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"T..Thanks... its called Limbo. My brother has one exactly like it called Purgatory." She said, verry nervously, blushing brighter.
Revnoir grumbled, walking into one of the training rooms and watched, half wishing he could be a Recruit again. It was boring for him as it was now. He knew part of it was his own fault, as he pushed everyone away from him. He silently regretted quite a few of his choices, watching others train. There were little groups of unknown Weavers training, but it was all the same. They were all inexperienced, unknowing of what would happen to their friends if they made a single step at the wrong angle. So boring...

(sry I didn't get back for a long while l: comedy channel caught me)
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"awesome. thats cool that you and your brother have...like, a cool sword thing going on." Arin said. "I haven't chosen a weapon yet, I am wondering if I should or if I should stick with my threads."
"Well... We are identical twins..." Sayla said. "You probably already met him. this is the training room he usualy uses."

Aura looked back at Scourge. "When do we do it then?"
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Scourge looked at Aura, chuckling as always. "Any time after tonight is fine." He said, and started to leave the scene.
Scourge has probably the most bone-chilling smile under that mask of his. It'll be fun, Aura. I can't wait to see you in that state.

Revnoir was watching the Recruits training, forming random object with his darkened Threads.
Aura got a sudden chill as his instincts were trying to tell him something. he desided to go find Revnoir. They had much to talk about. He finaly found Revnoir after a while of looking. "Hey There you are!'
Joel had previously left, although still getting used to this building, ended up lost. he managed at some point or another to reach the mess hall, and just now was returning to the training room. As he tends to, he doesn't pay attention to any of the people he passed by, ending up walking past Scourge and Aura without a second glance, mostly because he didn't really meet Scourge after all. He walks back into the training room to see Revnoir, now talking to Aura, and over yonder Sayla, dressed in a towel for some reason, alongside the new recruit. He moseys around, looking for a dummy to practice his hand to hand on.
Revnoir looked at the younger Shadow Weaver, an eyebrow raised. "Did you need something?" He could tell Aura's Awry-Sense was tingling (mhm. I just went there) and started to feel uneasy.
Kano finally perfected his gunblade stancing and techniques. He flicked the gauntlet into a sword and sheathed it horizontally on the back of his hip. He decided to eat food but eat healthy this time. He walked over to the mess hall. Surprisingly he got a salad and sat down at one of the tables. He ate and he looked as if he hasn't eaten for a couple days.
"Figured you would want to know that Xillia just got done talking to Scourge about becoming a weaver. He agreed to it." Aura said, obviously worried about that and something else.
Revnoir let out a sigh. "I already knew he'd say yes. All I can do at this point is trust Xillia and hope she makes it out alright." He said quietly, staring distantly at the ground.
He gave an ironic smile, letting out a small laugh. "Yeah..." He was fighting off the urge to leave and talk to Xillia about it, or even just curling up and screaming at himself for being such an idiot for bringing Xillia to the base.
"It would mean a lot to her you know. ha woman puts you above everything. You two have a love that will last. As long as you both stay at each others side, the world shall never overtake you. I envy you that, ya know." Aura said, looking into the unseen distance of the room.
He just smiled sadly. "Yeah..." He said even quieter. "So is that all you came here to talk to me about?" He asked, his smile fading from his lips.
"Alright well what were you going to say after? I'd rather not be reminded about what Scourge is doing with Xillia..." He said, looking at the platinum haired other.
"Well it depends on what. If I trust him with Xillia, that's a no, but I don't have a choice. If it's with myself then I could care less, I've lived longer than I'd have expected a few years ago." He said, a little worried about what he was getting at.

(gtg in like 15 mins ok?)
( Ok tyt.) "Im getting the same "treatment" you got. But Ive got a realy bad feeling about what he might doto me. what should i expect?"

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