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Fantasy Reaper

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"I'm gonna go uh play my violin and yeah.." Sounding like a guilty child, she didn't want to have to come along to the training room as well.
zen just barely heard the call for his name. he stopped swinging and grabbed his shirt slinging it over his shoulder. he sheathed his sword and made his way to the training room to see aura and one other he had not met before"you call aura?"
"Serrina, Would you please wait outside for me. I still have something to show you." Aura said.

"Yes Zen. We are going to spar and show this human here what Weavers can do. Dont hold back my friend." Aura said, walking into the room.
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zen shrugged "alright then" he threw his shirt to the side though he was a bit tired he was always up for a spar "whenever your ready" zen drew his sword in his left hand and held the sheath in his right hand
Torra Ashwood

Torra walks into the training room just as 2 weavers are about to spar
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Aura took his own 10 pound broadsword and rushed at Zen, His shadowy threads Crawling up around him, making a wicked armor of shadow threads.
zen reacted quickly dodging to the side and leaving a pool of his threads in his path creating a wall of ice in front of aura
Sebastian notices a new person walk into the training room then stares in awe at the fight going on in front of him
Torra Ashwood

Torra walks over to the other person standing at the side, while continuing to watch the fight as she walks by. "Amazing right ?"
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Aura uses his dark threads to make a hole in the ice in front of him. he then crouched in the hole and threw a knife at Zens feet. Then he pulled a detonater out and made the knife explode.
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Günther walked out from the med-bay, letting out a loud sigh. His head was hanging down as he slowly headed towards the barracks of squad 2.
zen dodged backwards flipping and planting his feet firmly on a wall as he kicked off thrusing himself towards aura he pointed his sword forward and gathered his threads at the tip creating a giant spiked cone of ice. he held it out in front of him as he hurdled towards aura
Aura stood straight, and reached out with his hand, covered in his own threads, made a spike come from the senter of his palm, splitting the dead middle of Zens cone of ice. he then grabbed Zens face with the other hand and tossed him to the ground and formed a cage around him, hardening his threads so they wouldnt be cut. "You have gotten stronger Zen. Keep working at it."
Sebastian watched closely at the threads and observed out they twined together to make an almost unbreakable bond. "Wow... That was awesome!" he then exclaims
Aura retracts his threads and walks outside. he then motions for Serrina to follow him, and walks outside the building and to the wall hopping over it.
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Sebastian looked over and saw a girl hanging above the doorway and observed her closely trying to see if he recognized her from anywhere then looked over to Aura and said "So... How did you get your powers Sir, if you dont mind me asking"
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Torra Ashwood

Torra goes and sits down on one of the benches after watching the spar and follows one of the fighters with her gaze as he walks away
"Hmm.. Interesting. Seems like it'd hurt though." Sebastian mumbles to himself before walking to the door and stopping to take a better look at the new person who has just sat down. "Hey, you," he says before adding on, "Who're you?"
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