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Fantasy Reaper

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Revnoir's slashes started to become faster and faster, until the blade of his scythe ripped into Cinder's side. It cut deep, and Cinder screamed in pain. He tried to push the scythe away, but Revnoir was cruelly forcing it deeper into the Fire Weaver's flesh. Revnoir let out a low growl, sounding almost exactly like a Reaper. He was wrathfully ripping into his old rival, now recognizing him and only wishing him sufferance.
Serrina looked up from her concentration, hearing a scream, she ran out till she got to the training room, were the noise was coming from, and saw Revnoir ripping into somebody. Using much of her strength and threads, Her threads shot at the scythe, knocking it out of Revnoirs hands. She panted a small sigh of relief.
Günther decided that he had to go in the middle himself. He tried to pull back Revnoir's scythe.
Revnoir's scythe, as it was pulled away, turned back into the threads it was made of and disappeared. He then lost consciousness, his sclera going back to normal as well as the rest of his eye. He was out cold on the ground, and Cinder has his back against the wall as he tried to hold the wound closed. "Fuck..! That bastard nearly killed me!" He spat angrily, blood trickling down his hand from the open wound.

(gtg for like 2 hrs or so, wish me the best for french class xD )
Aura came i behind Serrina and saw what was happening. "Serrina, get that fire weaver to the medbay. I will take Revnoir." Aura said taking control of the situation.
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Serrina grabbed hold of Cinder, she slung his arm around her neck, and he supported his fall weight on hers. She tried not to look at the terrible wound. "I gotta get him to the MedBay."
( Ugh... sorry... I was distracted by stuff...) "Uhh... bad...." Günther scratched the back of his head and headed towards the med-bay.
Aura gave Rev to the docters and turned to serrina. "Come with me? I want to show you something." Aura said to her.
Sebastian, having just finished his daily workout, walks into the training room to train with his favorite weapons, his silenced AT308 sniper rifle, one of the highest grade and quality, and his three pure black combat knives that he could throw with almost exact accuracy. He walks in talking on the comms with one of his squad 3 buddies when he witnesses a mysterious man walking off with the medics, obviously hurt, and two others walking off to another hall. He calls out to the two before theyre out of sight, "Hey! What happened here??"
(But its whatever ill go with it.) Aura looks up at the sound of the mans voice. "Just a rumble whent wrong. What Squad are you in?"
Sebastian quickly responds, "A rumble? Psh, yeah right, that guy looked pretty beat up. I'm Sebastian by the way, Sebastian Pittman of Squad 3."
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"I am Aura Tsukiborodo, Squad Seven Leader." Aura said. "And he was wounded by a Shadow Weaver gone out of control."
"Oh god... Those shadow weavers creep me out a bit." Sebastian says before adding, "That guy looked like a weaver himself though..."
zen was outside practicing his downward strike. he would need a stronger arm to swing the sword adequately and swiftly to help better initiate his flying ice blade. he had taken off his shirt because he had been out there for a while his sweat had completely soaked his shirt. without his shirt all of his scars from being beaten bloody by his foster parents shown clear there were so many that they almost covered his entire abdomen. he had drowned out any other sound except for his own breathing.
"I happen to be a Shadow weaver." Aura said. "And the other was a Fire weaver."

"And that Shadow Weaver is YOUR Squad leader, Revnoir." Aura told him.
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"Oh... Well shit... You dont seem so bad though" Sebastian says with a bit of fear in his voice. He looks at his feet then looks back up and says "So... How strong are you guys? Cause I've heard stories of weavers being able to take out whole groups of reapers by themselves... And I can barely take out two if I'm up close."
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"First, always adress a squad leader as Sir or Ma'am, unless told otherwise. If you were in my squad, i wouldnt care so much. But you are speaking to a Squad leader of a different squad than your own. Second, If you want to se a demonstration, We can show you." Aura said. Then he tapped on his earpiece. "Slate, All call for Zen. Send to the Training room #3."

Soon the intercom system sounded "Zen, Report to Training room #3."

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