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Fantasy Reaper

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EVE gives him a friendly hug and then punches him in the face. “Nice to see you too EVE”, Mini tells her. She doesn't talk back like she would always have, Instead she hands him a letter. “What's This?” He asks. She still didn't responded, but she still kept her smile. Mini proceeds to open the letter, in its written in a large font with the words..


“Wow, what a 'nice' Letter EVE”, Mini says sarcastically.

He then here's someone yelling, he looks around to find the same man once before tied up again in a bed, he doesn't know that that man saved him. “Oh hey!, Tied up again are we?”, He asks..
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Aura continues to rant from the bed next to mini, "INTERNAL BLEEDING? OH I WILL SHOW YOU INTERNAL BLEEDING IF YOU DONT LET ME GO! UNTIE ME DAMN YOU!!!!!!!"

Aura hears the man in the bed next to him. it was the guy he saved, who shot the flare. "Damn docters... say i cant leave cause i blew up!"
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[QUOTE="Aurath Moonblood]Aura continues to rant from the bed next to mini, "INTERNAL BLEEDING? OH I WILL SHOW YOU INTERNAL BLEEDING IF YOU DONT LET ME GO! UNTIE ME DAMN YOU!!!!!!!"
Aura hears the man in the bed next to him. it was the guy he saved, who shot the flare. "Damn docters... say i cant leave cause i blew up!"

“Maybe You blew up to pieces and they just want you to stay together, maybe, or the doctors here are just Jerks?” Mini asks
"Long story short friend, i was challanged by Squad 2 leader Belle. Light Friken hurts!"

"Silver linning? I learned some neet new tricks." Aura proclamed.
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“Wow, lucky you!”, Mini tells the man In Amazement. EVE Then leans over Mini and whispers to his ear. “He saved you Mini, don't you remember?”, She asks him. “Really?!”, Mini responded in space surprise, “I had no idea!”
"I was the first to see your flare. I got you out,but the crates were too much to carry." Aura said, his tone now serious.
"Not...Yet." Is all he responded with, his tone hushed, and guarded. he was being way to cautious with what he said.
“Why so serious?” K'bain asked. EVE taps both of their shoulders and whispers to them, “You two shouldn't be talking about this right now”, She frowned..

“Especially In here..” EVE added
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“After Decrypting the crates while no one was looking?, You could say that.”, She replied. Mini looks at the two in curiosity.

((Well see you in a couple of minutes, gonna take a Morning bath))
Okay, a night wasted and still no Revi... and now she was feeling a bit guilty for leaving the kid there to clean up their mess. She hated cleaning up, but good big sisters didn't let the little ones clean when they caused most of the damage. She was sure she would have done so in any other situation but Xixi's problem was a bit more pressing.

Fresh from failure, she trudged back to the room, summoning threads to help clear whatever was left on the floor before sighing as she saw the holes. "Whoops." She chuckled, sticking out her tongue as she tapped her head once. There should have been other steel sheets somewhere laying around. It wasn't exactly the first time she was stuck with clean up duty.
"Yla~" She practically tackled the younger girl, hugging her energetically before she remembered the very reason she returned. She sighed dejectedly and called for her threads, the shimmering strings probing the area for the store of steel plates that were stored just in case someone blew holes in the place. "Sorry, big sister's on clean up duty. You're brother knows how to use explosions in a fight, that's for sure."
(Internet is back! Finally!)

"Well, those two are his." She pointed at the wall, as well as the benches somewhere outside the true arena proper. "The rest are mine." It was more of a grumble than a declaration of pride, likely because at that moment, she was deftly controlling the threads, some parts heating the metal to cut in before welding it in place with a laser of heat while the others floated about. "He should have brought you along, he would have forced a tie if ever. He said you can't play, but you can right?" She sounded enthusiastic, probably because she was cleaning much faster than she thought was possible.

Of course she didn't know Joel did a bit of work.
"Go Yla!" She cheered happily, taking a seat close to some of the broken benches while here threads kept on trying to fix what was broken. She could divide her focus up to this extent, thanks to Yui, though as of now, she would have all her focus on the little girl. Everyone started somewhere, and as much as she was an immature ditz and somewhat of a battle maniac, she was, supposedly an awesome teacher.

No dared refute that, all who were weaker ran while those who were stronger avoided the subject altogether.
Sayla stood in the senterof the room, and let her threads slither to life. they cover the floor and make the air cold as winter in canada.
She shouldn't. She wouldn't. She wasn't as low as to do something so disparaging, so inhumane that even the reapers themselves would cringe in fear and disgust. instincts were egging her on, but she was the elder sister here. She had the responsibility of age and the maturity of some of the most experienced weavers. She would not, she could not fall to such depths as to commit such a terrible sin. She had to fight the urge, the welling inside of her that threatened to burst out. For the sake of the child, she had to resist...

Nope, not happening.

"COOL!" Somewhere in the world, monsters than could kill lesser men with a wave of a hand cringed. She watched the girl with anticipation waiting for more. She was Ice it seemed, and though it was looked down upon as one of the more basic, alongside fire and lightning, with a bit of creativity, it could be made deadly. "Go on, continue...." She was rapt with expectation as she watched the blooming girl before her breathe silently, preparing for the next act.
[QUOTE="Kazu Kun](Only play Osu when you are into it... Never stop or else you will suck bad ;-; like i am right now... Rank 1000 to 1000000)

(osu is love, I said. osu if life)

Revnoir was in his office as always, doing more and more paperwork. On his corkboard was a picture taken of Scourge with a Shadow Weaved scimitar ripping into it. He was typing away furiously at the keyboard, ignoring any other sounds that came from the halls.

"I'll fucking kill him. How does he expect me to keep any of this to myself..?!" He growled under his breath, frowning.

(I'll pop in and out mmk?)
"Pretty~" She cooed, watching the icicles jump up before retracting back into the thin sheet of ice that by now had covered the floor. She couldn't resist, some of her own threads breaking through the layer of ice to shine, sending light through the cold membrane and flooding the room with the distant glow of the north. It was like they were stepping on the sky as auroras glowed below them. "Keep them dancing, keep them dancing!" She encouraged the girl, like an overenthusiastic sister watching her sibling's first recital.

She wouldn't tell her that the ice was too soft, too loose, or that the rate of attack was to slow, or that she could easily melt it with a simple ray of heat. That would come later, for now, she would admire a fairy on the the icy stage.

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