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Fantasy Reaper

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Revnoir pushed Scourge into the Med Bay, then left, extremely annoyed with everything going on right now. He left to the training room, where Xillia was watching others train. Soon she'd be just like them, so she wanted to see how things were ran in detail.
Joel was never once for subtlety. Or so it would very likely seem. As big and dumb as he may come off, Joel possesses a low-key cunning, he always had. He knew when to speak, and when to shut up, a product of where he was before all of this. Having threads helped, especially in situations like this. As the people clear the hallway, silver tendrils begin to smoothly exit as well, with each word spoken, the thread would vibrate, and this would translate into words. Unfortunately, not every word, especially when they had whispered earlier, could be transcribed. Joel however, had the gist of things. He also had a headache, as the threads vibrated as well during that battle. When the probe threads were fully retracted, Joel picks himself off the floor, and yawns. Playing phone was exhausting work. He walks back towards squad 13's barracks.
Revnoir looked at Xillia, scowling. He walked up to her and pulled her into a hug. "Xillia are you absolutely sure you want to go through with all this..?" He said quietly as Xillia gently hugged him back. "I'll be fine, don't worry. I made sure that the risk isn't too big. I'm getting Wind Threads." He said with a half excited smile. Inside she was scared. Terrified. She didn't want to hurt anyone by leaving them, but she knew she had to take a risk. If she didn't there would come the day that she wished she had.

Rev sighed, tightening his arms around the girl as if she were about to leave. "You're not going to die, right? Promise?" He asked quietly. "Promise." Xillia said, smiling a little. She wanted to make him feel better about this whole thing but she knew she couldn't. Not when she was the one causing it.
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Joel finally makes it back to his bunk in the still desolate squad 13 barracks. Not that he minded it really, it was definitely a lot quieter in here than it was anywhere else on the base, and that suited him just fine. His mind raced with all the information he previously learned. It was easy for him to comprehend what they said, even if he didn't hear every single word, now was the question, however, of what to do with this information. From his duffel bag, one of the few items that was not clothing, was a computer system. Joel had set it up a couple nights beforehand, but now was really the only time he had been. admittedly, the large man looked out of place on it, much like a gorilla would look out of place at a desk. Joel, mind still thinking about what he heard, sighs, and begins to type.
Kano went to his squads barracks and equips light armor (light as in weight) colored the usual white and blue. He grabs his favored weapon, the broad sword but still keeping his gunblade. He sheathes it the sword diagonally on his back. He grabs a backup dagger, a karambit under his gauntlet. He didn't know why he was arming himself even when there was no danger, but he felt it coming (lol no homo) and it will come hard ( xD ). He walked out to the walls and just watched the dangerous world outside, a bit anxious to fight but slightly scared at the same time.
[QUOTE="Kazu Kun]but he felt it coming (lol no homo) and it will come hard ( xD ).

[/QUOTE] (I ship it. Hard. -wink wink-)
Revnoir let go of the short girl, a depressing look on his face. Xillia gave him a reassuring smile. "Why don't you go find someone to spar with? I wanna see your new ability!" She said, pushing away the idea of death from her mind.
"Ugh... When will it happen... When will we get to find out what and who Grim is..."

Kano looked out at the torn down world from the base walls. He heard the distant screeching and screams, then the whispers. He kept wondering how bad the reapers messed him up, hearing whispers every hour. It was pissing him off. Kano wanted to fight so much to see how much he progressed, how far he has come(lol).
“Hello. My name is Machi Elrose, and I am going to be a part of your squad. ...Uh, no, no. Um… Hello, sir...madam, I am Machi...No, no… Greetings?” A somewhat short, 5’2” girl clad in a grey sweatshirt and sweatpants muttered to herself as she marched slowly down an empty hallway, the tips of her long, blonde hair swishing side-to-side behind her. The girl stared at the floor as she fiddled with the slip of paper in her hands and continued rehearsing what sounded like an introduction. Today was to be Machi’s first day on duty. She had just been cleared by the lab to begin work as a Weaver after being monitored for a couple of days to make sure that there were no uncanny side effects, such as death, due to the surgery. A couple of days was all that it took, though, for Machi to begin to regret her decision of becoming a Weaver. Was she really going to be ready to fight those...monsters, Reapers? The thought sent shivers down her spine and made her feel uneasy. Machi was used to having other people do things for her, but now those people were gone. So it was her turn to doing something with her existence, right? So that her parents’ sacrifice would not go to waste?

Machi sighed. What terrible thoughts for the first day on the job, doubting her own resolve and abilities right before she was to meet her squad leader. Lost in thought, Machi waltzed on, imagining all sorts of scenarios on how this meeting would go. At the end of the hallway, she stopped in her tracks just before walking right into the wall. The distracted blonde proceeded to straighten the crumpled paper slip and gleaned over the typed instructions. “Turn left,” the girl mumbled. Looking up, the girl realized that there was only one way to turn anyways, left. Pouting, Machi crumpled up the paper again and crossed her arms. She knew that the paper was only giving thorough directions, but Machi took the spoon-fed instructions personally, as if they were purposefully mocking her immature nature. The girl crumpled the paper once again and folded her arms across her chest. She didn’t need any silly directions. She would be able to find squad 2 all by herself...hopefully.

The obviously frustrated and obviously lost young woman continued to wander aimlessly around the military base in search of her squad leader’s office.
Kano decided to stop observing and back to the mess hall with abnormally good food. He walked and walked playing around with his gunblade, fake shooting and switching back and forth from gun to blade. He turned a corner and bumped into Machi making her go backwards.

"O-oh I'm sorry! Are you okay...? Hey are you new...?"
Machi stumbled backwards three steps before balancing herself. Huffing, she straightened her posture before scrutinizing the person who had carelessly bumped into her. He had lovely golden locks and a seemingly apologetic expression, yet he also carried a weapon. She was in a military base at the moment, though, and most of the people there were aiming to fight against Reapers, so weapons of all shapes and sizes were to be expected in such a place. In the end, Machi decided to approach this confrontation with caution and maturity, or at least try to. That would be the right thing to do, maybe?

Making eye contact with Kano, Machi replied in a curt tone, "I'm fine, and yes I am new here. You should really watch where you are going, though. You could hurt someone with that gun...er...sword if you are a not paying attention." She crossed her arms and felt slightly satisfied with her complaint directed towards the blonde male in front of her, even though it partly...mostly her own fault for not knowing where she was going.
"Heh heh... Your right... Sorry... And by the way, this is both gun and a sword."

He laughed a bit childish and smiled. Kano sheathed his sword on the back of his hip. He sighed like he usually does and looks down at her, observing, trying to see if she is a weaver or not, and what kind. Kano was curious about the new people almost all the time. Then he smirked and his cockiness showed, because of height. Then he stopped and returned to his normal self.

"So... What squad are you looking for?"
Revnoir and Xillia were walking through the halls, their demeanors completely opposite. Revnoir looked a little stressed as always but more gloomy than usual, and Xillia looked fairly excited as usual. Revnoir saw Kano and the new girl, and raised an eyebrow. How many recruits does Scourge plan on bringing in..?
Machi smiled and nodded as she accepted Kano's apology. She should have apologized herself, but she was instead distracted by Kano's gunblade. It was both a gun and a sword! How utterly amazing! She watched with much curiosity as he sheathed the beautiful blade. What kind of weapon could or should I get?, Machi wondered as she slipped back into her thoughts. Only halfway through the following awkward silence did Machi realize that Kano was analyzing her, in which she responded with a quizzical gaze. The silence between the two was broken when Kano asked Machi a wonderfully relevant question.

The girl perked up at hearing Kano's question and replied excitedly, " Squad 2!"

A dash of movement in the background caught her eye for a second. There was a dark haired, gloomy faced male and a perky, brown haired girl passing by; however her attention was quickly diverted back to Kano.
Aura comes up to to kano and slaps him hard on the neck. "Now Now Kano my friend! No hitting on the new recruits."
Xillia hurried over with a smile. She looked at the girl, and gave her a tiny nod. "Hi! So you're from Squad 2, huh? I think you'll love your Squad Leader." She said with a cute little smile. She seemed pretty hyper, but had a faint feeling of sadness and worry, but she tried her best to hide it. Revnoir watched them all, scowling.
Hearing Aura comment made Kano's face red suddenly. He turned and faced Aura, still red.

"Seriously man..?"

He sighed and slowly the blush faded but was faintly still there. He looked back at Machi with a struggled smile because of Aura and his comment.

"Squad 2... I think your leader is out doing God knows what. Sadly I can't help you with anything related to your Squad business so you are kind of on your on when it comes to that right now."
"Yeah We are both from Squad Seven. We Could show her to her barracks though kano." Aura said, seeming to get instantly serious. he was obviously armed to the T. He even had his broadsword Purgatory straped to his back on the outside of his coat, instead of it being hidden at his hip.
Xillia looked at Aura and nodded, still having her fake smile sprawled out on her lips.

Revnoir walked up, looking the new recruit up and down in an instant, but said nothing. She seemed a bit like a spoiled rich kid, so he silently wondered if she was cut out for killing. He worried about if she would be able to withstand it mentally. It's a well-known fact that fighting Reapers for a certain amount of time made you lose your mind, and Scourge and him were both already showing it, the Light Weaver mostly.
"I actually don't know where that is... Just because I run around a lot does not mean I know where everything is. But I'll follow along!"

Kano said stupidly and silly. He put his hand in his pocket of his coat which was under his armor. He learned his head back to stretch while he walked.
Revnoir gently patted Aura on the shoulder, grinning. "Still don't know the run of the building?" He asked with a playful tone.

(Barracks aren't another building btw, security reasons. They're on their Squad's floor. squad 2 is 3rd floor)
Machi was hopelessly confused and a bit conflicted on how she should be feeling at the moment. So many interesting people had appeared. The perky girl had left her scowling companion and reassured Machi about her squad leader; the new, tall white haired male had arrived with a shocking proclamation, that made her feel a bit uneasy, and with a helpful suggestion; the blonde male, known as Kano, seemed to be perturbed by Aura's comment; and the dark haired companion also had made his way over.

Machi looked back to the white haired male with the broadsword expectantly. A map really would be helpful.

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