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Fantasy Reaper

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The glaive hit Aura dead in the back and he fell into a mass of threads. Aura Emerged from the shadows behind Yuriko and pushed a sleep dart into her back, lowering her to the ground gently.
Lucio stood up suddenly. "Zen, could you find someone to...take Arins body to be prepared for burial." he said solemnly. he walked into the building and went right to Scourges office. he knocked and waited for Scourge to answer. @Umbra Regalia
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zen nodded as he watched his squad leader walk away he did not look back to the body but instead went to find aura to deliver the news and have the body prepared. as he reached the training grounds where he last saw aura he saw that he was in the middle of a sparring session. he hated to interupt but he had no other choice. "aura" he called out"arin.....has passed.."
Aura was at the door in seconds, his threads retracting into his body. "how did it happen?" Aura asked. He didnt seem like his normal easygoing self. This was the look pure seriousness. "Take me to the body."
The glaive bounced around the room at blinding speed. Soon it blurring right behind Aura and bounced straight at him dead in the back again. The flame threads covered her like armor with diminished all threads going at her unless it is really thick. He got up and caught the glaive and threw it and the wall which bounced around the room extremely fast and very unpredictable. She didn't notice Zen until she threw the glaive. She stopped the glaive before hitting the group which gave a lot of impact to er arm when she caught it.
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he began to walk "he protected lucio from an attack from behind by an elite reaper" he stopped as her reached the body and closed his eyes in a moment of silence for his brave comrade "here he is..."
Aura knelt beside the boy and checked the puls. He then gave a grim nod and closed his eyes. Then he taped on an ear piece and spoke ino it. "Slate. Call for medics. Tell them we have a casualty."

Slates voice sounded through the Intercom system through the building. "Medic To Front Door. We Have Dead."
Kano looked down sadly. He warned them, but he wasn't sad about them not listening. He was sad for Arin and Lucio. To see someone die in front of you, saving you, is harsh and scary. It was something you can never forget.

Yuriko's threads disappeared from her body. She turned off the music and took off the headset. She also looked down kind of mourning for his death. Even though she didn't know him much at all she still did.
Serrina kicked Auras chest and jumped back, her Katana poised and her In a fighting stance.

Serrina ran out with the others, and covered her mouth. She saw arin, and knelt. Her face had sparkles of tears. As Aura made the call, she began to play a sadder peaceful song, with her violin, she wanted to help mourn.
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Kano was still out of the way and so was Yuriko. They both wiped their tears and looked up, pissed off. Fire was in their eyes, the urge to destroy all enemies. Kano stood properly and intimidatingly. He looked at 2 squad leaders, angered, though it was still pointed at the reapers.

"When I say something, I mean it... My gut doesn't lie"
zen stood out of the way so the medics could do their job. zen used arins death as fuel for his new found hatred for reapers. before he only killed them for his own survival now he would kill them to avenge those they had killed. this was the first time zen had ever felt such hatred
Aura turned to the group. "Zen, Serrina, I wold like to speek to you in my office. Yuriko, would you please go find my sister and tell her of what happend? She will be torn by it. She Spoke of him quite often." Aura started towards his office swiftly and with purpose. He had a report to file on resent happenings.
zen nodded and followed aura to his office thinking about how arin died zen kept a straight face but his grip on his katana tightened. he stood in auras office waiting
Aura took a seat behind his desk and turned on his computer screen. " Now Zen, I hate to ask you to do this, but i need a full field report on what happend." Aura said in a no nonsence, yet still not mean, tone.
"Yes s-sir!"

She walked off and wandred the halls. She stuck one earbud into her ear and listened to music again.

"Sayla? We need to talk... Sayla!"


Kano walked off to his office and decided to just play some games while waiting.

"Hey Saryn... Can you keep a list of casualties please... Also I want to keep track of the reapers types we encountered. Thanks..."

"Yes Kano-sama. So far we have encountered a speed type elite, a camouflage elite, and a tank elite. Those were probably test reapers, so there probably be more of their kind. Also, you progress has skyrocketed ever since you started using the gunblade."

"Thanks again..."

Kano's concentration was all on his PC game he was playing. Mostly he was just killing time.
zen nodded " we were on our way to head back to the gate when an elite reaper appeared while arin was running the reaper caught his foot with one of its tendrils and dragged arin towards it lucio separated arin from it grabbed him and while he was running back to the gate with arin the reaper came up behind them ...if not foe arin the reaper would have struck lucio in the back instead but arin jumped in front of the reaper and took the blow instead"
Sayla who was wandering, heard her name being called and walked toward the voice. "Yes?"

Aura noded and typed away on his keyboard. When he was done he hit enter and rolled in his chair to one of the bookshelves. He pulled down a bottle of wine and three glasses. he then rolled back and poured up the glassed and passed one to Zen and slid one towards Serrina. Picking up his own glass, he held it in the air for a toast. " Arin Was a good person. We will all mourn his death. But he died a warriors death, and a hero at that. Let us honor him and his memory. To Arin." Aura said, sipping on his wine afterward.
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She ran over to her. She sighed.

Though she looked up at her.

"Arin... Died..."

Yuriko was hesitant and scared to say but she did. She said it straight on.
zen sipped his wine. it was the first time he had drunk something other than stale water for a while and it over powered his tastebuds almost to the point of being sour but he ignored it in order to honor arin's death
Sayla blinked, caught off guard "Arin.... Died....?"

"No....Arin cant be...." Sayla said in almost a wisper. "H..How...?"
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Yuriko wasn't used to comforting people because she and her friends were always happy. But she tried. Yuriko gave a gentle hug to Sayla.

"Reapers... He saved Lucio for the cost of his life..."

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