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"Not for you, you would be manning the sensory array with Arcadia, though worry about that tomorrow. Hop off to bed now." She chided with her arms crossed over her chest. It was really tough being the mature one it seemed. "As you are, you wouldn't last too long on the field anyway."
Torra smiled as Belle closed the door and then leaned back onto the bed. She stared at the ceiling for a minute or so, losing her smile now ,before turning onto her side. She examined the rest of the room and the occupants in it before finally sighing and closing her eyes, she had a feeling she would be needing her strength.
"We... we'll work on that tomorrow. Goon night kid." she concluded the exchange with a sincere tone before leaving the room. Maybe she would get some actual sleep this time.

(good night to everyone too~)
-Adian Oneill, Fire weaver-

"Uuuugh!" He slammed the door shut behind him and let out a sigh. God, why does it have to be raining right now? He was soaking wet...

Aidan took the hood off of his head and ran his hand through his hair. At least his head was still dry...

He looked to the right to see Scourge's office. "Scourge... Huh, i wonder..." He walked to the door and knocked, waiting for a response. "Hello? I'm sorry, i overslept! It's Aidan Oneill!" He knocked again, but the door didn't open. Maybe he should come back later... Might as well check out the building in the meantime.

He put his hands in his pockets and walked past the offices, making his way to the cafeteria. Something to eat would be nice... He was starving.

Well, not really. But he was hungry.
Revnoir heard someone go past the offices, and scowled. If there's another recruit I swear to god. Even when he's not here they keep flooding in. He grumbled, still staring at stuff around his office.
As he walked past the offices, his nose started to tickle. He stopped, and a giant sneeze was audible in the whole hallway. God, the rain didn't do him any good... Hopefully he didn't catch a cold.

After his humongous sneeze, he caught a glimpse of a door that lead to one of the offices. It was slightly open, so he decided to see if there was anybody there and ask for Scourge. "Excuse me! Can i come in?" He asked as he knocked on the door. He could've sworn that he heard somebody mumbling something in there...
(ima guess it's Rev's office..?)

Revnoir looked at the man who was looking in, and raised an eyebrow. "Did you need something..?" He grumbled, frowning. He wasn't in the worst mood, believe it or not, but he could be much better.
(Oh derp. Should've tagged you)

Aidan raised an eyebrow as well as he heard the man's tone. What a heartfelt word of welcome...

"Sorry to bother you, but where is Scourge? I have to excuse myself for coming late."
Revnoir's expression changed a bit as he was irked from just the mention of the masked man. "Don't bother, he's gone. Don't worry about being late, what squad are you?" He asked, giving the Fire Weaver a sharp glare that if looks could kill, would feed Aidan to the dogs while ironically burning him alive.
Günther got out of the barracks and headed towards canteen. He looked like bear who has been shot in the ass. (Perseeseen ammuttu karhu. Meaning that someone isn't in the best mood.)
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The glares he received from Revnoir were... intimidating, to say the least. Quite the moody guy. "I'm in squad 8..." He said, expecting to be yelled at for some reason. What was his problem? He didn't do anything. Geez...

He wondered why Scourge wasn't around anymore, but wasn't too curious about it. Right now, he just wanted this conversation to end.
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Revnoir muttered something inaudible under his breath. "Your barracks are floor 9, Leader is Kano." He grumbled, spinning his chair a bit. "Did you need anything else?"
"No. Have a nice day, sir." He said before he left the office and closed the door behind him. "I'm off to a great start..." he thought as he let out a sigh. What a rude guy... Whatever.

"Floor 9, huh." He looked at himself, still soaking wet. Maybe he should change into something dry before grabbing something to eat. Since he's the new guy, he should leave a good first impression on the other Weavers,

So he made his way up the stairs to level 9.
Günther looked around the canteen and went to sit on one of the tables. He layed his head down on it and closed his eyes, falling asleep again.
Sebastian, after sleeping in 2 hours, rolls to the left in his bed and falls off. Unluckily for him he chose top bunk the previous night, so he woke up with a huge THUD. "Crap... That hurt." He mumbles to himself before standing up and grabbing his day-clothes. After quickly pulling on his pants and shirt he goes over to the wall and types his code into the computer to show himself as awake in case anybody needed him. Right away the computer beeped and told him the current weather and showed the time, "Good morning Sebastian, the weather today is rainy, with a chance of storm."

"Wonderful.. The day I choose to go scouting it rains.."
He grumbles before grabbing his black jacket and pulling it on as he walks out the barracks door.
Aidan threw his backpack filled with the few things he had on one of the beds and closed the door. It sucks to be a fire weaver sometimes... "Aaah... Ah-... AAACHOO!" It was getting worse. Wonderful. Just wonderful!

He sighed and walked to the bed he threw his backpack on, and pulled out a black sweatshirt and sweatpants. Wearing something dry again was such a relief...

His tummy started to grumble...

When was the last time he ate something? Probably like... 2 days ago? What was he waiting for?

He threw the wet clothes in a corner and left the room, darting down the stairs. The anticipation was written all over his face as he grabbed the doorknob to the cafeteria.

The door opened, followed by a sneeze.
Torra woke up suddenly and quickly scoped the room to make sure she was safe. An unnecessary act giving where she was but an act she had come accustomed to doing all the same. Torra looked down at her quilt, which was now on the floor, and slowly placed it back on the bed. It usually took her a little time to get her head back on straight after sleeping, or not as the case would sometimes be, and so what would usually be a easy task took longer than need be. After making her way to the shower and getting dressed Torra headed down to the cafeteria, she could hear the storm outside and the sound of rain seemed to echo in her head. Before Torra even reached the cafeteria she could hear shouting, frowning she picked up the pace and headed straight for the cries.
Günther sat up and flailed a bit with his right arm. He was still asleep with his eyes closed. He was shouting something in German and pointed forward.

(I'm playing ARMA 3 so I'll respond now and then)
(Ayyy! I'm german xD )

When he opened the door, the first thing he noticed was a guy sleeping with his head on the table. Not because of his looks or something like that, but because of his shouting and the way he moved in his sleep. Was he having a nightmare, or...?

Aidan moved closer to the guy. He shouted something in a language he couldn't understand. Dutch? German, maybe? Who knows. Maybe he should wake him up. He looks like he's having a bad time.

"Hey!" He put his hand on his shoulder and shook him a little, trying to wake him up. As he did so, he heard another person opening the door and entering the cafeteria behind him.

@Shinohara @Songbird500
Günther woke up and quickly stood up. He turned to look at Aidan. "S.. sorry...." He scratched the back of his head.
"Are you alright? You looked like you were having a bad time while you slept, so i thought i'd wake you up." He smiled and reached out his hand for a handshake. "I'm the new guy. You can call me Aidan. Nice to meet you." It was wonderful to meet a person that didn't give you the death stare for no reason.

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