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Fantasy Reaper

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Günther yawned one more time. He then stood up and wobbled a bit as he tried to take a step away from the table.
Sebastian hears a beep in his comms and presses a button next to his ear to listen in and hears a distress call. "Shit, I'll be back, Aura needs help." He mumbles as he runs to the doors outside. Jogging to a hill about 50 meters from the area Aura is laying surrounded by nobles, he pulls out his ATX80 sniper rifle and sets his aim on a noble standing directly over him and loads a bullet. Pulling the trigger he feels the shock of the recoil rack through his body and reloads another bullet after making sure his first hit its mark. He then realizes one of the nobles has seem him and calls on his comms "Aye Torra! I could use some help! A noble saw me."
Torra hears Sebastian on the comm and runs out after him, pulling out 2 long knives as she goes. Once she reaches him she see's a noble heading towards him and Aura on the ground. Torra throws one of her knives at the reaper picking up Aura hitting it through the head.
Revnoir, when at the gate, saw a noble out in the open and caught a glimpse of a second one hiding behind some rubble. He growled and activated Hysteria, ignoring the fact that he wasn't to use it until he was completely recovered from before. He darted towards the one in the open, slamming his scythe into it's chest and pushing it back. He signaled for Sebastian to shoot at the other one, his sclera pitch black again. The Noble screamed at Revnoir, but was silenced by a scythe slashing upwards to cut off part of it's face. It squealed in pain, and backed off while staggering in agony.
Hoping Torra heard, Sebastian switches his aim to a noble he noticed threw Aura and attempts to get his aim on its head, but when he pulls the trigger is horrified to see it only hit its arm, and alerted it to his presence also, causing it to turn and join its fellow noble running at him. Right away Sebastian tries a last ditch effort and calls for Aura, "Come on Aura, you can do it, just get up. Don't let some nobles bring you down like this..."
Torra turns to see a noble running at Sebastian and instantly the ground around her begins to shake. SHe raises a stone barrier around Aura and the tree and then throws her last knife at the noble running at Sebastian hoping to get another good hit.
"Shit... I'm so screwed.." Sebastian mumbles as he loads another bullet and fires at one of the nobles running at him. Realizing it was his last bullet, Sebastian calls over the comms to Revnoir, "Get Aura out of there! Leave me be he's more important, my shots have probably alerted a couple other reapers."

Sebastian watches as Torra throws her knife, hoping it hits its target, but knowing that unless it hits it in the spine or head, it'd just enrage it more.
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The ground around Torra rumbles again as her knife misses the noble's head and just scrapes its arm. She starts raising a barrier of stone around Sebastian and then whips a vine at one of the nobles legs, dragging it down.
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Revnoir glared at Sebastian when he heard what he said. He spoke into the intercom. "Denied, I'll get him but don't go around acting the part of hero. Get inside if you can't fight." He said sharply, and turned back to the Nobles. He turned to the one closest to Aura and slammed the blade of his scythe into the Noble's side, but it barely went through the skin. It sent the Noble flying from the force, despite that. Revnoir growled and was standing above the downed Reaper in a blink of an eye, holding it down and extracting the core. He hurried over to Aura and picked him up, putting him over his shoulder.
Aidan darted out of the building and pulled out his beloved handgun he always carried with him. It started burning as he touched it, but the flame was weakened by the rain. "Damn it! Why now out of all times?!" He joined the small group to fight the noble. He realised what was going on; It attacked a fellow. He was currently being carried back into the building. He didn't look too good...

The noble was still around and dangerously close. He had to help the others out. He raised his handgun and concentrated his power, creating a large flaming bullet. He pulled the trigger, and it shot into the creatures direction. Hopefully the rain didn't weaken him too much...
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Torra used another vine to pick up one of her knives before plunging it into the head of one of the nobles she had pinned to the ground.
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Sebastian hears the scream of the Noble as it falls to the ground dead behind the wall and grabs his gear and begins booking it towards the gates, knowing he'd be useless without ammo in his gun because he had neglected to grab his knives before running outside.
Suddenly Torra feels a shooting pain go up her arm as a noble grabs it, she tries to turn around and hit it with her knife but it just drags its fingers down before pulling her down also. Torra tries to scream but the blood she feels flowing down her arm starts to make her feel dizzy.

(I'll be going to bed soon)
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Turning back and hearing Torra attempt at screaming, Sebastian runs towards the noble and smashes the butt of his gun into the reapers head with all his strength, dazing the reaper giving him enough time to drag Torra back towards the entrance. As he gets in he calls on the comms, "This is Sebastian Pitmann of squad 3, I need a medic, entrance 2 near the cafeteria! I have a downed Earth Weaver in need of medical attention."
Günther ran to the entrance, almost falling a few times on the way. "What's the problem?" He shouted as he got there.
Kano heard the screaming and jumped up. He ran outside and jumped over the walls. He spotted the Noble. Its them!!!!! ****!!!!! Kano shouted through his mind. He spun in the air unsheathing his broadsword before landing. His light threads coated his sword which kind of exploded into a blinding light when it comes into contact of anything. He charged at the Noble making a deep slice on it however it was nowhere near enough to kill.

Yuriko also hear the alarming screams through her headset. She grabbed her headset and glaive and rushed outside through the gates. She saw the Noble and Kano. She coated herself with thick and dealy fire threads.
Ashton stood with her daggers in hand she then leaned against a wall and sharpened her daggers. Ashton looked around then sighed and closed her eyes almost falling asleep. Ashton looked at her gun then picked it up and fired out a window she then picked her daggers up and attached them to her gun. "Mph, Not a bad look" She muttered as she put her gun down.

(Is this the right setting and theme, tell me if not)
She played a slower than usual song. She practiced tons. When her songs are fast, it has less power but TONS of speed. When songs are slow she has TONS of power but less speed. She threw her glaive and the power was destructive.


Sebastian looks over to the medic while putting pressure on Torras wound and says nervously, "Shes bleeding out, a reaper got its claws in her forearm and dragged them down. Her arm is ripped to shreds..."

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