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Fantasy Reaper

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Günther found the rifle and grabbed it. He took one magazine with him and walked to the fireing range. He loaded the gun and took aim. He shot the clip empty one bullet at a time and aiming carefully between each shot.
Leah stalked the hallways, her staff her, right hand tensed around it. Soon, she heard a few voiced echo towards her. So there were other people, others who had supposedly gone through whatever procedure she had in the lab. If these people had been here any longer than her, they would probably know why she was here. Well, wherever here was. That was another thing to look into. She approached a door from which the voices seemed to come from, but they were little more than muffled conversation. In one quick motion, her hand reached forward, flicked the knob to the side and in a small jerk pulled the door open an inch. Looking through the crack in the door, she noted the few people in the room, one girl's... "arm", and, perhaps to most of her delight, racks of various weaponry along the edge of the room. This seemed fun.
(Arrrgh! Notifications hate me! (TAT))

"2.34... 2.35...2.36...2.3--!!!"

Aidan was in the training room the whole time, trying to focus. "Come on... Everything's okay, don't worry..." He thought, closing his eyes again and creating a small flame in the palm of his hand for god knows how many times. "0.29... 0.30...0.31..."

BOOM! Another gunshot.

"gkkh?! God damn it!"
Aidan flinched, and the flame died. He was extremely annoyed. Why did Günther have to play with his new gun now?! Yes, this was the training room, but come on... He needed silence.

He eventually gave up and decided to join them, pulling out his beloved handgun he didn't want to use, but ended up using anyway. Walking to the fireing range, he played with it in one hand, letting it dance over his fingers.

Aidan walked up to Günther, watching him for a while.

"Nice shot!" He said with a smile as he raised his gun, looking through the tiny scope on top of it.

Just a small clicking sound was audible, and the bullet went flying.


Aidan smiled in a pretentious way. He just had to show off sometimes.

He noticed somebody in the corner of his eye, and turned to see who it was.

It was torra, and...

She had a new arm...

His eyebrows raised, and he lowered his gun.

"Oh...Hey, Torra."

He walked up to her, attaching the gun to his belt.

"Your arm... I didn't think it was that bad. But i have to admit, it looks pretty badass!" If you listen closely, you could detect a little bit of jealousy in his voice.

The person who was attacked recovered, and was standing in the training room as well. He didn't know anything about him yet, so he reached out his hand for a handshake and greeted him.

"Hello. I'm Aidan, squad 8. It's nice to see that you recovered well."
She heard one of the people, one who had been doing something Leah couldn't see, approach the girl and the one accompanying her and introduce himself as belonging to squad eight. Squad? Hmm.... That implies that most everyone here would belong to a squad, however she herself was not aware to which she applied. Her face grew puzzled as she struggled to remember anything she might have been informed of before waking, and only came up with a feeling of something of either two, four or eight. But there was most definitely a memory of "squads" having been mentioned.
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Günther looked at Aidan shoot. "I did a bit of hunting with my father... nothing impressive." He then walked to the weapons rack and placed the rifle back while yawning. He held himself standing with his hand, holding to the rack so that he wouldn't fall.

He was feeling very tired as he had some problems with sleeping.
Kano walked to the mess hall. On the way he spotted people around the training rooms. He saw his two new recruits he never met yet it seems. He walked over to the group with a cocky smile.

"Hey! Are you two my new recuits? Leah and Aidan correct? I am Squad Leader 8 Kano. Nice to meet you."

He said pleasantly. He examined them before they said anything.
With a small yelp, Leah whipped around at the sound of someone calling her name. New recruits? Well, it'd seemed as if she was of the squad eight. Same as the other person in the training room. Hardly a second later did she register the drastic difference between her attire and nearly all the others'. Her head moved back and forth a few times awkwardly before she replied.

"Yes... I would be Leah. .... Would you be able to tell me exactly what might be the intention of my being here? At this place?" She hesitated just barely prior to the lest word. She hoped that someone with the title of "squad leader" would certainly be able to tell her the reason for this... Fortress of sorts.
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So this is the leader of squad 8. Interesting. "Nice to meet you, sir." He said with a smile, examining him from head to toe. A woman he didn't notice earlier asked Kano why she was here. He cought that her name was Leah, and she was in squad 8 as well. It surprised him that she asked, since she is a member of the damage dealing squad. Did they just invite her and didn't tell her why?

It would be rude to interrupt her, so he decided to not say anything and let the two talk.
"Why are you here you say?..."

He sighed then frowned a bit.

"Because someone recuited you here because of your fighting capabilities. His name is Scourge... Stupid traitor"

Kano said angrily. But he smiled again. He then walked off and after seeing people try and shoot a target so slowly he decided to show off. He grabbed the regular shotgun shells and not the custom ones Yuriko made. He went into the empty training room and activated the simulator. He grabbed his sword and covered it in light threads. When the first wave appeared his stuck his sword in the air blinding the simulation reapers. And in one strike with blinding speed the reapers had a cut right through them. They slowly walked towards Kano but they fell, defeated and dead.
"Hm." Traitor? Interesting. Another thing to look into. Not directly, though.

She watched Kano activate a simulator, spawning several black ghoul-like appirtions at which Leah was disgusted. He wound a string of light around his blade before destroying them.

Wait, string of light? What in the world! She unconsciously took on an expression of surprise, puzzlement, and disbelief, all wound into one bundle.
"Scourge? A traitor?" That explains a lot. He wondered what he did, though.

He wanted to ask, but Kano already walked off into an empty training room, grabbing a few shotgun shells. Aidan was surprised when he activated a reaper-simulator. He didn't know they had this kind of stuff. The last thing he saw was him picking up his sword. From then on, he was blinded by a bright light. Aidan covered his eyes with his hand, and the next time he opened his eyes again, all of the simulated reapers dropped dead. It only took him seconds. So Kano was a light-weaver...

"What a poser..." He smiled, knowing that he liked to show off as well. However, this guy was the squad leader for a reason. His skills were quite impressive.
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Aidan glanced at Leah who was standing next to him and grinned. She seemed surprised. "So you're in squad 8, too? What kind of weaver are you?" I asked, not taking my eyes off of Kano. I really wanted to join. It looked like fun. Its only a simulation, so there was nothing to worry about.
"I... Uh... Weaver? I dunno. Looks like I forgot more stuff than I was supposed to with whatever happened in wherever that was...." She was referencing the lab she could only vaguely recall. And weaver? What in the heck? This place kept getting more radical by the second. Radical, at least compared to whatever ordinary things had happened before the Ghouls.
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"You... Don't know...?" His eyebrows raised. Does she remember anything at all? "I am a weaver, for example. A Fire-Weaver, to be exact. Obviously, i can control fire. Don't you know what your thread is...?" He fully turned his attention to her now. He actually sounded concerned.

"Do you have any idea at all...?" He doesn't remember his past, either, but it wasn't that bad.
"Ehh.... At the lab-whatever-it-was I remember... fire... but that's about it. It hurt a little too. And I remember someone yelling "anesthetics!"..." As she spoke, her gaze drifted slowly upward and her speech gradually slower as she struggled to recall the events.

"Yep," she concluded suddenly, a few moments later. "That's it." She repeated.
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The simulation ended with an elite reaper. Kano flicked his gunblade to the gun gauntlet mode. He inserted a shell and charged at the reapers. Kano punched right through it at the same time he shot the reaper. He looked back at the two and smirk with pride and cockiness.
At another explosion of light in the simulation, Leah took notice of... the blade having transformed into a gun fused with a glove. She stared for a moment at the odd weapon and then turned her attention to the leader of squad eight.

".... Impressive."

She figured she might as well not upset him, as he was the leader of her squad, and he was apparently one who enjoyed the at least occasional display of his skill.
"At least you're not the only one. I can't remember, either." I said, letting out a sigh.

Another flash of light blinded me again.

A simulated elite dropped dead, and Kano smirked while he looked at us. I knew that I was no match for the leader of squad 8, but I still smiled back in a challenging way. It was like Kano wanted us to praise him when he looked at us. Not gonna happen, though. "Yeah... Impressive." I agreed, saying it just loud enough for Leah to hear as i inspected his fancy weapon. It was really interesting. A gun and a sword at once. "Hey! Are you done training? You certainly don't need it, do you?" I just wanted to try that simulation out. It looked like fun. I could show what i'm capable of while i'm at it, too, so why not? I'm here to practice, anyway.
Aura, Who had been leaning in the doorway behind them for just a few moments, spoke up now. "How many Reapers have you killed? This is a simulation, so its not dangerous, but Dont be so cocky. That almost got me killed when i was a rookie."
(GUESS WHO'S BACK xD I'm finally in the habit of checking watched threads instead of waiting for a notification. Oh btw just to clear something up, you are correct on the fact that the surgery is no longer available. Scourge was the only one who knew how to do the surgery other than a couple of surgeons, but they refuse to do it without Scourge's consent. Reasons are unknown. Also, I forgot to mention there ARE different levels of the surgery. There was Project Grunt, Project Elite, Project Noble, and Project Leviathan (Another called Project Phoenix, it's almost exactly like Leviathan) just go ahead and look through Scourge's papers he left to find out what Leviathans and Phoenix' are.)

Revnoir roamed the halls, silent. He was getting worse by the day. Loss of sleep was normally expected for him, but he hadn't slept in days other than naps here and there. He couldn't stay asleep, though. Nightmares would always rip him out of his sleep, cruelly depraving him of rest. He walked past the training room the little group was in. He peeked in, having nothing better to do. His golden eyes peered in restlessly, and he watched their interaction as he took a couple steps inside.

It was obvious he had gotten less than an hour of sleep, and was at his limit. He sipped at some coffee, resisting the temptation of letting his tired mind rest. He couldn't stand the nightmares, as they were much worse than the usual ones.
(Aura, u can choose that. But Revnoir got Leviathan. Hint: Grim is a Leviathan. It gives you berserker abilities. Noble does too, but much less of an effect. Elite and Grunt just strengthens your threads)

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