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"Finally a rematch! " Belle could feel her blood boiling when Yui finally conceded a point, and having Joel there to watch would make it all the sweeter. "It's been what? A bit more than a decade since last time we did this?" She cheerily fell in step with the mind weaver, her hands behind her head as she looked upwards with nostalgia in her eyes. She knew this would end exactly the way she envisioned it this time, afr practically planning every step of the next rime they fought. She was prepared, and while Yui was just as ready, this would be the first time they would be fighing seriously since they met all those years ago.
Joel shrugs lightly, readjusting his strap around that oversized duffel bag he was still carrying around. He hadn't given them the file that his former squad sent him, he just assumed they forwarded it to their email, or something along those lines. Carrier pigeon, maybe. Joel was a veteran weaver, one that, while not using anything fancy, got the job done, and then some. He was only not a leader because he handles people poorly.

"I don't have a weapon, guess you'll have to fight without me." He mentions as they enter the training ground. He smiles lightly, and looks for a place to sit, hopefully avoiding fighting!
Yui rubbed her temples. It's been a bit more than a decade, just as Belle said. Yui can't understand why the light weaver's been so enthusiastic about this, over a course of 10+ years. When they arrived at the grounds, it was somewhat dimly lit. The air was dry and cool. Yui unzipped her jacket and sent a quick glance towards Joel before centering herself. "Ten years," she mumbled. The 23-year-old waited across the younger woman, with a bit of doubt crossing through her mind. She tried to shake them off, and kept her grip on her unsheathed sword. "Whenever you're ready, Belle."
Joel didn't know if that look meant he was off the hook, or if he was expected to fight them bare-handed. He just kind of dead fish stands there for a moment or so. The grounds didn't seem all too well lit, and he'd rather not stray too far from them if that is the case. It was night afterall, and he had no intent of being lost in the dark. Or falling into some hole never to be seen again.
"Thats what's with you people..."Belle whispered almost seductively as she shook her head before her form faded. She had made the first move even before she drew her sword, concealing herself and waiting just behind the swordswoman with even breath. The one that walked, the one that they spoke to? An illusion of light and a product of practiced vantriloquism. The construct of threads became undone just as she lauched her fist at the back of Yui's head. "You always think you can get ready before I do."
Yui dodged the attack before sweeping at Belle's feet. Had Yui ducked just a second later, she would have been finished. After sweeping, she leapt at Belle looking for a hold, but was evaded. There is no underestimating, anyone, especially not a light weaver. Especially not Belle. That's what Yui thought she believed, but it seems she needs to reorganize her thoughts. She only grunted in response, and kept a hand ready to bring out her weapon. She wasn't hoping to use her threads yet.

( I'm not the best with action scenes :'c )
Joel spent the first few seconds of the battle trying to find a better seat. Content in the slim picking he had to choose from, he watches the fight intently. A decoy? I wonder if she can manipulate light so that way she can turn invisible. Maybe she already has, and set up the decoy and snuck around while invisible for the surprise attack. Joel thinks for a moment. Maybe that's why she always seemingly appears out of nowhere. That'd explain so much. Joel's surprised to see Yui dodge the surprise attack, she was pretty fast. Yui had a pretty dramatic sense of timing, still, Joel wasn't rooting for either yet. He's not that easy of a cheerleader,
"Come on and fight properly already." Belle chimed before threads lept to life, string of inexorable radiance flying in all directions, filling the arena with light. Like blades the cut through the air and closed in on the weaver before her, a simple omnidirectional strike that would leave no room for evation moving at a slow speed when compared to true light itself. It was a distraction, a move meant to be dodged but by the ime the mid weaver leapt upwards to avo the enclosing cocoon it was much too late.

She was airborne when the true attal revealed itself, a rope made of blazing light rushing at her with enough force behind it to bisect her entirely. She woudl have had to use physical threads to even surive much less block the approaching whip. Belle could scarcely believe her eyes, she was somewhat vulnerable before and now, as long as that attack connected, she would have one the fight under ten seconds.

And then they started blurring.

Her whip came undone, softly caressing the mind weaver before she landed in a mess of limp, weakly glowing threads that seemed all to ready to vanish the next moment. She didn't need her eyes to know that Yui must have been surprised, she did make such a show of fighting only to end up like this even before the first minute. "Sorry about this Yui~Yui, it looks like you win round to again" She giggled weakly before closing her eyes, managing to summon enough thread to make a cushon before she fell to he ground.

(Just as planned, she did say no one was to disturb her a while ago~ this has nothing to do with the fact tha I have to go back to class, nothing at all)
O' Lucifer, how you fall to flames~

Joel didn't exactly believe Belle was the incarnation of the devil, but that's what popped into his mind when he saw those practically, let's be honest, those majestic angel wings. Joel wasn't sure if Bella was flying with them at one point, or was simply using them as a distraction. The radiant light hurts his eyes to stare at directly, he found himself trying to cover his eyes. He sees the whip out of the corner of his eye, surely that would- Nope. She burned herself out it looked like, has she been out to the field lately? Or did she overextend herself? He imagines, if she did that daily, in a couple months she could probably fly with those threads. He envied that.
( :0 you definitely had me there )

It was quick. But the flash before her eyes seemed much more dramatic to be ephemeral. Yui looked at her definite demise in astonishment rather than as death trap. With her body moving before her mind could even make a move, the last thing she saw before she woke from her trance was the spear of light. It would've been over. Yui couldn't get her threads out at all. But by the time she was aware of what had just happened, it was over.

Yui landed some ways from her comrade. She stayed unmoving, shocked. After blinking, Yui ran over and knelt beside her, lifting her head. She just looked on with a face of confusion and concern. Then, she laughed. Laughter filled with incredulity, shame, and relief. It was subtle, but it grew into a fit. After wiping a tear and calming down, Yui said to her friend, "No, I think you've won this round by far." Joking aside, she really did. Yui stood and lifted Belle on her back before trudging to Joel.

"Isn't she something," she stated more than asked. She looked down, defeated. Since when did I end up having to catch up, she wonders. In the back of her mind, Yui really beat herself up for it. Had this been a real fight, she'd be gone. "Didn't even get to draw my sword." Yui laughed again, and nodded her head. "It's late. I'll bring you to barracks."
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Joel nods, throwing his duffel bag back on, and standing up. He yawns, and stretches out. "She'd make a good 'Controller' for a fight, I think." He was referencing how, besides the whip, Belle seemed adapt at creating distractions and illusions, things that could control the fury of an enemy, or even a dozen. Joel yawns again, before smiling. "Don't worry over it too much, real fights bring it the real Yui much better than these would. The practice don't hurt, though." He smiles, now making a pun out of her name, all good-naturedly.

"Lead on, mi Hermana." He was rather beat now, having not slept the night before.
"I agree," she says. Yui visibly changed her face from one of glee to one of disgust at the completely original and hilarious pun. But she ended up chuckling a bit, anyway. And she appreciated his comforting words. She signaled for him to follow her, and they headed east to the unoccupied barracks. Joel's commentary on Belle stuck with her as she walked.

At their arrival, Yui pointed to the building on the right. "That one's for the men. Lucky you, you have it all to yourself." She continued to contemplate on his words earlier, leading to another thought. A good one. She smiled and said seemingly out of nowhere, "Your thoughts are absolutely indispensable." She headed for the closer building and planned to let Belle rest there, with her in a separate room. "Sleep well," she said last, then walked away.
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Joel bows in a friendly way, and heads into the barracks. To be honest, it does look different from the ones he has been used to. He turns on a light switch, half expecting to see the floor crawl away into the recesses of the floor cracks. But nope, just a plain old barracks, mildly unused, so it was dusty of course, but largely no spider webs or other such crawlie related things. Joel unpacks his things, and lays down for the night. He wonders what exactly he said that was indispensable. He continues to wonder as he drifts off.
Kano finally woke up from "deep thought" or sleeping, on the roof. He crawled his way up to a stand and walked straight off the roof without going the normal way. He used his threads as a cushion and walked to the training room to practice his reaction time, speed, and accuracy. He practiced all night as if he was a machine.
Aura wakes up from his rafter, finaly well rested for the first time since he got to the bace. "Where is everyone..?"

Aura hoped down and desided to go where he thought they would most likely be, given current events. He stumbled into the training room and looked around.
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"I'm up!" Belle stood with a start, threads at the ready when she heard a voice that was definitely not the mind weaver she was fighting. Memories crashed down on her as she stared at Aura with a faraway look, before she shook her head, snapping herself out of her reverie. "0 for 2, still not good enough." She said to herself with a chuckle as she remembered what happened, perhaps it wasn't the best idea to go with a heavenly drill, yes naming her attacks, when she was running on fumes after her latest operation. The fact that she was able to stay awake, cloak herself and discuss with Yui and Joel was testament to her resolve and endurance, the final attacks were just the straws that finally broke her back.

Still, she was awake, and even if she wasn't at a hundred percent, the was one thing she always wondered. "Hey Awy, want to play a little before I hunt for Revi?" Again, night was still young, in that sun was not yet there, she could spare some to kick the boy down a few notches, or learn something herself.
"You and your sister if I'm honest with myself, I really don't think you can take me yet." She nodded, speaking without a hint of pride or exaggeration. She was tired too, but if anything, he could at most force a tie if they fought seriously. This would also be an enlightening experience, as he had yet to fight a Shadow Weaver trying to actually kill her. "You first, kid." She chimed, pulling a page from her friend's 'I am oh so superior' book.
"Sayla is still to inexperianced. I would duel you alone. I could stand to learn a few things by getting beaten. But because your so much stronger than I, I wolnt pull my punches." Aura said, pulling a flask from his coat and sipping on it. "Faygo boost!" Aura said as he shook his head and sliped the flask back into his coat.
"Drinking is a free action." She said with a smile, flexing her fingers awake as the Threads she had once used were practically bristling in her inner psyche just raring to tear into the Shadow wielder. "Come on kid, we don't have all night! It's rude to keep a lady waiting you know?" She graced him with a childish pout, though her legs were planted in a solid stance while her arms swayed lightly, ready to strike a counter at any moment.
"Besides, Sayla is still asleep." Aura said simply.

Aura formed what he liked to call his Purgatory Armor around his body out of his threads,his coat being on the outside like a cloak. He drew his sword and ran at her, but fliped over her head befor striking, throwing an explosive knife.

Aura catches a rafter and crouches in it, ready for whatever her counter is. "And Faygo is soda!" He yells almost jokingly, but still being quite serious.
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"Cute." She muttered at the knife bent away, the handle being enveloped by a thread of light even as it flew from his hand. The scintillating string guided the knife, like a viper from it's nest, it flew back at Aura and sought to entrap him in its light. The rafter he landed on was already captured, allowing no escape as the knife returned to him, yet to detonate.
"That all you got kid? I was hoping for a little more umph if you know what I mean." She called over the explosion, waiting for the dust to settle. She saw the shield he erected just before the explosion rang, she was ready for an ambush. "Come on! Fight!"

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