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"I'm the cockiest out of all of us because I have the bigger **** and better skills! MWAHaHa"

Kano shouted and laughed childish. His true personality revealed, a cocky teen with dirty jokes and a mass amount of energy.
Perplexed by the odd announcement, Machi stopped mid stride and stared up at the ceiling. Four steps? Why four steps? she queered in her mind. Deciding that it was probably best to simply comply with the voice by the look of the others around her, Machi took four steps backwards before stopping in place and waiting for any further instructions.
Scarlet, who had been following the group from a distance jumped when the intercom voice came on. She had only.followed this group because they said something about going to Squad 2 barracks. She just got here and her papers said that she was to be in squad 2.
"Perfect~" Belle nodded, materializing in a zephyr of light, exactly five centimeters away from the new girl's, she would have to do something about her name, position. Grudge with Revi aside, Xixi was here so she couldn't exactly fight, there was the tradition to be upheld. Everyone could probably see the shameless grin tugging at the edge of her lips before she embraced the girl from behind, her arm endowed with enough strength to lift the girl into the air briefly before she began giggling into her ear. "Yay~ One new recruit." She announced excitedly before turning her around so she could get a better look at the girl.

Belle noticed the other girl, but was too busy with Machi to get a proper read on her personality. Besides right now, Machi was a big problem. She was a bit skittish, somewhat stiff and obviously taking something like her first day way to seriously. There was only one way to remedy that. "HI~"
Kano frowned he was a bit bothered that no one cared about his remark. He sighed and returned to his known personality.

"Oh God here she is... The ball of unlimited energy..."

He put his hands in his pocket and looked up at the ceiling just listening to everyone.
Machi was scared witless as someone embraced her from behind and swung her into the air. She wanted to scream...or faint, but neither happened. Instead, when she was whirled around to face her assailant, Machi just stared at the other girl with an immense amount of fear present in her eyes. The girl had a wonderfully upbeat tone and seemingly boundless energy; however, Machi's brain was scrambling to comprehend what had just happened and how to respond to it all. For the time being, Machi simply stared at Belle with wide eyes.
It looks like she wasn't responding for the moment. Well that was fine, she could give her a minute to regain her bearings before things got a bit more serious. Still there were two recruits in the area, so that meant her job still wasn't over. Faster than most, Revi wouldn't do anything rash with Xixi there, she 'blinked' to appear beside the other one who spoke, another one of her distractions Scourge probably sent to occupy her. That was fine, at least she had more plushies.

She also tackled the other girl, her hair was pretty, into a hug, though instead of spinning to kill the momentum, she flowed until they were all fairly close to each other. Of course the natural progression was to take Machi into the group hug and continue giggling all the while. She stopped after a few turns of fun, the two girls were probably a bit dizzy so she would spare them. "Hi again~ I'm Squad Leader Belle Alkeros of Squad 2 and my accomplice up there is Arcadia~ Nice to meet you both~" She gave them one more reassuring squeeze before jumping back and waiting for them to reciprocate.

@Umbra Lamentatione

Machi's mind was spinning, probably literally by this point. The overly energetic squad leader yanked her into a spinning group hug, all the while laughing giddily. Luckily, the "fun" stopped after only a couple spins. Dizzy and overwhelmed, Machi staggered over to the nearest wall and leaned against it for support. Geez, this squad leader was something. Machi honestly didn't know who she should fear more now, the Reapers or her own squad leader. After catching her breath, Machi mumbled, "Uh...yeah, nice to meet you too, squad leader."
Kano smirked and turned around, away from the 3. He waved without looking at them. He walked off to his used to be main objective, the mess hall.

"See you guys! I'll be in the mess hall stuffing my face if you need me!"
"Revi, we'll settle our fight another day, Scourge gave me a distraction~ and bye bye Awy" She called out to the shadow weavers, one who left and the other who was probably waiting for the perfect moment in the group of people. She couldn't be scaring her recruits more than she already was anyway, so fight was definitely a no go. Also, her recruits were weird, she had to fix that.

She smiled motherly, funny when she was actually younger, at Machi as she leaned on the wall and looked at her with something more akin to fear in her eyes. "Lack of proper introduction, easily surprised and, well not exactly but motion sick prone? Not too bad." She leveled the same gaze at the other girl, who seemed to hold up a little bit better if not only for the fact that she seemed to feel nothing but fear at that point. "Again, lack of proper introduction, shy, and easily scared? We'll work on that. Now what do I call you two?" She scratched her chin, though her eyes, bright ominous orbs of crimson, homed in on the two. She was thinking, but it was obvious the question was directed to them rather than herself.
Machi watched the two fade and leave, respectively. and silently pleaded for them not to go, to not leave her and the other new recruit alone with their squad leader. However, from their previous comments, it could be inferred that they didn't want to stick around the ball of limitless energy any more than Machi did at that moment.

Turning her attention back to her spontaneous leader, Machi found Belle leaning against the wall with a strange smile on her face. A bit perturbed, Machi shifted uncomfortably before introducing herself. "I am Machi Elrose, and I apologize for not introducing myself. I assumed you knew my name from the announcement, but it was rude of me to not formally introduce myself in person." Instinctively, Machi began to curtsy again, but she stopped herself. She awkwardly shifted over to extend her hand for a polite handshake.
"You two are just so adorable~" Belle began gushing, throwing an are around Scarlet and pulling the younger girl into he chest before taking the offered hand of Machi to pull her in and do the same.

These were her newest recruits, other members to Squad 2 and, rather than her personal playthings, these were now members of the family. "Chichi, you don't need to act so stiff all the time, we're not in the battlefield yet so try and learn to relax~" She whispered to the eldest of the three, playfully ruffling her hair despite the apparent discrepancy in her attitude changes. She talked best and gentlest in hugs so they would have to deal with it for the moment. Seeing one of the squirm if ever one had claustrophobia was just a bonus.

"And Letty, you're much too shy~ If anything's wrong, you can tell you're big sister here about it~" She addressed the younger one warmly, giving her another gentle squeeze for good measure, though firmly keeping them trapped within her embrace.If they didn't get the message yet, she would just have to keep them in her warm hug for as much as possible. Thank technology for air conditioning because this one could last a while.
"You really want to be called Scar?" That was ridiculous, but she had to give the girl credit for having a name almost impossible to nickname. and it matched her hair perfectly.
ChiChi...Machi should have learned from the past few minutes, this girl was a hugger. Machi was yanked into yet another hug, this time with no spinning involved, thank goodness. The blonde squirmed a bit in Belle's embrace, but quickly capitulated. She appreciated her leader's words, but they sounded quite contrary to the expectations that Machi had upheld for her new self. She thought that she would need to be more serious, more mature, like her brother; but now she was being told to do the opposite. Oh well. Machi sighed as her hair was ruffled and allowed her eccentric leader hug her.
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Struggling stopped soon, they didn't exactly accept her yet but they would be crazy to do that from the get go. Trust was built, and no amount of hugging, reassurance, allout goodness could replace time as a factor. At least they were somewhat comfortable with the way she addressed them and would not have a heart attack whenever she would need one of them to cuddle with, Yui always hated that.

She released them from her clutches, smiling warmly as she regarded them both. "Great~ Now that introductions are finished, we've got to head to the barracks to get you two settled in. The amenities aren't exactly a girl's dream but you'll live, after that, you both are basically free until either I call for you, or you come to me for something." She motioned for them to come along with her as she walked at a comfortably pace, down the hall leading to what would be their new home.

"Anything happen before Arcadia gave you instructions?" Others were there when she surprised the as was custom, she simply wanted to know if something did happen in between her getting there and asking Arcadia to help her with the childish prank.
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Glad that Belle seemed to have calmed down and released the two, Machi followed two steps behind her leader. The blonde nodded in agreement to Scarlet's statement, "I would add in, though, that they were also interesting in a quirky way."
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