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Fantasy Reaper

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Joel exits the no longer desolate, although still very lonely squad 13 barracks, he had what appeared to be black sweat pants on, along with a loose fitting black t-shirt. He had plans to head to the training area, maybe do some practice boxing, find a convenient place to do lift ups, or use the weight training equipment. He notices Kano, however, and halts his plans for now. At least he wasn't carrying that overstuffed bag anymore, now sporting a bottle of water in both hands.

Joel watches Kano train for some time, he had a pretty good sense of timing, and Joel thought for sure that would help out. As fast as Kano was, however, Joel noted him nowhere near the levels of the Grim Reaper, or perhaps even Belle for that matter. Then again, Belle doesn't play fair. Of course, when would it be likely the reapers would play fair? The bag that Kano picked up looked like a good start, but Joel personally felt that Kano should be working on his threads, not his cardio.

Still, Joel does nothing to stop Kano from doing his own workout routine, allowing the boy to run around with a thirty pound bag of sand at his leisure. It would take quite a few months for him to see any progress like that, Joel thought. Joel waits for Kano to circle around once again, before calmly walking towards him. He hands Kano a bottle of water wordlessly.
Kano finally stops, yet again drenched with sweat. He takes the bottle of water and examines it before he chugs it down.

"T-t-thanks... Joel..."

Kano said trying to catch his breath. He drops the bag and it lands with a hard impact. He lies on the ground one last time. He breathes deeply regaining his energy.
Aura was still in the training room. he took that explosion dead on. his threads had kept him from dieing, but he seemed to be in bad enough shape to be unable to move. He started to laugh , but it was a verry painful laugh. "Well... I hope someone comes in soon." he said with a caugh.
"I need my katana from the training room..."

Kano said getting up then jogging back to the training room where Aura was. He heard explosions and such so he ran now instead. He spotted Aura damaged and bruised by the bombs and explosions. He grabbed his sword and sheathed his and attached it to his own belt. Then grabbed Aura and shoved him out and into the med bay without having him have a chance to resist.
Joel shrugs, and decides to follow Kano. He notices that Aura is on the floor looking like he lost a fight with, everyone pretty much. Joel sighs, shaking his head. He looks around the area, some of the stands where people would normally sit were destroyed now, some rafters had fallen down, there were holes everywhere in the walls, and the floors. Who is funding the upkeep to this place? Joel wonders. As Kano brings Aura to the med-bay, Joel hands Aura the other bottle of water.
"Heh heh heh..."

He chuckled a bit in pride hearing his compliment. But he kept of moving Aura to the med bay and they got there he gave Aura to the doctors and medics.

"Get better now man."
"Wanna know a neater trick?" Joel asks with a vaguely childish expression on his face. It seemed out of place on someone who looked like he was ready to rob a store, steal someone's car, or shank someone in prison, yet here Joel was.

"Don't use explosives in the training grounds anymore." He deadpans Aura, before patting his shoulder and departing back for the training room.
"I'll be ok. just need something.... im... Out of Faygo.

"Hey! it wasnt ALL me. Just two of them were me!"
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Aura notices finaly that docters were surrounding him. He realy didnt like docters. they always tied him to beds. he haed being caged or tied down or restrained. "Yor not going to.... leave me here with these docters.... are you..?" Aura asked, seeming worried.
"Come on man... You faced up against reapers and other weavers. But you should be scared of Dentists though."

He walked off to the destroyed training room to clean it up.
gods all be damned, he thought. of course hese docters had white labcoats on. that made it worse.
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Joel was already gone long before Aura was pleading not to be left alone with the doctors. He returned to the training area where previously Yui and Belle had fought, and later where Aura and Belle had fought, together both events had heavily damaged the training ground. Assuming the training ground/arena was separate from the training room, Joel had gone to the grounds first. Nothing you could do to fix the holes literally everywhere, or the broken stands or benches, but he effortlessly took care of the rubble from the fallen rafters. That was essentially all that could be done. When Joel had finished clearing up the training room, it still looked like it was the site of a warzone. Unless someone starts pouring in money and professional carpenters into the training ground, Joel was certain it'd look like France after any World War, forever.

Finished clearing up the training ground, Joel enters the training room, and looks for things to train on.
(This is why we can't have nice things!)

Joel turns around from using a weight training device right next to one of the many holes that a certain two individuals made, and sees Sayla staring at him. Joel blinks to the girl, and was just about to write her off and go back to exercising, when he recalls the room looks almost completely trashed, even with all the debris cleared and cleaned up, it still looked like a war zone. As Joel was the only person in the room at the moment, he realized how bad this looked.

Joel jumps up, running his tattooed hand through his hair. "Uhhhhhhhhhhhh. Now, I know what this looks like, aight, but I didn't do it." He nearly trips into the hole where he was training, barely catching himself. Smooth as ever Joel. "Wasn't me"
Sayla giggles and says "Shure!" She continues giggling. "Let me guess, My brother had some kind of hand in this?"
(Only play Osu when you are into it... Never stop or else you will suck bad ;-; like i am right now... Rank 1000 to 1000000)

Kano finally made it to the training room getting distracted by many things. He spots Joel and Sayla and waves a hello.

"Hello!... Heh heh"

Kano walked past them and started to clean up the demolished room. Piece by piece he at least cleared th rubble making it look cleaner. However placing the stuff back proper was the harder part.
(Kano-kun, Joel already cleared up the rubble. all that's left are the holes and the marks everywhere. )

Joel shrugs, and sighs in relief. "You should tell him not to use explosives inside anymore." He turns to the machine he was previously on, and lowers the settings. Joel waves to Kano, before stretching out. He saunters off past them both, leaving them to their own devices. "You kids play safe." He says it with a small smile, before exiting the training room and heading towards the mess hall.

-inset this before Joel walks off-

"I didn't fight your brother, Belle did."
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K'bain slowly opens his eye, his vision still blurry from what perspired last time. His chest aches with tremendous pain and agony. Tubes and Wires run from his chest, as Mechanical Arms repair his large missing portion of his chest. He looks around to find EVE In her android body standing beside him with smile.
Aura groans somewere near by, then shouts some foul language at a docter.

"I Just Blew up! I dont need Tubes in me!" Aura shouts. "And Untie me!"
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