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Fantasy Reaper

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zen blinked as his vision was shrouded he closed his eyes and spread his threads in a 2 meter radius around him creating a thin layer of ice around his feet as he waited and listened

(brb going to take a shower)
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Aura grinns and projects his voice though the mist, making it sound like he is right behind Zen. "Smart move Kid, but its flawed." Aura drops unexpectedly from above, using his threads to trap Zen and pin him down.
as aura dropped down on him zen smiled as he hit the ground his threads spread through the moisture in the air creating an orb of ice around them " always have a backup plan" the temperature within the ord dropped immensely allowing his threads to cumulate in the air and freezing them in position
Lucio stood up and went outside finding Arin on the training field "come on Arin. It's time for you and zen to get some field experience." He said. He then walked into the 2nd training field "zen, it is time for you to test your ability on a low level reaper. Come with me to the gate. We are heading out."
Serrina somewhat frowned when he entered and told Zen it was time to train. She wondered herself when Revonior would train her, if he even did train. She thought to herself.
zen released his threads as he heard lucio " well looks like we have to cut our battle short aura" he stood and followed lucio looking over his shoulder he said " let's spar again after i've improved a little"
Kano noticed Arin and Lucio and his remark. He winced hearing the fact that they will go outside.

"Don't do it... Grim will appear there is no doubt... Don't go outside..."
Aura looked around the room and pat Zen on the shoulder, telling him to go with his Squad leader. Not long after he noticed Serrina. He waved at her.

Aura turned to his commrad Kano. "Thats not Proven yet. But I share your concern."
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"We are sticking close to the wall, only weak reapers appear near the wall. If anything should happen I will be there to protect them." Lucio said walking out. He lead the boys to the large gate doors and put his hand on a pad and the doors started opening. They stepped outside and the door shut behind them.
as zen walked away holding his sheathed sword in his right hand he tucked his left hand into his pocket he just barely heard what kano said he knew not who of what this 'grim' was but judging by the sound in his voice it would be horrendous if this 'grim' showed himself. he looked over to lucio as they stepped outside the gate " what is this 'grim'?"
"Well..." Aura tuned to Serrina. "Would you like some training dear? Revnoir is bussy at the moment. No telling when he will be free."
Lucio stared off into the distance "I am not at liberty to tell you about Grim." he said "just know that if I tell you to run, you two are to run."

Arin gulped as he followed his leader.

Lucio lead the boys out a bit from the wall and into a small wooded area. Reapers where like to hide here, low levels would be easy enough to test the boys metal on. "Shh." Lucio said, looking around the woods for a sign of a Reaper. suddenly one leapt out at Lucio, who quickly and easily dodged it. it was the lowest form of Reaper. perfect. "Now boys, attack!"

Arin jumped high in the air and kicked out, sending waves of air at the monster, which dodged them and ran at the boy. Arin quickly jumped out of the way and threw another blast of air which hit the Reaper directly. the reaper staggered backwards from the hit.

"You must destroy a reapers core to destroy it." Lucio said.
Yuriko stepped up with a smile to her face.

"I would like to spar!"

Her face was bright with excitement.

(Ugh brb stupid chores and dishes and chores and dishes and chores and...."
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zen charged drawing his sword and coating the tip in his threads. he aimed straight for the core piecing it and freezing the reaper solid.
"I guess, although I'm not to good," Serrina said, drawing her katana

"I guess, although I'm not to good," Serrina said, drawing her katana
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Lucio walks over to the two boys "good job, both of you. Arin, you use the battlefield vary well, although your stopping power is still lacking, and Zen, you knew just where to strike." as he was talking two more reapers appeared, attacking them. Lucio stood back and let the boys deal with them. Arin created a mini tornado which entrapped the two reapers. he jumped in and created a blade out of his threads and cut into their Cores, destroying them.

"Vary good Arin." Lucio said. "come, lets head back." he said, turning to face the wall. as they walked back towards the wall Lucio heard a noise from behind them. he jumped behind the boys and came face to face with an Elite Reaper. one of the highest ranked reapers you could face. "Boys, run." he said, creating a light barrier between him and the reaper, who began furiously ripping at Lucios threads.
zen immediately sheathed his blade and sprinted towards the gates. he knew when he was out matched and at this moment he was far below the level of the reaper that had just shown itself. he knew that lucio could handle himself in not he wouldn't be a squad leader. as he reached the gates he lunged himself up and landed atop the gate looking for arin
Serrina grinned, "Fair enough." She jumped and kicked back, sending strong air waves at Aura. She ran and jumped, using her wind threads to lift her high to the ceiling, she grabbed a bar and hosted herself on top of it, she jumped agilely, jumping around, waiting to strike.
Aura sent his threads around the room, casting shadows around the room and seemed to melt into them, then reappeared next to her and slashed at her in a wide, careless motion, leaving plenty openings.
Arin began running, but was caught by something. he looked down to see a shadowy tendril wrapped around his leg. it pulled him around Lucios Barricade and toward the Elite Reaper, which stared at Arin. Arin was afraid, he froze up and began to furiously throw wind threads out at the monster. it grabbed his threads and held them to Arins face.

Lucio removed his light barrier and ran at the Reaper, trying his best to get Arins threads away from the monster. Lucio created a huge Light thread Axe and swung it down on the tendril with Arin , cutting it, causing the Reaper to scream out. Arin was to afraid to move, so Lucio turned to save his recruit. he ran at Arin and dodged the furious tendrils of the Reaper as he moved at light speed to grab Arin.

Arin was mortified, he had never seen something so horrible in his life, and only a few seconds ago it had his life in its hands. he saw into it's eyes, its lack of empathy for him and knew he would have been dead if not for Lucio. when Lucio grabbed him Arin was happy, he was going to make it. but all of that left his mind when he saw the Reaper following close behind Lucio, it's tendril making a spike that was headed right for his Leader. in a last second decision Arin used his threads to spin Lucio around, Arin jumped out of Lucios arms and grabbed the tendril as it Impaled him, using his last strength to stop it from moving past his body and into Lucios.

Lucio saw his Recruit fall in slow motion. the blood splatter from the kid he had promised to protect. as tears krept from his eyes he screamed, his Threads went in all directions creating a blinding light. it engulfed the Reaper in a ball as spears of Light threads Jutted into its body, impaling the Elite Reaper hundreds of times. thousands. the creature was long dead but Lucio continued to Stab it until it was nothing but a mess of black threads laying on the ground. he picked up Arins body and carried him back to the base. he layed him just inside the entrance and kept repeating "I'm sorry." as many times as he could, trying to make it right, but knowing he couldn't loose this feeling. not in a million years. he had seen his people die, but for some reason Arins death resonated. he had so much potential. he could have been great, but he wasn't ready and Lucio just kept pushing him. and in the end it was Arin who had saved Lucio, despite being afraid, despite knowing his fate, he had saved him. and this ate at Lucio, because he had always denied his limits, and now they had caused the death of someone who could have been great. someone who will never be forgotten to him. just a small boy who no one believed in, and in the end he saved a former member of Squad 1.
Yuriko turned on her fast paced japanese music on again on her head set. It kept her very coordinated. She stuck impact shielding on the blades of the glaive so she won't accidentally kill someone. She jumped up and spun in mid air throwing the glaive at Aura. If she missed it would bounce back to her without hitting Serrina from her thrown angle.


as zen watched arin sacrifice himself for lucio he sighed he did not know arin personally but as he watched lucio walk back carrying arins body he closed his eyes saying a silent prayer for arin. he descended from the gate as lucio walked past zen said nothing not wanting to upset his squad leader any further

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