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She simply smiled in response, going against his hand, a test of force, before closing the distance, kissing him on the cheek, well mask before striking at his abductor pollisis brevis, forcing a release before retreating and gaining the distance."I greet the elder." She offered with a wink, a slow glow enveloping her before she entered a stance. She never entered a stance until she fought Yui, no matter what, she would go all out on Scourge. "Please."

You didn't play if you didn't want to win,
Scourge watched her, forming his 6 foot spear out of his Threads. He was obviously ready to rip her to shreds, but he wasn't moving as easily as he usually did.
"You hurt, bossman? You don't look as hot as you usually do~" Something was wrong here; he, he wasn't at a hundred percent it seemed. It could be a trick, it would be a blessing if it was true, but she would not let such appearances fool her. If only he could just trust her enough to tell her what he was planning, she would gladly help him out. "You sure you want to use a polearm in this nice, tight, corridor?" She teased, faking a blush as the knuckles came over her wrists and hands. This was her element rather than his, and if he wanted to test this hand to hand, then it would be done.
((' :| ) either I have a dirty mind or Belle knows that Scourge does)

Scourge tried to ignore the taunts, taking a few steps towards the girl. In an instant, he had darted towards her, slashing his spear aiming only to hurt. He winced when he stepped hard with one of his feet.
She saw the wince, deftly taking the blade with the back of her hand and leaning on it as it traveled. All she needed to to was lift her foot as the force he exerted on her hand forced her into a spin, her own weight moving as she shifted her leg into a kick aimed at the leader's temple.
(spinning hook kick so I assume you ducked)

Her leg in the air, she smiled as she looked down on the evading Scourge, if their eyes met, she would have undoubtedly seen a mischievous glint in her eyes.

She could admire the strength of the captain as he turned back on his earlier blow, though she took most of the power of the slash, forcing her too leap from her position and into the wall just above him. She could not fly, and though 3D combat was feasible, it wasn't mastered, so she kicked off immediately from the wall, gliding over his form and reaching his back before he could complete the earlier counter-strike.

She greeted him with a simple jab after, her knuckles glowing strange purple as they approached.
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Scourge pulled his spear back, the back end of the pole about to hit Belle just as she was about to strike him. This wasn't getting anywhere, and Scourge was getting bored of this.
He wasn't supposed to be able to see, and a thrust was always more straight forward than it should have been. She evaded the thrust closing distance instead of making more of it, easily zeroing in on her target once more with her fist flying faster than any blow she would use if she fought any nobody recruit or a simple Squad Leader.

(Friendly note, I just kicked off a wall, and thus landed quite close. spinning is not a good idea at this point.)
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(he didn't spin, he used the other side of the spear which commonly also has a blade. I forget what its called but its much smaller than the main blade. he didn't move anything other than his arm)

Belle landed a hit, but Scourge made no sound as he winced and jumped back to gain distance. His Threads started to cover the ground. He had a trick up his sleeve.
"So now you're finally done 'petting' me, my are you really this slow all the time, bossman?" She asked, seemingly doing nothing as his slithered on the ground. She was already prepared for what he had in store, though she was slight curious how creative he could have been over the years. "Already going to take it out?"

(Innuendo abounds~)
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Scourge didn't say a word as the Threads instantly curled around Belle's legs and arms. They created pressure, as if he were a snake. He watched with cold eyes as the Threads attempted to crush her bones.

Revnoir had heard a fight going on, and had gone to see what happened. He watched from around a corner, frowning.
"Now, that isn't very nice." She countered with her own threads, each strand prying off the chords that sought to bind her quicker than they could apply pressure on her extremities. Something was wrong, the grip he had was powerful, enough to crush her given time, but that was just it.

Given Time, not instantaneously.

He still wasn't taking her seriously. She was a counter girl herself, so she couldn't play until he decided to go all out. "Really, that's all you got? I thought you could satisfy me longer." She smiled before throwing a small canister at him, deftly surrounding herself as it flew through the air.
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Scourge acted a little strangely after she said 'I thought you could satisfy me longer' as it reminded him of something. He wasn't taking it the dirty way, rather he heard it as if it were coming from someone else. He sliced through the canister with ease, but kept focused. His leg and chest hurt more than ever, but he tried not to show it. He waited for her move.

She didn't say it this time, though even as is blade left the metal, the entire construct exploded, filling the place with blinding light and shrapnel as what was left of the canister flew in every direction as a mass of molten metal. She took the opportunity to strike, something like that nothing more than an inconvenience for him, using her threads. The method wasn't as foolproof as she wanted but a searing pillar brighter even than the explosion materialized before him, no doubt striking him if he did not move.
Scourge barely dodged Belle, and swung his spear into her side. He was caught off guard, and some of the shrapnel hit his shoulder and leg. He squinted, trying to see through the light he was so used to seeing. The spear would hit Belle if she didn't move as quickly as possible the moment she saw the spear that blended into the light.
The spear met empty air as she watched, taking an extra step back as she noticed that instinct took over and Scourge just swung.She was inclined to tilt her head in confusion, seeing as she was nowhere near the area he struck at and she didn't even use any afterimages. Okay, it was really close but it was extremely sloppy and she exited range as soon as the canister detonated, why did he swing? Was he... actually weaker than she thought? "Oi, bossman, you okay and all?" She asked even as the spear missed, and she readied herself for another bout. She would give him next strike, she would not fight an injured or unwilling enemy.
Scourge glared at Belle, now more annoyed than ever. "You're not as sharp as you seem if you didn't notice it before." He spat, and threw the spear like a javelin. It went faster than expected.
Lucio was watching the entire thing through a single thread he had left to follow scourge, it was difficult hiding a light thread from another light weaver, but scourge had been to preoccupied to notice. When the fight started Lucio thought about running to belles aid, but he had seen the wince and decided to wait and watch.
"But I never needed to be. What do you mean..." Okay, now she was confused, she titled her head as per characteristic, evading the weapon without actually intending to. There was no way he would agree to fight if he was injured right? She was confident that he was good, but against her, he needed full power.

She wasn't that annoying right? He wouldn't forsake medical attention just to deal with her right? That was exactly what he would do...

"eh... eh....EH!!! Bossman, are you okay? Where are you hurt? Did I break anything important? When were you injured? Why didn't you tell me...." Her eyes went dead before her threads lost all light. "Who did this?"
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"It doesn't concern you! Why can't you learn to let things fly?!" He was pissed, forming a new spear in his grasp.

Revnoir watched quietly, ready to intervene. He knew of Scourge's injuries, but he knew that alone wouldn't stop him. Scourge was purposely going easy on her.
"Why can't you learn to let people in?" She fired back, not in rage, but frustration, her own threads levitating around her to form an ethereal veil of tendrils that hung from her back. She was fully intending on beating Scourge, and Revnoir to a pulp if they continued such idiocy. Those idiots think they could do this alone? Why the hell did they make teams in the first place then? "I'm tired of this, Scourge, what is going on?"
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Lucio stood up at his desk in shock. Scourge was being bested by belle? He knew it had to be a farce, there was no way scourge was this weak. He walked out of his office and toward the fight. He stood around the corner and watched invade things escelated.
Scourge glared at the girl, blood coming from his now reopened wounds. He started to calm down a bit, realizing the situation he was in.

Revnoir started to walk towards the scene, and growled. "Scourge we need to talk. Now. No excuses." He snapped, creating an excuse to drag Scourge away. He muttered something to the wounded Light Weaver, but all anyone else could hear was 'don't forget ur promise'.
She breathed, it was for the best that they went ahead for now, if not for Scourge's health then for Revnoir's. The longer they stayed within her sights, the more she wanted to thrash those two for keeping things from her. "You know what, go ahead, take him away and plot and gossip as much as little girls want. Get your stories straight, cover up what needs to be hidden, and get some rest." She turned around, her 'wings' still visible for all to see.

"Come tomorrow, I will have my answers Revnoir, Scourge. And this time, neither of us will be holding back." With breath through her nose in contempt, she disappeared from view, by virtue of light and speed, hurrying back to her room to finalize preparations. Scourge said he had a project, fine that was a secret she would uncover at a later date. Now she had to finish what needed to be finished before they went and fought again. The area was just the way she left it, and without a moment's delay, she popped the pills in her mouth, stripped herself bare and laid herself on the table. "Arcadia, you know what to do."

"Are you sure you wish to finish this now? In a single night? All other alterations took at least a month to properly integrate..."

"Security override: code omega. Command: Execute previous process"

"Acknowledged: Executing operation now.":

(Thanks for the fun Umbra, Good night, or morning, to all of you~)

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