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Lucio got up and walked over to his new recruit. "come on, lets go see how the others are fairing." he said. he walked to the in-door training facility and looked around at the recruits training. he saw Revnoir on the other side of the room. "you can be as good as anyone in here." he told Arin. "especially if they where trained by that man." he said, motioning to Revnoir.

Arin was not paying much attention to Lucio, he was staring at all the weavers training for the upcoming battle. he was no where near their level, how could his captain think he could stand with them? "should I be in here?" Arin asked.

"true, air weavers are a bit dangerous in closed areas, but as part of your training I think it would be good. hit the targets like you should and everything will be fine. miss and risk pissing one of these better trained weavers off." Lucio said matter-of-factly. he walked over to an unused target area close to where revnoir was standing. "practice here. remember, control." Lucio walked over to the wall and leaned against it.

Arin walked to the target practice area and looked around. Lucio had picked an area where if he didn't hit the targets dead on he would hit somebody with his attack, and even though they where trained to take hits far more powerful then arin, it doesn't mean it wouldn't annoy the heck out of someone to get hit by a rookie.
Kano spots the 2 comrades he hasn't seen before and walks over. He grabs the yo yo in the air and stops it from spinning.

"Hey! You new?"
Arin is glad to have the distraction and smiles at the newcomer. "yeah, I'm Arin, I just joined up." he said "cool yoyo."

Lucio looked at Kano, then at the yoyo "I'll forgive you for not knowing who I am. Squad 4 just got off an extensive mission and I am it's leader." he said. "Arin, back to your training."

Arin begrudgingly walked back to the target spot. he breathed in, then he punched his hand out and weaved the air around his hand to increase the air pressure and send it flying toward the target. it was the easiest move he had learned so far.
Aura watched the Air weaver with mute curiosity. "Interesting." Was all he said.

"Well thats not borring at all. never seen an Air Weaver befor" said Aura, hopping down from the rafters, and walking up beside Kano.
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She looked at the girl, then out the door. It made sense she would get distracted by something like that, newbies often garnered all the attention and especially among the squad leaders, those from squad 1 made her curious. Scourge once said that she could have made it if she went out of her room a bit more, as she was still practically locked up in the RnD department at the time, so of course she was curious to see what her supposed peers were capable of. Besides, it looked like Yla was distracted by the sudden turn of events. "Wanna follow the boys and see what their up to?" They could take up split focus any other day.
"Thanks! My friend made it for me..."

Kano's voice trailed off to a sad tone but his face went bright again. He smiled and smirked and grinned.

"So... I'm guessing you are a wind weaver? I'm a light weaver!"

Kano said with a prideful and cocky tone.
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The distance wasn't exactly large enough to take a few minutes, and it only closed quicker when Belle laid eyes on the part of the pair she knew. She didn't try to hide her excitement as she pranced towards them, giggling all the while before making a jump at the one leaning on the wall. "LULU!" She squealed with delight at the sight of her fellow Light Weaver, one who had not been there for quite a while. "Awy, Kanonono,... I don't know the other guy." She slowed to a more manageable pace, stopping just before the group as she took several glances at them. "Hmmm, Awy was in the infirmary, my fault, Kanonono fell asleep, new guy's training, what happened to you Lulu?"
"Wow, that's awesome. My captain is a light weaver...but he hasn't showed off anything." Arin said. "And shadow weavers are, like, super rare."

Lucio was taken aback by the sudden interruption. "oh, hey Belle. My Squad got pulled away on a long mission. a couple of Reapers in a city, had to save some refugees."he said, actually smiling to see someone he recognized and wasn't angry at.

"wow...I have never seen him smile." Arin said.

"anyway...when I got back I decided to increase my ranks and found this kid. *whisper* he is good, but he hasn't figured it out yet." Lucio said ignoring Arins comment about smiling.
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"Realy? There are two Shadow Weavers here in the room now. There are also three light weavers, and one ice weaver" Aura said.
(I edited previous comment)

Arin was surprised. "wow, that's amazing... almost makes me wonder why I'm...even here." he said, looking at his hand as air swirls around it.
"Mou, Lulu is being boring again~" Belle pouted before assaulting the cheeks of older boy, squeezing and pulling not to the extent that it caused pain, but it was obviously uncomfortable. She didn't doubt that if she did something like that, to say, Yui, then she would find either a sword to her chest or at least mind threads coiling around her, threatening her to continue if she wanted to be knocked out that badly. But this was Lulu, and like Revi, he wasn't exactly the scariest leader in the base.

She couldn't help it, it was all training, and 'I'm going to beat Revi' with this guy. "Come on Lulu~ Why aren't you hanging out with Revi like always? Wait, you want to get into Xillia's pants right? And Revi found out, so you fought all the time? Don't tell me your preparing for an all out fight for the hand of a maiden? Lulu, don't do that~" She would have her fun, it wasn't every day one's name was so perfect for the teasing

She stopped for a while, smiling gently before looking a the child. He looked like Sayla to her except to Lulu, she could gather, maybe it would be fun to train with.... Ohmygoshhewasawindweaver. "Can he sing?" She gushed shamelessly before looking back at Lulu with eyes full of longing. "Oh Lulu, make him sing~"

Contrary to popular belief, weavers did not usually use threads for more mundane tasks, like using wind to improve one's singing voice for example, but no one really did try and tell Belle that.
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Kano gained a bit vicious idea but to him it seemed fun and exciting. He smiled a bit then stretched a bit.

"Hey aura! Wanna duel!"

To Kano it just seemed like a sport of ignorance and stupidity since he forgot about his other battles.
She was supposed to be an adult here, one of the leaders who supposedly promoted order. Senseless fighting was not to be encouraged, and if something like this happened, and they were injured she would have to take responsibility. They were mature soldiers, they would not stoop so low as to start some sort of fight club in the training arena. They should not be allowing such behavior... "Kick is ass, Awy!" She yelled over her shoulder, smiling at the new recruits of both Ayame and Lucio. "Watch and learn kiddies, you're in for a treat~"
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when Belle started pulling his face Lucios face burned red "he...HEY! stop being foolish in front of my subordinate." he said indignantly. "no, it's not some petty fight over a girl." he said to the idea that their Rivalry was one of love. "I...I told you I can't say why I hate him, I just do." when she finally let go of Lucino he straightened up and tried to look as poise as possible. Lucio was raised as a gentleman, and even in an era where not hitting a girl was seen as old fashioned, he couldn't bring himself to do it, especially if the girl wasn't causing him any real harm. "I do not know if he can sing, but I hardly think that it is a useful skill in the heat of battle."

Arin tried to keep himself from cracking up as his captain was pulled by the cheeks and teased by this woman.

Lucio thought about breaking up the fight but then decided "Arin, if you are not going to train, the you should atleast see what you are missing out on. the control and power that comes with training." he said "I will not stop this fight."
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[QUOTE="Kazu Kun]Kano gained a bit vicious idea but to him it seemed fun and exciting. He smiled a bit then stretched a bit.
"Hey aura! Wanna duel!"

To Kano it just seemed like a sport of ignorance and stupidity since he forgot about his other battles.

"But I hope your ready Kano. I wolnt pul my punches." Aura says, taking out one of his many flasks from his trenchcoat. He took a long sip from it, then put it back up.

"besides, I want to see first hand if our training has yeilded any reward." aura rolled his shoulders and streched.
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On the next episode, of where the heck Joel goes when no one is paying attention.

Joel had continued to watch Belle train Sayla for some time. The experiments that Belle was doing looked like the devices of a madwoman to him, and in far too many ways to be purely coincidental, Belle was a madwoman. The Maddest Hatter out of the bunch, and Joel has seen an entire squad made out of former criminals. They had trained for some time, and eventually the coldness caused Joel to enter into a forced hibernation. It wasn't more so he was tired, but the heat and cold always affected him since he got his threads, and this was one of those side effects. If it was a battle, he could have stayed awake, but here, he slept in the bleachers surrounding the training room, sprawled out of sight from most people. He woke up later, acknowledging the new recruit and the returning squad leader. Stretching out in those stands, he yawns to himself, as he sees Kano and Aura about to fight.
Kano turned blurry, his movements were fast and improved. It looked like he teleported behind Aura but he didn't he just ran there. Kano whipped the yo yo right at Aura's back. It exploded and the force of the explosion was enough to stagger the heaviest opponents and knock down the lightest. After that one hit Kano started a barrage of exploding hits of his yo yo.
"Oh and Kano," Aura said in a voice so callm and blank it was scary, "Wrong choice of words. You should have said 'spar'. But since you challanged me to a Duel, Im taking this seirious. This has become aboout honor." Aura took ot a smoke pellet from his coat, and threw it down quickly, using the cover it gives to move into a more shadowy place, throwing one of his exploading knives at Kano's feet.
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