if you want. I don't think it's not allowed but nobody tells me anything when it comes to all the miscellaneous rules~"
Machi shook her head no in response to Belle's question. Having finally reached her destination, without the help of that silly paper with those silly directions, Machi felt a little bad for being so stiff earlier around her leader. Belle didn't seem all that bad at the moment...at least it seemed like she genuinely cared for their well-being. Smiling slightly at Belle, Machi murmured a 'thank you' of her own.
She waited long enough, so if they had nothing more to tell her, she would let them have their fun. "Alright you two, just call for me if you need me. Arcadia will be there so you can call on him too if you want. Make sure to eat later~" With that she patted them both on the head with a smile, and begun walking away, humming a happy tune as she took a stroll towards who knows where.
Machi watched as Belle left before turning around to open the door to the barracks and entering. She held the door open for Scarlet, as she assumed that the girl would wish to enter as well, before scurrying off to claim a room.

((This is going to be my last post for the night. It was a lot of fun RPing with you all, so thank you for putting up with ChiChi - love the nickname btw. Have a wonderful rest of the day everyone!))
Yuriko was right outside the base, with her earbuds on listening to pretty loud music, luckily one earbud was off, it was a Japanese and Electronic playlist. She looked at her recuitment papers. Squad 3 Revnoir's squad. Yuriko really hoped the squad was going to be nice to her. She walked in with her bags of electronics, mostly music related things. Once inside she wandered the squad building looking for her squad leader or squad mates.

"I hope I don't get lost here..."

Yuriko sighed out while entering. She walked down the hall soon spotting Squad 3's office. She entered and looked in.

"Anyone home!?"
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Revnoir had left when Belle called him out, and Xillia was right there with him. They walked around the first floor of the base, and they seemed to be talking about something.

Scourge called for Aura to enter, looking through some papers at his desk.

When Yukiko looked into the office, Rogue's voice sounded. "May I be of assistance?" He asked, and Regalia's voice came out right after. "How may we be of service?"
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"O-oh! My name is Yuriko Kanadae...! I have been assigned to Squad 3!"

Yuriko said shyly and hesitantly. She bowed for formalities even though she didn't know where the voice was. Though she still had her earbuds in which she forgot to take off before saying her name and buisness.
"We'll call Revnoir to this office. Stay put please." Rogue said.

"Make yourself comfortable." Regalia said.

Almost immediately, Rogue sent a text to Revnoir's phone, calling him to his office.
"Thanks! Heh heh"

She sits on the floor on a mat created of fire she sat on the non fire part of the mat. She sits there on her phone listening to music and old videos before the time of the reapers.
After what seemed to be about 10 minutes, Revnoir popped his head into his office. "Rogue? Something wro- Oh..." He started, but saw the girl sitting on the floor. "You're my new recruit, huh..?"
"Y-yes! Yes i am!"

She stood up immediately and shoves her earbuds and phone in her pocket. She bowed towards his direction for politeness.

"My name is Yuriko Kanadae... Assigned to Squad 3, Revnoir's Squad."
zen sat outside staring out away from the base with a blank expression his back was to bases outer gate waiting for someone to notice him. zen was not one to initiate a conversation as hit had been drilled into him to not speak unless spoken to he did decide to knock on the gate to expedite the process. his presence was one often dismissed by others
Revnoir looked at the blond girl, raising an eyebrow. "Alright... Well I'm your Squad Leader then. Did... You need something?" He asked, scowling. Xillia simply smiled, not saying a word.
"I just need to know faces and names and how to get around this place thats all."

She stood up straight after Revnoir responded. She smiled and tilted her head sideways and closed her eyes happily.
"Fine, but try not to be so cutesy around me alright? It's annoying..." He grumbled, signalling for her to follow him.

"Aww don't be so mean to her, Rev. She's still new." Xillia said quietly to her significant other, scowling for once.

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