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Akashi tilted his head, seemingly unfazed by the look he received. "Not in particular," he said, before taking another bite of the apple in his hand.

[/media]Kano woke up from the bed bay. Cured from the mind thread attack. The message scarred his thoughts badly. His armor and weapons was scattered across the room. He equipped his clothes and pure white and blue armor. He sheathed his Karambit, Gunblade and Broadsword. He walked out and stretched. A doctor went up to him and told Kano to put less stress on himself for about a week. Kano walked out of the medbay and headed to the training rooms. He already predicted a spar happening because thats how it is every day. He reached the training room seeing a group there. He spots out 3 new recruits and Revnoir. He walks over and stands a bit intimidating somewhat looking down on them with cockiness.
"Are these three new?"

Yuriko kepts her somewhat big headsets on while she wandered the halls. She spun her custom glaive, Equinox around herself. She went towards the training area and ignored the group and went into the open and empty rooms. She turned on the simulation and put one of the fast past non-japanese songs she has.
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Torra looked at the squad leader (Revnoir) "Hey leave him be alright he didnt mean anything by it" Before turning her head to see the other guy that had just walked over to them all.
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"Um... Uh..." Sebastian failed to get any words out to explain himself and stood straight as Revnoir stared at him.
Hearing a sharp voice behind him, Akashi turned around to face the speaker. Though he was a little downtrodden from being the receiving end of the veterans' annoyance, or anger, or whatever unpleasant emotion they held against him, he knew that he was in no place to complain. After all, it was he who signed up to become a Weaver—it was he who needed to endure the harsh words shot at him for however long it took to gain their respect. Though, in his opinion, they could at least try to be a little bit nicer to him. He hadn't done anything wrong, had he?

"Yes," he replied, casually placing a hand on the hilt of his sword. It wasn't an act of wariness, but rather a relaxed gesture. He was sure that the other knew that he had no intention to attack. "Is there a problem?"
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(sry, notifications bailed out on me)

Revnoir gave Sebastian a look of annoyance and walked away, trying not to blow up on anyone. He had to learn to deal with loss in a way that didn't include blowing off steam on others. He left towards his office, collapsing into the chair and relaxing completely. He remembered he hasn't eaten all day, and most of yesterday. No wonder he was so slim. He frowned. I don't feel hungry, so what's the point? Besides, if show up in the mess hall, the cooks will tell me how much they feel for me and how she shouldn't have died... I can't stop thinking about her... He stared at his screen, tired. The moving wallpaper and widgets were all that kept it interesting. Nothing was on his screen, and it was sitting idle on the desktop.
Sebastian calmed down after the experience with the leader and says, "I dont know... Thats the first ive ever encountered him, Im new just like you, just human." Sebastian thinks for a few seconds and asks, "Should I go talk to him... Get to know him since he's... You know, my squad leader?"
"Wanna come with?" Sebastian says with a new confidence in his voice.

"I won't bite." he says playfully mocking her also.
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(Wow everyone ignored Kano lol so polite)

Kano sighed and walked into the mess hall. He grabbed his usual food and sat and ate casually.
"Alright, would you happen to know where he could've gone though?" Sebastian asks curiously then remembers she's new also and continues with, "Wait... You're new like me, neither of us would know... Let's go ask someone else."
Revnoir put his headphones in and started to listen to music.


It was what he usually listened to, which some people questioned. He started coding something, but no-one really knew what it was he did in his spare time. Hell, he may be hacking something for all we know. He typed amazingly quickly, which showed just how long he's been at a keyboard.
Sebastian walks into the mess hall and sees someone sitting at a table alone and decides he'd ask him where Revnoir would be. He approaches the stranger and says, "Hey.. Um.. Would you happen to know where Revnoir would be right about now?"
"Oh me? Revnoir is probably in his office. And who are you? I haven't seen you before... My name is Kano by the way. Squad leader 8"

He stood up and smirked in pride.
"My names Sebastian, I'm sorta new here. I'm in squad 3... Revnoir's squad." Sebastian answers in response while scratching his head.
Kano's smirk turned into a smile.

"Well then... Welcome to the weaver base kid."

Even though Kano was younger he still used that fact he was a squad leader as leverage.
"How did you miss it? It is next to the entrance kid..."

Kano sighed at his ignorance but he was okay with it. Sebastion was new after all.
"Oh.. Um.. I guess Ill go talk to him then." Sebastian says obviously embarrassed before walking to Revnoir's office.

Sebastian reaches Revnoir's office and decides it'd be appropriate to knock

*tap tap tap*
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Torra ran after Sebastian and tried her best to smile at the young guy he'd just asked help from "He's in here ?" Torra asked looking at Sebastian.

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