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Lucio had instructed Arin to begin training again while he left to turn in the paperwork he had been working on. He walked down the hall and stumbled on the conversation between Aura and Scourge. he had heard enough of the conversation to know what was being talked about. "Hello Aura....Scourge." Lucio said, walking up to them. "sorry, I hope I wasn't interrupting anything important. I have some paperwork to return to you, Scourge. just something to solidify Arin as my new recruit." he moved to position himself between Scourge and Aura.
"After." He said, cracking his knuckles. He looked at Lucio, and gratefully took the papers. "Anything else you needed?" He asked Aura, skimming through the papers. He gave a nod of thanks to Lucio, but thanking him for the papers and showing him he was noticed.

(noticed by Senpai. Quite literally)
It's been a long day for the Mind Weaver, having been assigned multiple sectors in the facility for supervising. It really isn't much, it's just a check-in to see if everything is running smoothly. Yui had already gone through much of the base, and saved the worst for last. She walked over to the training grounds, and she already felt a migraine coming on. Glazing over the the figure who was left alone, upon inspection, it was indeed in very bad shape. She noted to herself to call over maintenance repairs before walking in and deciding to do some cleaning of her own, since was somewhat directly involved with causing this mess, anyway.

"It's not pretty, but there's definitely been worse," Yui said casually to the young man. As she approached him, she tried to recall a time she's seen him, but couldn't. A new recruit? She met eyes with him and introduced herself. "Yui, leader of squad 13. Who might you be?"
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"thank you, I'll...keep my eye out for you...if I need anything else." Lucio said with an obviously thrown on grin. he walked away from the scene and towards the training field. he found Revnoir and walked up to him. "Hello Rev. it's been a while." he said. "listen up, I'm not coming you because it is pleasant, I have something to tell you that might interest you. it involves the other Shadow weaver, Aura."

Arin was practicing his weaving when the stranger had walked up and began talking to him "Hi, I'm Arin, Squad 4." he said. "Air Weaver."
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Revnoir looked at Lucio, frowning. "What do you mean? Did Aura do something?" He asked, not exactly ecstatic that he had to talk to Lucio but he was concerned about Aura.

(gtg for a short bit again soon, ok? I'll be back asap)
Lucio grimaced at the idea of saying another word to Revnoir, but he knew what could happen if Aura went through wit the Surgery. "the surgery, that you went through." Lucio started, "I overheard Scourge and him talking about it, and Scourge was giving him the OK to be the next test subject." he turned and started walking away slowly. "so, should we do something about it? lord knows we need another you walking around this facility."
"Keep practicing, don't let me distract you," Yui said, holding a hand up. He said Squad 4, so then his leader must have arrived as well. She sighed slightly at the thought. "So Lucio's back," she mumbled. She kept watch over the new kid, who seemed to have had some training but was still very rough around the edges. With a bit of thought, Yui stepped some distance across Arin and folded her arms, sending him a smile. "Why don't you try aiming at me instead?" She reckoned just punching at an immobile target must have been getting old by now.
"Thanks, I'm flattered... But there isn't too much trouble as long as Aura doesn't use the new ability too much. It's a bit strange for you to give a shit, though." He muttered, not caring enough to look at the Light Weaver.

(k now I gtg sryyyy I'll try to be back soon >n< -runs off leaving a cloud of dust. Someone needs to clean that floor-)
"Ofcourse I care." Lucio said "about protecting the weak. That's why I became strong." he walked away and retruend to the squad 4 bunks where the rest of his squad where already sleeping for the night. he punched the wall and made a hole, his threads healed the damage to his hands by shooting light into his cells and increasing the speed at which they replicate to the speed of light. "Aura isn't in my squad so I have no right to stop him from making a dumb decision." he said to himself, "whatever."

Arin was puzzled by the girl. "well....are you sure? what if I hurt you?"
Kano was still in the barrack browsing and searching. He found many weapons, he was very suprised how many weapons there were during these times. He saw many weapons he was interested in learning. A Glaive, Scythes, Sword and Sheild, Double Headed Spears, Gunblades, and also Duel swords. He figured his favorite one was the gunblade. It was shaped like a regular sized sword, between short sword and great sword. It flipped like a butterfly knife into a gauntlet which was able to shoot with a trigger perfectly fitted for the index finger. It shot explosive rounds, switchable to fire and ice. Kano walked out and back to the training area to the target practice area. He practiced his switching from sword to gauntlet gun and soon his shot. Sadly it shot like a shotgun.
Yui nodded. "You might." Semi-transparent threads waved loosely around her. A thread slithered across the ground and briefly touched Arin. At contact, three Yui clones stood next to her; it was a simple hallucination trick, affecting only Arin. It's simple, but nonetheless disorienting for the inexperienced. "But you won't." Yui and her clones briefly hid behind a target then reappeared, making it so Arin couldn't tell who was who. Two Yuis lunged toward the boy, "Attack!" Yui commanded.
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Arin was surprised by the sudden appearance of two more Yuis, but when one lounged at him he used his threads to create an air current that pulled him out of the way of the attack. "whoa." he said, surprised by the sudden attack, he then spun in a circle and pushed both his fists out toward the yui clone, creating a mini cyclone with his threads and pushing it towards the yui clone.
The Yui that was struck by air seemed to disappear, and behind it, the two other Yui merged forming one, and pulled out a combat knife. She evaded the cyclone and dashed toward Arin, her eyes absolutely disheartening. Off to the side, the real Yui put herself out of the way and watched the boy intently. He has strength, she thought. And quick reaction speed. The Yui clone leapt for an airborn assault.
Sayla walked back into the training room in in a robe, having just come from her shower, looking for her sword. she thought everyone would be gone out of here by now. She walked in to grab her sword and saw the three people. she froze in place like the ice she commands, hopping no one would see her.
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Arin jumped in the air and used his Threads to send him soaring above the Yui clone, he used his threads to create a blast of wind which pushed the Yui clone into the ground. unfortunatly it also sent Arin up higher into the air and he started to fall and freaked out. right before he hit the ground he pushed his hands downward and created a small amount of lift below him to slow his descent. he hit the ground with an "Ooaf." and sat up, rubbing his head. "ow..."
Unfortunate.... he landed right next to the bench her sword was on. She needed to hurry and get it and get out befor anyone noticed.
The Yui clone slammed into the ground and disappeared, a semi-transparent thread took its place. Yui's brow flinched minutely. The power from that blast was certainly worth noting. And so was Arin's lack of foresight. Upon seeing his crashlanding, Yui stifled her laughter by clearing her throat. She walked over to the boy and helped him up. "Impressive," she said to him, "but I suggest you remember where you are before doing something as crazy as that. I'm sure if we were out in the open field, it would've been fine." Yui gave him a pat on the back. "But it was a good start."

Yui eyed the sword, and immediately following that spotted Sayla. She raised a brow, wondering why she was acting that way, but called out to her. "Sayla, good timing. This is Arin, squad 4's newest recruit." She wanted to add that maybe they could spar together, but she stopped, thinking that Sayla might have too much of an overhand.
"Um..... " she looked down at her robes. "Umm..."

She blushed and looked at Arin. "H..hello..."
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