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Fantasy Reaper

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(Alright then.. My final stand)

Sebastian looks around and finds himself surrounded, recognizing two as elites and thinking Oh crap.. I think I'm screwed.. I refuse to go out without a fight. He then decides on what he will do. Sebastian pulls out his extra knife from his side sheathe and holds them tactical style (arms bent, knives pointing outwards) and continuously turns not letting any of the reapers leave his sight for more than two seconds at most. Without hesitation or fear he throws the one in his right hand at an elite and watches as it hits the weaver in the chest, only stumbling it. Shifting the final knife to his right hand, holds it up and aims at the reapers head and gets his sight lined up perfect, and throws the knife as hard as he can, hitting the reaper in the forehead and watches as it falls back dead, and begins to await his inevitable loss due to having no more weapons available.
"Though I doubt you could give me procedure, feel free to prove me wrong, I would need the combat potential involved. We are going to hunt him down, are we not, I would hate to fly in blind. The rest you can give me after we have... dealt with this scourge." She replied calmly in contrast to his obvious excitement. She did not need this added emotion to muddle for the moment, and rather she could not bring herself to feel excited when she was the blade that cut Xillia's life short. "Your protege seems to have finished." She added as an extra, observing how the human boy did. Quite admirably, if she was still sentimental
Revnoir tapped the screen that controlled the simulation, and all the Reapers froze. They disappeared into threads and nothing was left of the simulation. Sebastian was not harmed any further. Revnoir grumbled something underneath his breath.

"Do you feel weak yet? If you do, then the program's working." He said jokingly, but his sense of humor was damaged from the depressing thoughts running rampant through his insane head.

He turned towards Belle, frowning. "By combat potential... You mean Scourge's? Well haven't you already seen it? Or was he too injured to fight at his full capacity?" He spat, rage burning in his yellow eyes. He couldn't wait to rip the man to shreds.
"Revnoir, he ran. There is only one other being he would run to." She left the statement hanging, both because she simply did not feel like explaining everything and the fact that she wanted to make sure his cognitive and reasoning skills were still function. It would be fine if he went berserk in battle, that was most likely his strong point in this matter, though before that, she needed him sane and functioning before they entered the battlefield.

"Enough with the fuming for now." She spoke firmly, warning him to back down before they had their match even before they dealt with the first Weaver. She could very well deal with him, and likely scourge after a while, dealing with Grim after such a gauntlet would prove somewhat troublesome though. "Show me you can still think."
Revnoir glared down at the girl, still with a frown plastered to his face. "And how do I do that? You know I'm not as clever as people say I am, quit making me read between the lines." He grumbled, now even more annoyed than he was before.
This was going nowhere. That particular strategy was quickly scrapped. If he did not have the required intelligence, he might as well be a distraction more than a partner in battle. Again, she could deal with it if it was just something as minor as that. "Battle potential of everyone who underwent the experimental procedure, yourself, Aura, Grim. Pros and cons of your... new state, as well as amount of reapers you, he in this case, could call in case things get awry. We may need to garner aid if things are as bad as I fear." She took a glance at the new recruit. maybe having bait wasn't exactly a bad thing either. "You want to take him?" She asked on a whim, referring to the new recruit and ignoring the fact that he was fatigued from the simulation.
Sebastian looks around and notices nothing is coming at him and before he walks out responds to Revnoirs question "No, I dont feel weak for your information. I feel better than ever. I stood up to a weaver, when I'm usually quiet and shy. I'll see you later Sir." Sebastian then continues to walk towards the cafeteria to eat because he hadn't eaten for the whole day.
zen woke up . he was lying on the ground inside the base his shirt tossed to the side and his sword in his hand unsheathed . he began to recall what happened . after he left the training room after his spar with aura he had went back outside to go back to practicing his downward swing he had passed out after about 538,729 swings. he sat up surprised he hadn't impaled himself on his sword.zen looked over to his shirt it was drenched in sweat and coated in dirt"...not putting that back on" he stood and sheathed his sword walking back inside. he heard his stomach grumbled and realized he hadn't eaten since he had come to the base which was at least two days. he made his way to the cafeteria
Revnoir grumbled. "Big words don't get you anywhere with me. You want to know how strong Aura, Grim, and I are, right? Aura had his threads strengthened from what I heard so he shouldn't be too close to Grim's level. Grim is way above any average Weaver's league. He's stronger than a Noble, and stronger than Scourge himself when he's at full potential. Oh wait..! I probably shouldn't call him by his fucked up nickname. His real name is Isaac Fitzbach. 37 years old and won't make it to 38.

If you want to know about my potential, well I can't really say. My surgery was too harsh on me so I still need to take it a little slower until tomorrow. Did you need anything else, Einstein?" That was probably the largest single speech he's spoken for a long time.
Sebastian watched as Zen entered the cafeteria and grabbed his food then went back to eating while thinking of what to do after he was done
She shook her head. The operation would take place the next day then. "Rest, we'll hunt him down tomorrow provided he stays within the 10 second zone." She answered without much of a fuss, not exactly threatened by the anger of the Shadow Weaver. "Don't do anything rash before then, I would like you alive after we're done dealing with Isaac."
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The Doors of the Med Bay Slide open as K'bain walks out half recovered, He rotates his shoulder while giving a groan. He then let's out a slight sigh while crackling his neck. “Been out of commission for a while now, Probably missed a lot of good stuff happening. Well look at the bright side, at least EVE isn't here annoying me." He chuckles to himself. As he walks across the hall, he sees other Weavers Training for something. “I wonder why they need to train, they have their magical spider like webs, that may or may not kill something in a single touch,” He tells himself feeling a bit jealous of them. “Ah screw it. At least those things can't puncture inches of thick combinations of Hybrid Steel!” He utters feeling a bit of pride come back and some jealousy go away, which he knows isn't true.

“Well I better not be rude..” He waves at the people training, trying to be kind and sorta respective, sorta..
[QUOTE="Kazu Kun](Wow everyone ignored Kano lol so polite)
Kano sighed and walked into the mess hall. He grabbed his usual food and sat and ate casually.

((AcTuAlLy akashi was addressing you......))
(no problem! ^^ too bad I'm gonna miss u completely, I'm heading to bed soon)
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"The kind of can, actually." Belle replied over the joyous cry of one of the brave soldiers who actually remained human after this mess. She never did get to talk to him as much as she would have liked, and they could use all the help the could get now that they were hunting the first Weaver down. "Belle Alkeros, Leader of Squad 2." She introduced herself casually as she walked towards the armored man with the big gun. "Care for a bit of a spar?"

(It's fine, just glad more people are here now~)
K'bain wouldn't expect someone to actually notice and introduce themselves to him formally, and then asks to spar with him, so he stands formally and introduces himself. “Nice to meet you!, I am K'bain Irhis G. Quirosz, boy that was a mouthful, but My AI usually calls me 'Mini', but any cases sure, I just got out of the Med Bay, and I am feeling anxious to start fighting again!”, He says happily not caring even if his still half recovred
"Yes, quite." She raised an eyebrow at his behavior. Maybe another distraction for tomorrow's battle, or he could be of a bit more use as he experiment. There was a tantalizing amount of metal on him, metal that could easily be dealt with if she wanted to end this quickly. "I would invoke my right to move first, but seeing as you are in a strange condition, please go ahead when you are ready." She spoke with a thin smile as she walked towards an unoccupied area and took a normally relaxed stance.

At least she had something to take her mind of the guilt for now.
“Very well then.”, He gestures. He pulls out his Minigun, press and holds the trigger, the barrel spins like a 5 yr. Old on sugar rush, and then A hail storm of stun bullets come pouring out..
"What squad are you from? I've never heard of such an AI before, though it's probably because I've only recently started leaving my lab." She admitted, her form phasing through the bullets he fired. Straight forward attack was not enough to beat the illusionist. "I would suggest finding me first, Mini." She chuckled darkly as an orb materialized from the surrounding light before it converged into a laser aimed at the man's chest.
“Wow There Don't shoot my Chest!,” He shouts while trying to cover it with his minigun, “I have A giant hole there that's still recovering after a Reaper Almost killed me!, so anywhere but there!”
"Sorry." the laser bent, circling him before returning as an orb over her illusory form. "Where can I hit you then?" She needed him alive after all, so it would be best not to injure her future bait before the monsters do.
“....Like I said...Anywhere but the chest.... Wait.... Crotch too..” He utters strangely while pulling out a knock-out gas grenade, “..You may be invisible, But You have to know, this is Reaper World, And in this world no one's fights fair...”, Finishing his sentence he pulls the pin and throws it way up in the air, soon the room will be covered in knock-out fumes.

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