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Fantasy Reaper

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The core was still in his hand. He stared at it. It looked very different than the regular reaper core. He walked into the Belle's Office and grabbed a sticky note and attached it to the core.

I want you to take a close look into this... -Kano

He placed it on her desk and wandered off
Sebastian thought to himself while helping Günther with Torra Geez... All these weavers.. Either heartless or selfish.. Except for a few.. Then looked over at Günther and asked nervously, "Is she gonna be alright??" Showing slight guilt and sadness.
Günther was taking a blood sample from Torra's arm. "She will need a blood transfussion... Do you know her blood type?"

Günther's voice sounded a bit usure as he spoke. His hands were shaking slightly and his eye still tried to close themselves even as the situation was anything but calm.
[QUOTE="Kazu Kun]Kano sighed with annoyance.
"Saryn! Get the top medics for Torra!"

"Yes sir! We Need Medics!!!! On Torra!"

Medics rushed for the group and took Torra.

(I'm going to leave this here...)
"I.. I dont know.. But mine is O.." Sebastian says before asking nervously, "Isnt that like.. The universal blood type?? Everyone can have it??"
"Positive or negative?" Günther took some blood onto a little glass plate and carried it to a table. He then looked for the blood group test kit and once finding it took the Rh test and started doing it.
"Are you sure..? Günther stopped immediately with the test and went to look for a pump to get blood with.
"Lucky to have one..." Günther mumbled to himself as he pulled out the pump which already had a blood bag ready to be filled. He took the needle end and a piece of tape, then walked to Sebastian. "Give me your arm."
"God youre lucky lucky youre my friend... I hate needles.." Sebastian mumbles before grabbing a chair to sit in and holding out his arm. "How much does she need? Ill give as much as I can." He says, closely watching her breathing to make sure she doesnt stop.
One of the medics was holding a defib ready in case something happened.

Günther sticked the needle into Sebastian's arm and started the pump. "One blood bag should be enough to stabilize her..." He kept a close eye on the pump and on Sebastian's face.
Sebastian winced as the needle broke skin but calmed down after a minute. "Okay..." Sebastian says before mumbling to himself, "Im so sorry Torra..."
Günther glanced back and forth between the pump meter and Sebastian's face for the whole time the blood bag was filling up. He then shut down the pump as the bag was full. Günther then pulled the blood bag of the pump and prepared it for transfusion.

"Hope this works..." He pushed a needle into Torra's arm and attached the blood bag to it. He then opened the valve on the blood bag to release the blood.
Sebastian watches as his blood flows from the bag into Torras arm, hoping to god it works and decides the doctors would work better without him in the room. He walks out of the medbay, to the armory and grabs some ammo for his gun, and goes outside to do what he originially planned for the day, scout. Walking out the door he sees the mess from earlier, blood surrounding the tree from Aura, and a trail of blood leading to the door from when he dragged Torra inside. Calling on the comms to let everyone know hes scouting he says, "Private Sebastian Pitmann heading out on a scout mission... I'll be back by 2200 tonight" before walking out the gates.
Kano hears the comms and sighs.

"What an idiot, I wish I can let him go. But I am a squad leader..."

Kano finished fixing his armor and weapons. He still hasn't used any of his custom shells for his gunblade yet. He sheathes his weapons and rushes for the gates. He spots Sebastion and jumps over him blocking his path. He shoves Sebastion to the ground. Kano looks down on him with an intimidating glare.

"You aren't going anywhere kid... Especially with the the new Nobles, the Traitor and Grim out there. Anyways you are too weak. WAY TOO WEAK. No one is leaving until Weave is ready to fight"
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"Since when did any of you weavers care about me?" Sebastian mumbled under his breath before standing and dusting himself off and adding, "All the other weavers in this base have looked down on me and pushed me around.. Besides Torra.." then whispering to himself, "God.. He's right... I couldn't even defend myself.. She had to.. And look where that got her.." then turning around and walking back towards the gates.

Sebastian thought to himself while walking towards the gates Guess I should expect to be pushed around since I'm one of the few humans here.
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Kano sighed he followed Sebastion in. However he felt the sudden urge to go ahead. So he went in front of Sebastion. Suddenly a reaper screeched. The sound was piercing. It stunned Kano and Sebastion. An elite jumped at Sebastion from behind. At an instant Kano grabbed his gunblade, inserted a custom Shotgun shell. He stood in the way of the Elite. Kano aimed at the Reapers core. The explosion was a Massive cone of fire, it eradicated the Elite to dust. Now he has 9 of 10 Fire shells.
(Its Sebastian with an A not an O haha)

Sebastian watches as Kano walks in front of him and wonders What the... I thought he'd stay behind me to make sure I go in.. before hearing a piercing scream. After coming out of his daze, he looks behind himself and sees an Elite reaper jumping towards him and yells "Holy sh*t!!" before jumping back. Unluckily for him the explosion from Kano's fire shell was so big the fire reached him and managed giving him 3rd degree burns on his chest and right leg, causing him to fall to the ground, shouting out various profanity and holding his chest.
Kano shut the gates closed. He looked back at Sebastian seeing him in pain. He carried him to the med-bay easily. The Medics took him. Before they grabbed him Kano said to Sebastian.

"Thats a good lesson for you kid..."
Letting the medics apply burn medicine to his chest and leg, Sebastian holds back from responding to Kano as he leaves, accepting that he'll most likely never get any respect from the weavers. Once the medics are done, Sebastian walks out of the med-bay, and to his squads barracks to rest. Once in he checks himself into the computer as "Injured/Out of action" and grabs a book from his bags and lays on his bunk to read.
Günther had by the time Sebastian returned to the med-bay, disappeared to the canteen where he was sleeping and mumbling quietly.
Aura's wounds were finaly healed and he was back in his office. He heard what had happend over the coms. "Scouting and Reconnasaince is squad 7's thing, not squad 3's. Good thing Kano was there to save him." Aura said with a sigh.

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