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Fantasy Reaper

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"Just expect a few days of feeling hungover. If you want to know how I know how hangovers feel even if I dont drink is that hangovers are why I stopped drinking. And Xillia getting mad at me. Other than that, there really isn't anything to worry about. The doctors here are talented, it's not like Scourge himself is doing it." He said, cracking his neck and fingers.
"Bossman~" Belle called out as she stumbled upon Scourge in some hallway. She was wandering for a while after saying her piece with Revi. She had hoped that he would understand, especially with how dangerous things were getting. She wouldn't do it because she wanted Xixi on the front lines with them, she did it so that when the time came than one one else could protect her, she could protect herself. She just hoped that Revi could come to grips with that before the operation proper; Xixi would need all the support they all could give her

Next on her very free, more often than not empty, itinerary was Scourge. She needed a bit more information about it, and if possible, a person who was willing to be operated on just in case she decided to practice. She knew both would be hard to come by, but hey, no one ever blamed a guy, girl in this case, for trying right? She didn't think she would find him so soon after talking with Revi, but the quicker she got the info she needed the more time she would have to prepare for both Xixi's operation on her own, mini surgical alterations. "So who many kids do I have to cut up?" She asked with a smile,
Scourge looked at Belle, laughing a little as always. "What..? I don't cut children up, I leave that to the professionals." He said jokingly, giggling a bit.

Revnoir sighed. "It's exactly like the surgery to becoming a Weaver, except safer. You don't get entirely new Threads, they add some sort of chemical to them that makes them react to some other chemical. I dunno, I failed chemistry class." He muttered quietly, the thoughts of Xillia's risk filling his mind.
"Exactly, what do you think I do in my spare time?" She grinned, retrieving a scalpel form her skirt, deftly twirling the piece of metal between her fingers that it gave off an ominous glint. "I did promise Xixi to do hers, though from the vine, I heard that someone else was getting supplementary. Any idea who that is bossman?"
(-is still half asleep- whats supplementary?) Scourge looked at Belle, still laughing a bit, but nervously. His plans were slowly going to the dump it seemed, and it had to do with Belle's involving in Xillia's surgery. He didn't answer her question.
(Supplementary operation, no offence but these aren't really hard terms~)

"Come on, bossman? Why so serious now? Weren't we laughing just a few seconds ago? What's wrong we me observing the supplementary operation, or maybe playing a part in Xixi's? Could it be that you're planning something behind our backs again?" She teased cautiously, fully aware how much destruction they could cause. The blending would save her a bit of time, may be some of the structure, but then again a full fledged fight should be avoided at all costs, for the sake of the children around them. "Do you want to talk else where?"
(sryyyy, I'm still half asleep >n< and I'm kinda stupid so yah...)

Scourge shook his head. "No problems here, Belle. Why would I want to plan something that might harm my favorite assistant? And the supplementary operation, you mean with Aura? That's just to make things harder for the Reapers."
"Great~ now I've got something to do~" She cheered, pocketing her little toy before placing her hands behind her back, smiling sweetly all the while. "Though I have one thing I need to ask, bossman. If, hypothetically, it was possible to do something impossible with threads, who would you trust with that power first?" This was the bait, not exactly to see who he trusted but how he reacted. he was never the only one with machinations, and though Grim Reaper and Revi's apparent involvement threw a wrench into hers, it was only a matter of time before neither of those things just stopped mattering.

The Reaper was strong, but it was all to easy to cheat death these days.
Scourge stared at her. "Do something impossible with Threads..? Well isn't that... Well, impossible?" He asked, not quite catching on. He didn't think highly enough of the Weavers to assume she knew of Grim. "But if I did find a way... I'd trust it to someone blindly loyal to me. Where's this question coming from?" He asked, feeling back in his comfort zone. He didn't expect any of the Weavers to know what was going on other than the ones he told everything to. Revnoir and one other that he wouldn't be willing to say.
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"Curiosity, really cause there are more variables in play than you think bossman~" She cheerfully replied, watching him come undone, or was just a front to display before her? She didn't care, it was fun watching the leader of them all squirm for a few seconds. Of course she was one of those variables, Xixi and Revi being another two, and the entire base being a collective third.

Really, one only had to think for a little bit, maybe do some things that could never be spoken, keep some things that could never see the light of day again, and anything was possible. Why the bossman hadn't known that yet, she could never know.

It was a trick maybe? Well she could play, or maybe guide him to it. "To start with, you are the eldest, bossman, so we'll start there. Generally, how do Threads really work, and I don't mean the operation itself, I mean how do they do things? How do they control things, how do we use them to 'play'?"
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"Belle, you already know how they work do you not? You were told that Threads grow inside of you. Your Cores help you control how they move. Were you not listening when they told you this?" He asked, now seeming almost hostile towards the younger Light Weaver. "Regular curiosity from you surely isn't this, is it? If it is, I should have been a teacher instead."
"I'm not stupid, teacher~" She stuck out her tongue a bit more disappointingly that he didn't get it the first time she asked. "I mean how do they do cool things? How can we turn invisible and fire ultrasupercoolnotexactlycoolbutyouknowwhatImeanlasers? How does Awy and Revi go all dark and whooshy all the time. How do all those Windy Weavers have great singing voices? How does Yui always seem to know what I want for lunch? That sort of stuff, you know?" He should at least get it right this time.
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He laughed. "That's something you shouldn't worry about. Belle, you can't know everything or it won't be any fun~! Now, let's stop interrogating me. It's getting in the way of my work, I'm to be somewhere soon." He said, still laughing quite a bit. "If you really want to know, why not ask Revnoir? He seems to know just as much as I do." He started to leave.
"Funny thing about that bossman, he said you'd kill him if he sang~" She let out easily, shaking her head and intercepting the masked man before she left. "He said verbatim, hooray for big words... ahem... I want to tell everyone exactly what Scourge is planning but if I did I wouldn't be around to see anything change. And then he went all mysterious and brooding that I had to change the subject. So i'm asking you~ On another note, your work isn't exactly that hard, I'm sure I could help out if I'm taking so much of your time." She jabbed her chest enthusiastically, not exactly afraid of Scourge's gaze, he wasn't a pervert as far as she could tell.

She was however, one of the most efficient workers, her attitude towards work aside, in the base. There was a reason she was a squad leader, and she had so much free time that she could easily waste a day and still be on schedule. The paperwork wasn't exactly the worst of it, the looking after her non-existent squad was a nonissue and her recovery from various self-experiments didn't even dent her timeframes. And Xixi was even better, so there really was no work to interrupt at the moment. Unless...

"Wait did the base get attacked again?"
Scourge muttered something unheard under his breath. "Well Revnoir isn't answering because you're asking the wrong questions. Things are classified for a reason. Look, Belle, I don't need your help, and the base was not attacked. Now please, let me get to my work. You're being a nuisance." He said darkly, despite his bright Threads. "I'm working on paperwork to finalize a project of mine, and it's due tonight." He tried again to leave, gently pushing Belle away.
"Ooh, a project~ What's it about?" She crashed through whatever attempt he had at getting rid of her for the moment. "Does it involve Awy and Revi too? Wait a second, deadline? Aren't you, you know, kinda the big boss around here bossman? I mean, a project I can understand completely, but a deadline? What does that have to do with anything now?" Well getting the fact that he wasn't denying that he would kill Revi to keep him quiet out of the way, things were progressing just as smoothly as she intended. Questions don't always betray ignorance and all that, so if he wanted to threaten her with Thread, he needed the confidence to back it up, confidence, at this point, he didn't exactly deserve. "Is it something like mine, but I always have to give it to you, so who do you give it to?"
He glared at the other, frowning under the mask. "A deadline for the people carrying out the project. It doesn't concern you Belle. Is there anything else you'd like to mention?" He growled, now extremely annoyed. He was getting angry, as he hated being pressured into a corner.

(tbh I feel a little pressured too xD remind me to never keep secrets from you Silsa)
(Hey, keeping in character when character is hyper, blame my muse if you must~)

"Yeah, you still haven't answered any of my questions, or the important ones that is~ Just because supposedly it doesn't concern me." Her smile was still there, still bright and sweet as an angel she represented as a weaver of light, but then again, no one ever wanted to be on the wrong side of that smile.

All things considered, Belle had never really blown up before, never showed a tinge of true wrath during her entire stay at the Weave. Even the newest recruits subconsciously 'knew' when it wasn't a good time to mess with the Second Commander. "Questions do not always imply ignorance, Scourge, I hope you know that as well as I do. Some can be used for guidance as much as for lines of inquiry. For your information I use both. As of this moment, I'm asking for information that should not be as sensitive as the context suggests, ergo suspicions would obviously be raised if you insist on hiding it as much as you are. The question of the hour, then, is what exactly are you trying to hide from the de-facto Squad leader of the Research and Development department? What are you not telling me?"
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"I have no obligation to tell you Belle. As your superior, I have every right to not give you information. If you insist on asking more questions, then I won't go easy. It's your choice." He growled, his eyes now full of both nervousness and anger. He was like an animal driven into the corner.
She had witnessed a miracle that day. On this day, well she didn't know the date and the year was 2017 she supposed, Scourge, the very first weaver pulled rank. He never did that. As the supposed strongest, it should have been clear that he never needed to. No one should have opposed him, at least not willingly or alone. No one should have the gall to call out the very first weaver, and the most experienced besides, to a duel.

As with many things, everyone forgot to tell Belle that. "You do not exactly lead, bossman, hasn't squad one been abolished a while ago? Now, I can ask you questions because you're a... ah..." She thought of the word carefully, trying to capture what she needed to say in that one word she could never really take seriously. "Moo... Peru... Flew.... True... Brew... Give me a minute." She scratched her chin for a moment, giving the bossman ample time to prepare while she readied her own defenses. If course, he could just run, but then that would be her win.

"A Brewrollcat! Yeah, that's it~ You're a Brewrollcat!"
Scourge grabbed Belle by the collar and came pretty close to her face. "Fuck off." He said, raising a few red flags. Scourge almost never swore, and when he did everyone knew to back off. If they didn't he'd probably dissect them while they're still awake. His Threads were starting to go towards Belle, and his eyes were burning with wrath. Belle wouldn't get out of this without at least a few injuries.

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