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"Perfect, Aura you will act as temporary leader as we hunt the... instigator down. You're sacrifice will be remembered." She nodded as the boy entered the room, presenting himself just as she was about to call for Revnoir to lead. He was unstable, it would be fine for a few days but any later than that then she would have to reassign leadership. No way she was taking the helm, that was just asking for trouble. "Now, next on the agenda is..."
"Temporarily, simply because Revnoir is emotionally compromised, asking myself to lead is an accident waiting to happen, and you're the only other choice here." She explained quickly, not keen on wasting time now that there was a chance to finish this quickly. "If you have any other recommendations, please speak now. The term should last for only a few days, at least until we find, detain if possible eliminate if necessary, Isaac. All in all, not exactly that much of a problem unless the emotionally dead boy over here has a problem with it." She jerked her thumb at Revnoir who was still silent.
Günther heard the anouncement but didn't really care as long as he had something to do. He found the rifle and loaded it up. He then got to the fireing range, taking aim and shooting. Then repeating.

His aim wasn't the best but was better than that of a novice.
"I will Make shure the Bace is held together. Ive already tracked Scourge's location. He should still be recovering." Aura told her.
Torra watched as Aura rushed out of the room before attempting to get up herself. Her legs immediately gave way and she ended up sitting on the ground.
Aura walked back to the medbay after accepting temporary comand of the bace so he could check up on Torra. he saw her on the floor. "What happend?" He asked kindly befor helping her up into the bed again.
Günther sighed and placed the rifle from where he took it. He then walked out of the training room, heading towards the med-bay. He seemed to be bored as he wasn't the creative type of person.
"Or a robo arm. It will hook up to your nerves and give you use the use of it as though it were a normal arm. But your consent is required." Aura told her.
"You will have to be awake for the opperation... it will be painfull, but fast." Aura told her
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Günther opened the door to the med-bay and walked in. He yawned and went to sit at the only office desk in the room. He took paper and a pen to write a report on the operation of paching Torra up.
Leah woke in the empty barracks of squad eight, her mind foggy. The last thing she remembered was a test facility.... then nothingness. Fire, then nothingness. And now this. She vaguely recalled an instruction that she would awake here, but only the idea of it, no words, face, or voice to accompany. Ah, well, she was here, nothing much she could do about that. She shrugged with the thought.

Or was there? What was she to even to here? Her face attained a more distant expression as she pondered, then discard it with another shrug. She might as well find out. The only way to do that, she reasoned, was to wander. Collect. Observe. She felt a little rebellious as she slipped off the bed she had been deposited on and snuck away,a tiny smirk illuminating her face. She took no notice of the treads of fire by her side, but scooped up the quarterstaff next to her bed with glee. A weapon. How exciting!

(Yay! I posted!)
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(*throws everyone a bat and a blindfold, then hangs a pinata in the room*

Okay, start swinging! If you hit something and it says 'ow', then you hit the wrong thing. :3 Good luck! xD )
"Ok. I will send for the doctors to do i fo you. Should be up and moving again in a matter of hours." He told her as he whent to give the doctors the orders.
Yuriko grabbed her new weapons and changed into different clothes than usual. She made holsters on both sides of her hips. She holstered her guns and kept her headsets on. Though she thought she would need a powerful backup so she also grabbed a single barrel shotgun, it was 2x the power of Kano's gunblade but it took WAY TOO LONG to reload. She went out and took the stairs to get to the training room. Yuriko used her phone to find new songs for the pace of her weapons. She found it then went into the Training Room 3. She activated the simulator and trained.

Kano woke up from Squad 8s Barracks. He grabbed his clothes and his usual pure white and sky blue armor. He grabbed his gunblade and sheathed it behind his hip, sheathed his sword on his back, and his Karambit knife in his gauntlet. He took the elevator down to Floor 1. He went to his office and sat on his "throne".

"Saryn can you show me the Weave Roster?"

"Yes sir, here"

Saryn displayed the roster on Kano's computer. It showed the status and position everyone is. He took a sip of his soda drink. He spotted Aura's name, Temporary Leader. Kano chocked and spat at the floor.

"Seriously?! How?!"

"Belle assigned him Director since Revnoir is Emotionally unstable right now. And I'm sorry sir but you are still very immature to have such a responsibility..."

"Yeesh... Fine..."
Sebastian, after eating lunch decided he'd go check on Torra, and walked in to the medbay to see Gunther writing on something and Torra sitting on the bed. "You okay?" he asks.

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