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Fantasy Reaper

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Günther entered the med-bay and sat down on the chair at the office desk. He leaned back on it closed his eyes for a second in which he fell asleep. He started mumbling something almost immediately, and his hand did small movements as it hung down, reaching for the floor.
(sorry i havent been posting, i wasnt getting any notifications ????)

Torra picked up a knife from the rack and twirled it in between the fingers of her new arm. Focusing on the target she flicked her hand and without a moments notice it had pierced the middle. Torra couldnt help but raise her eyebrows, she'd never been able to throw with a force like that before and considered the new possibility's when fighting hand to hand combat.
(We hit 2500 a while ago cuz you deleted RP remember?)

Kano exited the training room and went off to the mess hall, waving bye. He grabbed his usual food and sits nearest to the entrance. He ate with boredom.
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Leah watched for a moment as Kano left, a slight limp marring the calamity of the rest of her expression. Leader as he may be, Leah didn't like Kano. Not very much, anyway. He seemed as if he liked appreciation and attention, but not quite one to cherish it much. However, she'd not base her whole opinion off a single encounter. She'd see what the others here were like as well.

She turned her attention back to Aidan, whom earlier had asked her what kind of weaver she was. She may as well figure out the exactly of what that meant. But he had already started off toward one of the racks of weapons.

Following him in a slower manner, she approached a display of spears, quarterstaves and long-handled swords bordering another with row after row of katanas. She self-concilusly took note of the metal rod she still clutched, and set it on the ground, trying to unsuccessfully lessen the loud clang.
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Sebastian ventured through the halls, trying to find something to do, before deciding to start up the training simulation. Heading into an empty training area Sebastian walks over to the console and types in a code for the beginner course, deciding he'd better not push himself considering his burns on his chest and leg. Once he enters the room a grunt appears on the opposite side of the room and starts running at him, screeching. Pulling out one of his knives he dodges to the right causing the grunt to run into the wall behind him. While the grunt is dazed Sebastian runs up behind it and stabs his knife into the nape of its neck, causing it to drop to the floor dead.
Serrina yawned. It was a long nap. She got tired and left everyone to go sleep. She got up and got dressed, she grabbed her Katana and violin. She went to the top floor and climbed up to the roof, where she sat in peace.
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Aidan walked to one of the racks and glanced at every single weapon available. He preferred firearms, but he felt like trying out close combat. Who knows, he might need it someday.

He decided to pick up a fancy-looking shortsword, and turned to walk to the console when a loud clattering noise resounded in the whole room.

It was the metal rod Leah carried.

"Want to try the simulation out, too?" He asked, creating a fire thread that wrapped around the blade and heated it up until it started glowing in a strong orange color. It felt unusual, but not bad. It was just a new feeling.

He walked to the console and raised his hand to type something in, but...

"Err... I assume you don't know how to get this thing started, either...?"

It wanted a code, and he had no idea what it was.

He hated how nobody gave him any information or helped him in any way, especially the leader of squad 8. He should be the one to teach his recruits how things work around here. Instead, he just showed off and left.


He let out a sigh and lowered his hand, looking at Leah with an "I-don't-even-care-anymore" expression.
"Do you need a code? Please state the level of difficulty and a code will be generated." Rogue said over the speakers in that single room.

@SpazztastiCat101 @Skychild

(gtg, just make up a code for Rogue, sry. Thought I'd stay longer but I guess not?)
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Aidan narrowed his eyes when he heard a voice coming from a bunch of speakers. How did he know that he was having a hard time with the code? Somebody was watching them the whole time. The Voice gave him friendly advice, but that didn't make it less unsettling. "Y-yeah... I'd like get started with something easy to warm up, thanks..."

And right after he said that, a code was generated on the console. Loads of random numbers and letters appeared on the screen.

"Simulation activated. Difficulty; Easy"


The console made a weird sound and the door to the simulation room opened automatically. He hesitated for a moment, but eventually walked inside.

The door closed behind him, and another strange noise resounded in the room.

In a blink of an eye, a grunt appeared in front of him. It looked so real that his heart started beating faster, even though he knew that this was only a simulation.

It let out a loud screech before running to him, it's eyes glowing blood-shot red. It looked and behaved so realistic. It was frightening.
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Aurath came up to the roof, figuring he may find Serrina there.

(Sorry everyone notifications hate me...)
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(AHH!!! Stupid school!! >n<)

When Aidan wondered if she knew how to set the simulation, she shook her head. A voice suddenly echoed through the room, asking for a difficulty level. They were being watched by someone. They were being watched! There was at least a little more to this than met the eye. Finally, that was clearer.

When Aidan responded to the voice, another few words played off whatever speakers where hidden in the room. A few seconds later, a door opened, I to which Aidan left with his... Flaming sword.

After taking another few moments to select from the assortment a black quarter staff with beautifully elaborate decorations, she looked back to the door. Side, she didn't yet know the proper usage of a staff for battle, but the best way to learn is through experience, is it not? At least, that's what Leah thought. So she swung open the door after Aidan, only to be greeted by a sight over his shoulder of a snarling beast-thing racing madly towards him.

Without thinking, Leah slid her hands down to one end of the staff and launched it end over end at the thing, where it bounced off of its fleshy back.
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Rogue's cameras swiveled around the room, measuring the danger level and programming the current simulation. He was making sure that neither of them would be injured in the process, and was ready to send the code to cancel the simulation at any moment. At the same time, he was computing data from all of the Squad Leaders and high-ranking officials and creating reports. That was the one thing Squad Leaders didn't have to do. Reports. They took pictures and videos on small cameras that Rogue would then use to somehow make reports. Revnoir never explained how he did that. He's clever, but he's not exactly book-smart.
(Yeah. Aura has taken temporary comand of the bace in Scourges place...... Scourge is on the run... from us. ummm... Thats... About it? Also squad 4 leader quit irl. so your in squad 7 if you want... or any other squad. Umbra did i miss anything importan?)
zen was slightly confused with why his squad leader quit. he had never taken lucio to be on to give up on his job, but zen was happy that aura was his new squad leader he felt they had some sort of a friendly connection and that he might perform better in squad 7 under auras supervision
(Yeah he said he was leaving remember?)

(And He didnt qiuit In the rp. He quit the rp, so he is basicaly missing in action. like my old squad leader was.)
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