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Fantasy Reaper

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The rafter fell because it had been cut on both sides, and the sheild started to dissasemble and each thread slithered behind her where Aura already was, swinging his sword around her right up to her throat, and pressing a gun to her back.

Aura grinned. "Cant move anywere."
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(is that even physically possible?)

"Nice! Almost worked if you paid a bit more attention. You missed." Belle filled her nails, looking up from her position on one of the benches around, the same one Joel waited on while she and Yui fought. She snapped her fingers, weakening the frequency of her own threads to reveal a cage surrounding the boy, not exactly blinding but definitely bright threads threatening to tear into him if he only moved. "Light is much easier to hide since shadows are always cast. Within shadow is light, though one must learn to perceive before acting on it. Your move kid." She smiled as she threw her voice again, making it sound like she was right beside him.
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( Moving throught the shadows swiftly using the explosion as cover it is.) "So its a standstill?" Aura said. "You must be tired or something."

"Then again, im wearing this Armor made of my hardend threads." Aura said. " How sharp are your threads? Darkness can exist without light, but light cannot exist without darkness." Aura mused.
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"Um, I'm over here and you're over there kid? Bent light and all that jazz." Belle called out from the stands again, her voice somewhat softer now that she allowed the distance to be noticed. "If you want to call that a draw then fine with me, but I could be all the way here and you're over there. I practically invented illusory combat, kid, long way to go before trying to beat me at it. If you can escape the cage then we can continue, or would you like to offer the towel of oh so sweet victory?" She smiled patronizingly at the child, though she doubted that he could see it though her cage.

"Oh, darkness doesn't exist, it's all in the mind don't you know? What is light first of all, and how does it relate to darkness?" She smiled wryly. There was a reason why Scourge was a light weaver, and why the strongest fighters were always of the light.
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"Its a stand still. trust me. Look at your feet." Aura said as he pressed a button on a detonater attacted to his sleeve, causing an explosion at her feet.
"Boom!" She cheered just as the explosion detonated, blowing a gust throughout the area... horizontally. "If you can harden Thread do you think I can't kid?" She wondered, genuinely curious. The boy seemed to think that there were things he knew and people didn't and while that may have been true, commonsense was still commonsense.

She fought a swordswoman barehanded. There was a reason why she could do so with such strangely comfortable clothing and absolutely no real worn armor. If he couldn't think of that, then there was a bigger gap between them than she thought. "Next?"
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Aura caused his threads to fill the cadge, then sent some threads to envelop her. While she was distracted with that, he used his threads to widen out one of the holes in the cadge and sliped out.
"Try again." She drawled out, his own Threads stopping short, hanging behind an invisible wall as he escaped the cage, only for the light to reappear once more around him. "You can't really do anything to what you can't see kid. Try to 'look around' why don't you?" She continued ignoring the threads that quivered before her, almost mocking them as they struggled to strike her against nothing but empty air. "You'll find just how trapped you are, don't you know?"
"I know you can harden them. I Also know there is an obvious difference in out strength. But I will not go down easy!" Aura said, breathing hevy with the strain from All this work. A good chalange indeed. he was getting to learn a lot. "Enough cadges! I hate them!!" Aura said. "Never cadge a beast." Then he enveloped all his threads around him, making himself into a giant viper, striking throught the catde befor she could react. and coiling around her, sqeezing her.
"I'm surprised you're not being more sensitive to texture." Her voice rang out from another corner of the room. He didn't question the validity of her voice: mistake one. He didn't wonder why suddenly, a cage he could barely break suddenly opened up a path he could rampage on: mistake two. He went all out against an illusory fighter: mistake three. That was checkmate.

"Boom." She muttered with a hidden smile, already safe in another area while her threads rapidly expanded, growing in heat as well as lowering in frequency. She never tried to microwave a snake before, this looked like a perfect time to see just how good it tasted afterwards. The snake coiled around the bomb without hesitation, and when it detonated, pure 'light' escaped the concentrated area, directly striking the massive serpent.

"Again, next?" She dared not reveal herself, yet. She was much too professional for that. It wasn't like she was fighting Yui, one could could track her mind, again.
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Aura flew back, his threads falling away. He slowly stood, and he brushed off his coat slowly and painfully. "If I cant get you with a persision strike, i will lake the light." Aura panted, in pain. He expanded his threads to cover the walls, making the room dark, eliminating the light. He then struck everywere at once will full force.
"Finally a smart move! A little bit too late though." She praised him for his all out attack, but at this point it was probably in vain. He was injured after defending himself, he took first strike, he was leading in attack while she followed him according to her plan. Even after her prior battle, reason dictated that she still had more energy that he should have, since she focused on defense while he squandered striking nowhere.

She would honor him this time though, opting to gather all her power, all the 'light that could not be seen' and pushed back at the darkness with the force rivaling the whip of light she used against Yui. And explosion of Light fought against the Encroaching darkness, though his was widespread and shallow, hers was a focused and limited strike. It would never reach him, unless he was stupid enough to be standing within a meter of her, but it would repel the attack he dealt and then some. They clashed, light and darkness, evenly matched even as she was taking sweet time cheering.

"One more, kid! You can do it!"
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Aura was caughing painfuly. "Damn.... " Aura pushed his darkness in on her again, this time causing it all to collaps on top of her. and this Was her, not another illusion. he couldnt see her hrough his own threads, but he could feel her. He brought the full force of darkness onto her.
"Let me let you in on a little secret, kid." She spoke into the darkness with a smile on her face, even as her own wall of Thread started waning at the pressure he was exerting. "Darkness, Shadows, they do not exist." The wall of light that defended her disappeared, leaving her open to the threads of her enemy while, in the midst of everything, she stood there and smiled like the victor.

Reason dictated that she should have lost, she should have been surrounded by the thread, threatened with death and she should have tasted defeat. But the thread could no longer move forward, instead it was being pushed back. It was slow, painful work, pushing back the darkness at a pace that could only be described as painful. She forced him to use all of his power to push down even as she pushed back, 'light' taking the darkness slowly but surely even if she was the only one who knew it. She could see him, a small thread about her giving off a warm glow, when she smiled again like a mother to her children. She was elated. "Do you wish to yield, or shall I put you to bed?"

He earned that much; a true battle to the death, or to the limit. If he wanted to be thrashed into unconsciousness, she would grant him his wish.
He moved though the threads swiftly, comming up behind her , abandoning his wall of treads so he could aproach her, and he hugged her from behind. "Thank you, Belle, for this challange. I have learned huch from this. But I just got up. I cant fall asleep right now. You can pull that string, but I have you now. Its a draw. You can put me to sleep, and then this sleep dart in my hand will make shure you will do the same." Aura smiled. This was one hell of a woman. He had learned so much from her. watching her style of fighting, seeing how she uses her threads.
"Kid, lose the gloves. One needs touch to fight me properly." She chided him gently as a thread pulled away the dart he was about to stab into her.

There was a reason she pushed him away slowly, tiring him was just the first. The area was not as large as say, the entire area with the stands and benches included, but it was enough to run circles around the child without touching him. How he did not know the difference between her and her thread mirrors, the ones in charge of bending and projecting light, she attributed to the lack of transmitted warmth and the mild difference in softness he could not feel through his leather clothing.

"I'll give you another chance though, carrying you to bed would be a problem when I have to find Revi." He could hear her teasing carefree tone, but the savage grin was lost to him, hiding somewhere in the shadows, shadows made with light he could not see rather than a true lack of illumination.

The light was hers after all.

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"We fight a battle of plots and plans, and stratagy. My plan was less obvious. I pressed the attack for a reason. I know your tricks, just as you know mine. hate to tell you though, now im here in your little spot you can protect, im pushing it back even smaller." He said as he sent out threads from his body, enveloping all but the space of an inch around her. He walked up to her, and took off his thick gloves. Hethen grabbed her hand, not roughly, but gently. He was never rough when touching a pretty woman. And he admired her. She was a great warrior indeed. "I will Yeild, if you Yeild also." Aura said in a soft voice.
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"Kids never listen do they?" She muttered under her breath as she watched the little charade. She already told him, to stop for crying out loud and now there he goes touching something that he shouldn't have even tried to handle. Did he not think she would not have another barrier?

How did she know it wasn't her hand? Simple, they were crossed under her arms as she glared daggers at the boy for his idiocy. Out of principle, she was wondering whether or not it would be a wise move to blow him up again now that he was so much weaker, but she wanted him to learn, not to be crippled.

His threads were groping in the darkness for things he would not find, reaching in and out of every nook and crany in a vain attempt to locate her. Actually, he came across the place she hid several times, only to pass over them as he held on to another bomb. Again and again, she tried to tell him that his method of finding her would not work, it was much easier to just blow the place up that try and search, but no, the kid just had to try and try after he failed and failed. It was endearing perseverance, but then again, if a kid tries to jump saying "I'm going to touch the sky!" One could only smile for so long.

"Boom" The light came again, crashing against her barrier as she sighed. She weakened it as much as possible, but it was still viable that she had to carry him out of there. "What a drag."
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the 'him' that was there evaperaed into just more threads. he started to chuckle from all around her. "Mimmicry is flattery they say." He chilled.
"Well, it certainly is, though shadows are cast. I can see you, you know?" She asked with a sigh, playing hide and seek with one she could see clear as day, despite the night. It was over, she might as well let him hold on to his pride. "Well it's been a fun game little boy, maybe you'll win next time! Don't forget to brush your teeth before heading to bed!" She called out before reappearing, a strange glow emanating around her as she stood in the middle of the arena and sashayed towards the exit.

She walked with purpose, easily tearing through the flimsy field, that farce of a trap that he thought could hold her, as she exited the room with a grin on her face. "Try to make that fade work though. It should be able to fool the others. I don't think Kanonono knows how to thwart it yet!" She left him with those final words before she glided out the door and into the night. That was a great warm up, she was awake now, and ready to go and challenge the world. Or rather a very possessive boy.

"Revi! Still awake?" She called out, with a voice loud enough to be heard but not so much that it raised alarm. She wandered for a bit though, not exactly optimistic that she would find the troubled soul.

@Umbra Regalia
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"Wow. Now that is one hell of a fighter. she is tougher than a damn reaper." Aura said, obviously admiring her power..
Joel Collins wakes up the morning after the training area is used to host godzilla and king kong over there. He has that strange feeling stuff blew up while he slept. He dresses himself in the empty squad 13 barracks.
Aura, who was still in the training room, looked up, laying on his back. "Damn that was tough." Aura managed to breath out.
Kano dropped his sword, panting, and gasping in for air. He trained too hard for a couple hours which wore him out pretty bad. He lied on the ground to rest. His reaction timing was perfect now and his speed was blinding fast, with his accuracy of his sword swipes and swings could hit vital parts easily. He crawled his way to the water fountain. He drank and drank rejuvenating himself. He was almost back to normal stamina levels. He sat back down, drenched in sweat and heat.

"N-now to build... up... stamina..."

Kano sad panting and trying to breathe for air. He got up slowly and grabbed a bag with 30 pounds of sand in it. He then started to jog around the base. Soon enough when he felt better he started to run. Kano was beginning to become stronger and stronger.

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