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Fantasy Reaper

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The yo yo string detaches from the it's main part and Kano uses the string to whip back the knife back and Aura. Then, Kano's threads cover him and the string which provides invisibility. Kano grabs the yo yo main part with the string and the barrage begins again which clears the smoke.

Kano tapped the switch 2 times which converts the yo yo into a dense thread cutter. It is able to cut into armored threads but for some reason, not thin and regular attack threads.
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Revnoir watched quietly, his Threads slowly slithering across the ground where he stood. His golden eyes were kept on Aura, who he had high hopes for despite not even being his Squad Leader. He'd rather he were, but he had to trust Ayame with the other Shadow Weaver. Let's just hope none of them get their Threads inside of each other... I'd hate to carry them to the Med Bay. He decided he'd intervene if any Threads came close to ripping the other Weaver apart.

(U two just remember - Shadow and Light threads react extremely violently with each other, so just don't have any of the threads get into their blood. Even with their advanced healing, Weavers can't survive that. At least not LW between SW.)
"Revi, I need to talk to you~" She called out over an explosion, taking one of the stronger weavers in the base by the collar and rushing out of the room with a stunned Revnoir in tow. "Bye children! Have fun with education." No one would really call two people beating each other up (Read:D!ck measuring contest) education but she was never an orthodox teacher. She was never a good teacher, just no one tell her that. Anyway, windy singer and Yla would benefit from watching a shadow and a light weaver duck it ut in a no hold's barred fight for honor and all that.

She stopped a few paces away from the doorway, a smile on her face before releasing the boy and smiling patronizingly. "I need a bit of classified info and the boss isn't here. Care to fill me in?"
Revnoir looked extremely annoyed, but also sincerely confused. "Classified info..? Isn't it classified for a reason, Belle?" He said, readjusting his shirt collar. He had an idea of what she wanted to talk about, but wanted to hear it from her so he wouldn't make and any mistakes and give info out his ass. "It depends on what info you need, but just remember I'm not some sort of info broker. I don't have everything."
Aura covered the room in threads, fading into the darkness it casts, moving though the darkness he caused his threads to shoot up and grab Kano's arms and legs, rendering him imobile
"Grim Reaper, I need it to further Project Seraph." She replied easily, subtly surrounding them with her own threads, just in case someone wanted to eavesdrop. This was finally her chance to talk to the elusive weaver, whom for some reason, she couldn't find for a few days. This was her research she was talking about, her own experiments that may or may not have been approved by the board, the rest of the RND team and Scourge before she started them. "Specifically subjects ability preexperimentation and planned scope. If you don't mind, any other important info, lab used as well as precautionary measures, would be very helpful too~"
Revnoir stared at her for a moment. "That's not information I can give out. As much as I'd love to, it would cause too many problems for anyone to know about what happened with Project Grim Reaper." He said sharply, but not moving a muscle.
Lucio was leaning against the wall watching the fight. The two fighters where matched in power and experience, much like him and rev, it would be the best tactician who won this fight. He had thought about eavesdropping on belle and rev but had decided against it. After all if these two killed each other and no adult was around to stop it they would all be in trouble. "Why am I always the responsible one." He said quietly, returning his attention to the fight.

Arin was excited to see what these two could do. He had only ever seen weaver demonstrations from his trainers, never a real fight.
Hmm... well that wasn't very nice. When it came right down to the wire, they were of the same rank, squad one records notwithstanding. Their information access was, for all intents and purposes, the same from every boring report to every gruesome death she had ever looked up. She did not like being kept in the dark, not when an info black out was the last thing on her mind. She would get her answers, even if she had the rend them from out of the head of Scourge himself. "Only necessary items of concern are preexamination attributes, planned scope and abstract of procedure. Subject Identity, current whereabouts as well as reason for classification are of no use, though the last would be more prudent to show off. Do you think I will do something stupid with the information you, one of the same standing, possess? You say its a problem if anyone knows about it, so then why do you seem to know so much?"
Revnoir's expression changed completely when she asked why he knew so much about it. "I... It's because... I was a part of it. Surely if you know about the Project, then you met Grim Reaper." He said, and his voice faded. He couldn't stand it. He hated himself because of what he did for it.

"If I hadn't known better, Scourge would have made me into that monster." He said quietly, barely audible to Belle despite her being right infront of him. "That's why I know about it, and I know that if anyone else is told it will be spread and Scourge will make sure to not leave a single Thread of mine behind. I'm trying to save my own life, Belle."

(I dont even know what preexamination attributes mean xD or anything else ur asking for for that matter)
"In short you know nothing I need." She shook her head disappointingly before staring up at a confused weaver. "Preexperimental attributes: the state of the subject before experiment. Planned Scope: the degree of modification either projected physical changes to mentality and other psychological alterations. Abstract: method they used for strengthening. To confirm, from the looks of things, they tried to implant Reaper 'Threads' in subject, correct? Anyway, if you must know, do you think my department would take something like Grim Reaper lying down?" She snapped, obviously annoyed and somewhat insulted by his lack of ability to read the mood. Couldn't he see why she needed the information? That failure, that monster, was a result of their own incompetence, and if anyone was to remedy such an a large error, it would have to be them

"We're trying to find a way to beat that thing, you dunce! To do something like that we need to isolate the variables, find out what went wrong and if we can take the strength without any other unwanted side effects. I also need to make sure that post-operation Thread Insertion was not one of the past procedures performed." She breathed out with a frustrated tone before her expression softened for a moment. She pulled him in for a quick hug, no not that way, she knew he was taken, but as reassurance. She planned to help Revi with his problem the same way she promised XIxi to help with hers. "And you're not a monster, Revi," She smiled as she broke off, tilting her head to the side like a child. "Everybody knows that much."
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Revnoir looked at her with a worn out scowl. "Belle, look... I can't tell you much. All I can say without letting anything else slip is that before the experiments, Grim was a human, but this was before the first Weavers. To make him how he is now, Scourge had scientists put multiple different Threads inside of his body. From the reports I was shown, the Threads he uses now are identical to a Reaper's. That's all I can tell you Belle. Trust me, I want to tell everyone exactly what Scourge is planning but if I did I wouldn't be around to see anything change." He said, then stayed completely silent afterwards. He was looking around stressfully.
She smiled, this was enough for now, though she would have to take it up to Scourge later once she could fully utilize the 'blending phenomenon' just in case a fight broke out. She would have to heal as well, performing operations was stressful enough, performing them one one's own self was another matter entirely. She did get quite a bit from the exchange, Revi's initial involvement, Grim being an actual person- one related to Scourge perhaps?- multiple threads in his body -Jojo's prediction proven right- and that the big bad boss had something going on behind the scenes. She didn't exactly care for what he planned, but if it got in the way of her research, or if he dared lay a finger on... a few people, the skies would tremble as light fought.

There was still one issue at hand. "Hey, Revi, thanks for the info, no matter how much it was." She looked away, her cheeks being colored a light rosy tint as she hid behind a thin veil of raven hair. "It's nice to know you trust me so much." Her gaze was distant, and she hoped he didn't notice but the light reacted to it, slightly shifting a hue, slightly warming the atmosphere till the scene was a picture perfect example of lady smiling. "but..."
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Okay, deep breaths, internally of course. This was going to be the start of a new battle, one that, for once in her quite short life, she wasn't sure she could win. Oh, no she wasn't arrogant to believe that she was all powerful, it's just that when she fought, she fought for a few reasons, and she lost on purpose for a few reasons. This was the first, aside from all the times when she was wrong and she lost even with full confidence of victory, she would walk into a match without being sure of herself. The explosion would come in 3... 2... 1...

"Shouldn't you trust Xixi more?"
"What do you mean should I trust Xillia more..?" He asked, now a little offended that she thought he didn't trust Xillia as well as he did Belle.
"Well I could say the same for her really, with all the trust issues everyone here's having and all that~" She said with an enchanting grin before lowering her threads, one because she was legitimately tiring and another, the more obvious gesture, as a sign of trust; that those who could be observing would not misinterpret the situation.

"You don't trust her enough to allow her to fight by your side in all of this mess, and at the same time she doesn't trust you to defend her when the time comes." She smiled bitterly as she uttered the last words, bristling that it was in fact a possibility for one of her friends to fall before her. "Really, it's silly. When it comes right down to it, one day you will be force to choose between her or you, and she would hate you for choosing her, at the same time, she would be gone if you chose yourself. You can't protect everyone, and when it does come and you martyr yourself, she would hate you for leaving instead of making the most of the life you saved."

She took a breath, she didn't intend for him to make a decision right away, but he needed to be more open to the idea. "I'll be at the operating table when it comes, but she would be better of receiving your blessing. I'm not asking you to allow her from the get-go, just think about it, okay~?" And without another word, she was gone like the lightning. She almost giggled as she silently stalked away, she wouldn't stick around to hear any counterargument he would make.

(G'night all you people~ I'll be back!"
Revnoir didn't say a word, looking at the ground rather than his surroundings. I guess it's true... But I don't let her fight because I don't want to lose her, I don't want her in harm's way! He let out a growl, then turned on his heel and left back into the training room where everyone else was. His mind was full of these kinds of thoughts.
(Didn't i say I'm invisible? My threads made me invisible? You can just see the yo yo.)

Kano tapped once and the yo yo turned into dangerous plasma, it was able to cut threads and other materials easy but only able to use it for 10 minutes. Seemed enough for Kano. Kano flung the Yo yo's main part which went around the walls building speed and velocity. Kano shot a flare at Aura and when it was about a foot away, it exploded, enough to blind him for a bit. Kano's yo yo cut through all the shadow threads around the room. He used the string and grabbed the main part. He tapped 4 times and made it back to explosive impact. He whipped it back at Aura while he was blinded, hitting him with and uppercut explosion.
Joel was, while not the most forward of individuals, nor even the brightest, compared to Belle he was especially dull, but Joel was good at telling apart materials, was good at being able to see things for what they were. The moment that yo yo becomes a dangerous, or more likely, en even more dangerous weapon, Joel became uncomfortable. Normally only threads would be able to cut through threads. Cutting a thread would hurt far more than any injury the body could take. It was why Joel, with his metal threads, did not fight other weavers using his threads, he didn't want to critically injure his own allies, afterall.

Joel notices Belle and Revnoir exit the training room, although only sees Revnoir return, looking in a huff as usual. Joel returns his attention to the fight, only to see Kano was now manipulating the light to hide himself. Joel hoped, and honestly hoped, that Aura would not experience the pain of getting a thread cut. Let alone more than that. Joel continues to sit up in the bleachers, frowning.


[QUOTE="Umbra Regalia]If a Weaver's Threads are severed, they are caused massive amounts of pain, and can sometimes be paralyzed or killed depending on how many threads were broken.

[/QUOTE] ))
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Lucia sees Kano cut through Auras threads and decided now would be a good time to intervene, after all the more threads that where cut the more likely it was that he would die. He sent his threads out across the entire room and pulled in all the threads of aura and Kano into two separate cocoons of pure light. It was a bit difficult for him to force their threads into the cocoons, but thanks to his own strength and experience it was, by no means, impossible. "Alright you two, pull back your threads and report to the infirmary." He said. "You two have proven your strength quite enough I think."
Kano was ignorant of the cutting threads part and soon realizes it. Kanos thread merges with Lucio's and pulls them open so he can get out. He bows in realization and regretful. He keeps bowing to the both of them.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry..."

He keeps saying it over and over and over.
Aura causes his "False Aura" made from threads to fall apart. he then comes out of the shadows from the rafters. "But it was just getting fun."
Aura hops down and walks up to kano. "That realy hurt you little twat!" Aura said as he punched Kano in the gut. "Now we are even."
Kano didn't even flinch and he stuck his tongue out. His training was woorking out a lot for him.

"Sorry heh heh..."

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