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Fantasy Reaper

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Sayla pulled out an mp3 and put the eardbuds in. Suddenlyshe seemed to focus in and everything sharpend, ice became dence, and the ice spires started to strike faster, Going to the fast pace tune of an unheard song.
Revnoir slammed his hand onto the keyboard, growling. Losing his cool, he decided to stand up from his desk and walk around to calm himself down. He left into the halls, not far from the training room.

(btw guys I'll make a map of all the floors of the main building for you guys in class ok? Just hope you don't mind them being on a lined paper instead of blank paper)
The ice became so cold you could feel it no in the rooms around the training room, and hallways as ice flooded out from under the door.
Revnoir glared at the ice coming from the training room, growling. "Is someone training an Ice weaver in there..?" He asked himself with a small sigh. He peeked inside, and saw Belle and Sayla training. Come to think of it... It looks like Sayla's the only one being trained. Where the hell are my recruits..?! He took a step inside, leaning his back against the wall and watching. It was undoubtedly aesthetically pleasing.
She could only smile as they moved to her will, and danced like the lights in the heavens. Each spire burst with light as it ascended, only to melt away and leave a mild afterglow of what was once fully enchanting radiance. She couldn't resist anymore, feeling the unheard beat as she glanced at the girl orchestrating the whole thing. It was a thing of deadly beauty if she could only harness it. The ice was cooling, not as life threatening as it should have been, but it made the air sharper, allowing the colors to shine more vividly in the frigid atmosphere.

She guessed the fact that she couldn't be heard helped. So she started something she hadn't done in quite a while. "Solti ola y~ Amaliche cantia masa Estia~" She started singing.

(For all who knows what it is, you know what it is xD )
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Without skipping a beat, sayla formed a sort of turrent in front of her and used it to start shooting spikes long as swords at one of the few dummies remaining.
(gtg in 5 mins, be back in like 1 hr and a half. Wont be able to catch Silsa tho lunch starts at 11 55 pm l: gommenasai, Silsa)

Revnoir watched, actually a little surprised at what an Ice Weaver of her level could do. More than he expected, to say the least.
(I'm patient, it's alright)

The dummies were stronger than they looked, they made sure of that last time the squad leaders went crazy, so the icicles simply shattered, but even Belle couldn't comprehend why the sound of glass breaking sounded like the pleasant ringing of snares in her ears. She vocalized with pleasure, matching her voice to the steady rhythm just as it reached it's climax.

" Solti ola y~ amaliche cantia mia dia, dia~" She ended it quickly before the girl could remover her earphones, NO ONE must hear her secret shame, before coming back full force in gushing familial adoration mode. "That was amazing! Now if you could only fight with something like that even I would give up! And the music, if I didn't know better I would say you were a Wind Weaver!"
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Sayla started to cause ice to flow like waves, making cages were ever they landed, while still shooting, and causing spires to erect to the tune of some song.

Sayla made all of it stop. she heard Belle thought the music cause it wasnt turned up. "whats... a wind weaver..?"

"Are they one of those rare types?" she asked
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And it still wasn't over. This was just getting better and better!

On the tactical side of things, caging and trapping, her very own battle style, only would work if she had the strength and they could easily work on that. The spires rising and falling were rhythmic and rapid, but then in combat they were still a beat too slow to keep up with some of the faster reaction times. The coldness of the Ice was wanting as well, enough to give the air a comfortable chill, but not exactly enough to freeze an opponent into hesitation, or even better, enough to cause frostbite.

On the aesthetic side, it was AWESOME!

It just had to stop though. Oh, no she didn't mind, not when the little girl turned to her with, at least in her eyes, an extremely adorable and clueless expression. "They are some of the best singers ever~ Controlling the air, sometimes flying around, they're only third in terms of speed, second in terms of overall CC but something of a support when it comes to pure combat. As for the rarity, they are mostly held back due to their more supporting roles, and while some have amazing attack power, most of the things they can do, since threads can basically be summoned, are easily copied by other Weavers. If you meet one, you have to here them sing, it's cathartic!" She never used big words needlessly, but oh, their voices were amazing.
"We'll work on that, but that's true, but no one ever starts strong." She winced as she recalled the last operation, the pain surfacing after some time. She almost laughed, she thought it would pop up during her fight with Aura but apparently it wanted to show itself when his sister was near. "We first have to solve the biggie biggie problem though, the crossroad of awesome!"
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"The Crossroad of Awesome is the vision of impossibility~ It's basically impossible to take two things at once, and use them appropriately. don't you know?" She wore a cheeky grin as she placed a hand on her waist while the other hung limply at her side. She let a her words sink if for a bit, grinning all the while as the feeling of despair enveloped the area like a cold. "For example, ice is cold, and cold things are veeeerrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyy ssssssssllllllllllooooooooowwwwwwwww. But ice is also very hard. Now some dummy dummies come and pick one over the other, the slow defense and overwhelming power of the mighty glacier or the quick but fragile assault of the hail hail stone stone. Which one would you go for?"
"Even if I say it's impossible?" She asked smugly, holding out her free hand and showing off one dainty finger. "Specialization is one of the keys to strength after all, unless you would rather be a jack of all trades rather than the ace of one? It's a viable choice, but easily countered... Then again you are the type to be protected all the time. Working alone isn't really much of a possibility. Hmm, but still, in one on one, you would be kind of weak, you okay with that, little girl?" She would give her time to figure it out. This was a huge choice anyway, something that would determine her battle style for the rest of her, hopefully, long life.
How long was Joel capable of disappearing into an overpopulated base? Apparently very long, Joel exits the mess hall, carrying with him the inevitable large amount of food. nothing that'd require a fork, all burgers, breads, rolls, and grapes. He had an affair with grapes, despite being someone who strongly preferred carbs. He wouldn't tell a soul though. Half-way down the hall, his leaning tower of edible goodness almost begins to fall, so he does the only thing he can do, He chomps down on a slice of bread. That did the trick, despite the tower of food still leaning, it was no longer in danger of falling.

The fact he was now carrying a slice of bread in his mouth was not lost on him, it took a lot of effort not to laugh. Joel hoped silently that no one would catch him trying to enter the training room while carrying that much food, let alone catch him with that slice of bread in his mouth. Way too cliché to his taste. He doesn't pay attention to the fact it is cold out in the hallway before the training room, and with enough fiddling, he gets the door open.

Oh, he feels the cold now of course. Too little too late, he doesn't pay attention to the iced over floor. He sees Belle there, training with Sayla. Joel notices the holes were gone, yet somehow still didn't notice the floor was iced, Joel turns on his heel in an attempt for the two of them not to see him with a piece of bread in his mouth like a late-to-school anime character, That was apparently the wrong move, as he slips on the ice he didn't pay attention to.

"The fuck" It was barely an audible sound, as he slipped backwards on the ice, his other foot desperately trying to gain ground. Joel was about to face his greatest enemy yet, if one excludes that whole Grim Reaper business; an Iced Floor. The leaning tower of food wavers and falters, attempting to hold true as its architect begins to do the "ohfucknosomeonehelpmeimfuckingfallingchrist" dance across the ice. Eventually, the tower shakes, with bread and rolls going all over the place. Joel himself finally lands on his back, thankfully where no equipment was. He looks up just in time to see that slice of bread he was holding before land on his face. He groans, not form pain, but because now he looked ridiculous. Muffled, he begins to say a lot of things. If one considered a swear/curse word to be salty or colorful, then Joel is currently releasing from his mouth a multitude of salted peacocks at an alarming rate. Finally he just sighs, lying with that slice of bread across his face, but the tray still had the burgers on it, at least, he hadn't let them go.

( Sorry for the long post! )
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"Jojo, quick help!" She called out to him hoping that he could shed some light on the subj... what was he doing? Wearing bread? Anyway... "Can a coin land on heads and tails at the same time? It can't right? And landing in the middle is almost impossible so it's not like that counts either right?"
Joel sighs, sitting up and rubbing the back of his head. He places the tray of remaining food onto a nearby table, or if there was no table, he puts it on one of the training equipment. He picks up the remaining food, now contaminated, throws it out. "What?" He was still flustered from falling earlier.

"A coin can land on heads or tails. If it lands on its side, it's because someone did something" He blinks, shoveling down the slice of bread from earlier. "Why's the floor covered with ice."
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"Someone did something," She replied with a smile, disarming the girl, holding the blade in such a way that it could not do them harm before pulling her into a crushing hung from behind. "I'm so proud of you~" She lifted her up right after she muttered her apologies, shamelessly speaking even as she twirled around, her feet gliding over the ice with the practiced grace of a dancer. "Now we have to do the impossible, allow movement without making the ice too hot~ This is the most fun I've had since I made shadows out of light!"
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She doesn't put her down, but she does stop spinning, opting to rub Yla's head affectionately before nonchalantly shrugging. "Probably you're brother, or Mimi? I don't know, but I don't think you need to worry about that any time soon." She separated from the girl, calling on a few threads to produce quite and amount of heat, vaporizing a circle of ice as the ensuing steam melted away the rest. "We need to work on keeping cool under pressure. So while we don't have any fire weavers on hand, you have to deal with me~"
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