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Fantasy Reaper

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Günther frowned a bit. "She needs to rest a while from the loss of blood... Even with the transfusion it will take a good while for her to recover completly..." He then scratched the back of his head and yawned once again.
Günther sighed and continued walking to the canteen. "My job is done already... I'm just a general doctor... Nothing special..."
Aidan was relieved that everybody made it out alive and was recovering well. Even if he doesn't know anybody that well yet, it would be a shame if somebody died already.

"...Aaa.. AAATChhhh..."

"Great! Now i have to change into something dry again!" He thought as he looked at himself. He thought about the incident as he changed clothes. The reaper didn't care about his attack. It had no effect at all... He sighed. "I have to train a lot.." In fact, he should start practicing immediately. Even with years of experience, his attacks are too weak. He has to focus in combat.

Aidan walked into the training room, carrying his handgun with him. However, he wasn't going to use it. He walked past another guy who was already there. He balanced a sword on his feet while doing one-handed handstand pushups. It was quite impressive.

He kneeled down on the other side of the room and closed his eyes, taking deep breaths, slow and steady. He then raised his hand, creating a flame in the palm of his hand. He covered it with his other hand, slowly suffocating it. He now focused on lowering the flame's energy, making it as tiny as possible in order to let it survive longer. The longer it survives, the better. This exercise might look like child's play, but actually took a lot of concentration. It trained his stamina and the strength of the fire. That was exactly what he needed to enhance.

Sometimes, the flame grew too strong and ate it's way up his arm. Sometimes, the flame was too weak and died after seconds. It had to be juuuust right...

Laying there Torra didnt know if she wanted to cry or scream or just never speak again. She was going over the attack in her mind and all she kept seeing was the reapers face close to her own, how did she let this happen. She wasnt quick enough. Torra glanced slowly over at Aura "You dont have to stay you know"
Günther walked into the canteen and headed to the nearest corner where he sat down and fell asleep immediately. He slept quietly for a while before starting to mumble something. This time the mumbling sounded like english. Bits and pieces could be understood and gave the impression he was recollecting the happenings of the time he had been awake.

(I'll go sleep now... Getting late for me )
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"Im the reason yougot hurt. I will stay here and make shure you are cared for." Aura told her.

(ok goodnight)
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"Torra..... I am Aura Tsukiborodo, Squad 7's Leader. What we faced out there were three Nobles. there are three classes of reapers. Grunts are the normal ones. weekest. Then there are Elites. Finaly there are Nobles. A Recruit like you, however powerful you are, has trouble killing a Grunt, even if you are a weaver. I was almost killed by one grunt not 2 days after getting here. We faced Nobles. Squadleaders have trouble fighing them. Your lucky your heart is still beating. I am too for that matter." Aurath said.
Torra frowned and began to sit up, her head started spinning and so she was forced to close her eyes for a couple of seconds and look to the ground. It was only then she realised how much she couldnt feel her arm anymore but didnt dare look. "But why ?"
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(Ive been in the room this whole time ;~; aight then..)

Sebastian stood up from the chair he had in the corner and walked out, deciding he wasnt needed at the moment, and thought Torra and Aura might want to talk alone.
Yuriko searched Squad 3's weaponry. She wanted a new weapon. The glaive started to wear her out. She looked at all the weapons. She wanted something that can move well with a beat. She found it. Duel wielded double barreled shotguns. She thought it was stupid at first but it was also perfect. Reloading and shooting at the beat, though her songs need to be slower, but sure? Why not?
Günther who had been sleeping, yawned and woke up. He stood up from the chair he was sleeping in, and slowly walked out of the canteen. He was heading towards an empty training room. In there he would look for any usable rifle with a decent optic scope, if there even was any.
(I am back... and only umbra's left in the room... nice.)

Belle looked around disappointingly, she had to admit that it was mostly her fault seeing as she was the one late to the meeting she herself called. No matter. "There is a power vacuum now, one that must be filled immediately. Any nominations?" She asked, though only speaking to Revnoir in the room, she had Arcadia project her voice through the PA system to inform everyone of the proceedings.

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