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Fantasy Reaper

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"ive already checked. This is the only spot that we are free to speak without thosebeing a problem." Aura said.
Joel shrugs. He heard Aura call the Grim Reaper earlier Scourge, but he'd wait for an opinion from the squad leader before continuing to speak any further. Joel looks to Yui.
Kano sighed, bored and unpatient. He stretched feeling uncomfortable and stiff. He just stared waiting and waiting.

"Can you just get to the point please?"

Kano said accidentally sounding rude. He wasn't expecting himself to say something like that so he apologized quickly in return.
"I want to first say, The man on the road and scorge are connected, and not in a good way. Though i dont think they are he same person, i find many things susspisious." Aura said.
Yui frowned. "That man might have connections with Scourge, but don't start pointing fingers. We don't know anything." Yui's face darkened at the thought of the man on the road. "I won't deny that there's something wrong, but it's too soon to say." She hopes that this wouldn't count as conspiring against the head. "What are your suspicions?"
Joel shifts again uncomfortably. He was by far the least stealthy person around here, even if he didn't have metal weaving, a muscular form, an imposing height, and a duffel bag. Otherwise, of course, he wouldn't have gotten caught oh so long ago and sent to prison. Joel forms his arms, patiently waiting for whatever Aura was going to say, and since squad leader isn't saying this meeting is a bad thing, it must be alright.
"I beleve things arent as they seem. that day, scourge was gone. that man had the Same evil grin as scourge. at the mention of the name scourge, It practicaly asked 'how is he?'.

"plus, what is project grim reaper? I think its much worse than we know. I think we need to check out those crates. no one retreaved them." Aura stated.
Kano's aura (not the person) changed from bright to darkly serious. His face and emotions were intimidating.

"From what I know is that obviously that guy Is project Grim. It is obvious! What kind of project doesn't have some kind of mishap? But don't go pointing fingers like Yui said or you might as well just stop where you are if you don't have proof of who you point at."
"Im not pointing at anyone just yet. Im saying that Scorge knows something. Something important that he will not tell us. Im afraid of what tha may cause." Was he alone in this? he hoped not. this was way beond him, and he needed help. but it seemed he would be alone after all.
Joel looks to the squad leader, and then back to Kano with his arms crossed. He was clearly concerned too, even if he wasn't saying anything. After several moments of almost awkward silence, Joel speaks, unfolding his arms. "Yui was going to meet with the other squad leaders, I recall. Let them discuss it, and then we'll see if we should be sent out to collect those items." It was a simple plan, to the point. Rushing the gun got people killed, while inaction did little better. Joel found the plan he suggested to be a fair middle ground. Aura wasn't alone in his concern.
"Sure but if we are ever going to face something like... That... We need HEAVY training. I was watching from a sniper scope and i could sense how much danger that one held."

Kano breathed deeply then sighed. He was tired to hell. Eating three meals for ten was too much and working so much just to get his axe work correct wore him out.

" i think i need to rest for today..."

Kano trudged off to the walls and fell asleep on the observation platform.
"Understatement of the year." Aura said, not happy obout the thought of fighting the man again.

"Well I actualy need sleep tonight. Im going tomy rafter."Aura said with a yawn that sounded almost like that of a puppy's yawn as he trudged off. (night guys)
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Joel watches the young weaver saunter off and seemingly just pass out on the observation platform. The look of confusion on his face was barely formed, when Aura suddenly announced his intent to sleep too. Joel waves a fairwell to Aura as he departs. Once again, left in the awkward position of being alone with Yui. Joel thinks about the recent situation, idly looking in the direction he assumed were those items.

(See ya around Aurath)
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(Night Aurath!)

Ignoring Kano's previous fault, Yui listened deeply to what they had to say. There's a lot of conjecture involved at the moment, but their thoughts are valuable. "I agree. There's nothing we can do right now without further preparation. I'll make sure to speak with the others." Yui stretched. "Until then, this conversation never happened. It's best that you all—" she watched the others head off, "... Prepare yourselves." She sighed and scratched her head, feeling the change in atmosphere.

After a short silence, she turned to Joel. It wasn't strange to make small chat, right? "So, how was your 'official' first day? Met anyone interesting?" She asked well-intentioned.
Joel, caught daydreaming again as he stared off to the vacant distance. He doesn't fumble over his words this time around, but obviously wasn't used to doing much small talk. "Oh, Uh. Good. I met squad leader Belle, that was interesting." Putting it lightly. "Other than that, it was everyone else." He doesn't mention the fact he nearly tackled Kano to the ground earlier, but he figures she'll find out about what Kano did, and how Joel responded, from one of the staff that was in the mess hall.

Almost ashamedly, he adds, "I did not find my way to the barracks last night." He frowns.
"I knew it, Yui-Yui is finally looking for a partner!" Belle jumped out of nowhere, thowing an arm around both of them and pulling the grown man and her fello squad commander into her... bossom. "Mind and... metal? No, Mind and Matter! See you two even have the perfect name by now!" Her laughter pratcically echoed throughout the building, carrying her joy at her latest success everywhere. "And here I thought you would shoot him down like everyone else"

(Guess who's back for a while)
Yui's face visibly changes at the mention of Belle to one of slight irritation. "Interesting" may only be just the half of it, knowing her. She nods and says with a mix of awkwardness and a bit of distaste, "Great." Yui wasn't good at prodding at other people for things that don't really involve her duties, but with Joel, she believes she should put in more effort. Yet she feels as if she,s already failed hearing his next statement. "Oh, sorry about that," she said a bit more loudly. She translated his frown into dissatisfaction with her. "I should have showed them to you in the first place. Come, follow me—"

Out of nowhere, a familiar sensation squishes up against her. Of course. Yui attempted to pull away. "Belle, enough with your games! We're not kids anymore." Yui muttered. "Not to mention this is extremely disrespectful to Joel."

(Welcome back! ^^)
Kano kept hearing Belle shouts from across the base. He couldn't properly sleep because on top of it the whispers kept coming to him.

"My goodness... Why is it never quiet here!"

Kano headed to the armory and grabbed his katana to replace the weight of the axe to something lighter. He walked to the commotion where the loudness came from. He spotted Joel Yui and Belle, but seeing Joel and Yui just made Kano laugh hard.

"So you really do!"

Kano said jokingly trying to annoy Yui slightly.
"Awww, Yui's all bothered~" Belle carried on, giggling all he while before loosening her hold on Joel to fully embrace Yui from behind. "I was just kidding around, Yui-Yui, you know I won't let you go that easily~" She twirled with the short haired girl twice before releasing her with a satisfied sigh. Crimson eyes peered at the pair as she leaned forward, both hands behind her back as she practically hummed a question. "Now, what's with all the secrecy? We're all friends around here, right, Kanonono? Whats everyone in the base talking about? Tell me, tell me!"
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Normally Joel was as unmovable as the metal his threads copy. Then again, normally people don't hug other people into their bosoms after appearing seemingly out of nowhere. In the back of Joel's mind, he wonders if light weavers, or maybe shadow weavers, can manipulate one or the other, like certain animals, so they can blend into their environments. Or to outright turn invisible. A horrifying thought, especially if this was to be the new norm. He makes the oh-so awkward Hgggngghthefuk sound as he's pulled in. When he's released, he shakes himself like a wet dog would. All that work he did to un-fluster himself, has been undone. As is the tragic tale of Joel Collins. He lets the two squad leaders talk, walking over to Kano quietly.
Kano still wouldn't tell so instead he lied in a fun way.

"We were throwing a party where someone dies!"

Kano laughed out because of his horrible lie and cover up.
Joel facepalms really, really hard. It in fact, makes a sound. Another thought in the back of his mind, Is idiot weaving a thing? He frowns, shaking his head to Kano. If he was going to lie in the first place, he should have done something far more complex or something far less ridiculous. The emotions play out on Joel's face in a mix of apathy and irritation, followed with a hint of UGH.
Yui turned around to see another one enjoying her discomfort, and before she could say anything found herself completely trapped in the dastardly woman's embrace. Trying to regain her composure, or her sanity for that matter, she fixated her gaze to the floor until she heard Belle's question. She sent an apologetic look to Joel then turned to her fellow squad leader with great intensity, ignoring Kano's immaturity. With no cameras around, now might be the best time to discuss the matter before next time. Whenever that next time may be. "Belle, you've seen the recordings from yesterday, I assume. There are several who believe that Scourge is related to that man from before, as well as Project Grim Reaper.
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