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"Least risky? Wai-wai-wait. Hold the phone, there's such thing as a least risky thread?" She couldn't stop now, she just said something like being burned in the foot hurt less t was less harmful than being burned by an oil fire. That was just plain stupid! Not only was it arbitrary, depended on a case to case basis, it didn't matter which thread was which it would carry the same risk factor, as say a Light Thread or a Shadow Thread. No matter what happened, it all boiled down to something called compatibility, and in that case, it didn't matter what happened, there was always a huge chance of death when it came to these things.

Her job, as the surgeon at this moment in time, would be to make sure that the Threads go in and stay there. As the Head of the Research and Development Department, it was her job to go around making sure that she had the right affinity to a certain element, or thread since mind, light, and shadow weren't exactly physical, and tell her that. If she didn't want to take the advice, she would respect her as a friend, but then again, that would be her epitaph.

"Xililia, with Arcadia as witness do you allow me to disclose this information on your choice and the motivations thereof? If you don't allow me to do this, then I will not operate on you." The girl nodded bravely in understanding, her face with 'Scourge told me to do it' written all over it. That only meant one thing when it came to the mysterious superior: one of her friends was sent to the operating table to die.

She always wondered when he would finally use her as a part of his mysterious plans, she just didn't think it would hurt this much. But that wasn't what chilled her, what really stung, what really scared her was that she was... willing. She could use this, and many other things if what Arcadia says was true, to her advantage. She could easily turn cold as luminescence and just do it, worse she found that even after the deed was done, she was ready to go to both Scourge and Revnoir just to rub it into the latter that the former did it, and if she stretched logic far enough, he was also to blame.

But she had a hand in it too, worse off, she was the one who would do the deed. "Alright, just think happy thoughts." She whispered gently, motherly, lovingly as she pierced the child's skin with a syringe, allowing herself to smile, genuinely smile to send her friend off. "Arcadia, prepare the Thread" She spat hatefully before scooping up the body of the maiden and laying her on the table.

How am I going to face those two little girls after this?

(Oh, and Aurath, Umbra will be back at 3 or something, so about 4 hours)

Lucio looked at his watch and looked towards the med bay "hey Arin, keep it up. I'll be back." He said then he was instantly gone. He appeared again in the med bay waiting room. He had heard that Xillia was taking her surgery today to become a weaver. He knew he was likely to run into rev, but Xillia had never done anything bad to him so he wanted to be their for her. He trusted belle but also understood the dangers of the operation.
Aura walked into the med bay after some time. He sat next to Lucio. "Ive got this terrable feeling right now..... I hope everything is alright...."
zen awoke in squad 4's barracks .he sighed having had the same nightmare about being beaten to death by his foster family for a full 4 years now he was used to it . zen slowly sat up and stretched exiting the bed and re-clipping the flask he was given to his belt as he left the room. he closed the door behind him and opened the map and looked for an armory of some sort he began to walk
"Well.... All we can do is wait." Aura said quietly. He got up, and walked back to his office. once there he sat and studdied the maps on his corkboard. "Hmmm.."
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Finaly, he got so bored that he got up and whent to check out the armory, the only place he had yet to be.

Well Today is the slowest day so far... Aura thought as he walked.
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zen had just arrived at the armory he was looking for a weapon . he preferred to use a scythe,katana,or broadsword most preferably a katana. as he looked around he saw aura come into the armory"oh...hello " he said still looking for a weapon
Serrina woke up clutching her neck, choking. Then her breathing slowly calmed. Another dream of the past, as always.
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Revnoir made his way to the Med Bay, scowling. He sure as hell wouldn't stay in his office when Xillia was in her surgery. He stayed silent the whole time.
Kano finished his office which was very... Different from what an office should be. Weapons were on the wall, armor sets. His chair was like a throne of swords and whatnots but with soft cushioning. His computer was filled with programs and such. The desk was made of metal and carved into a medieval style. He walked out and stretched. He walked over to the training room and took out his gunblade and trained.

Yuriko walked out of the Squad 3 barracks. (She teleported frkm the mess hall yea.... *sarcasm sarcasm*) She went to the training rooms and saw Kano train. He was getting annoyed by the explosion the gunblade was doing. So Yuriko decided to make a custom set of bullets with 3 times the blast of a shotgun with elements fused into them, Fire and Ice. Yuriko went back to her barrack and went to the armory. She grabbed ice and fire related weapons and deconstructed them and forged them into shotgun rounds. 20 for each element. She ran back to Kano and handed them to him.

"Use it sparingly..."
after a few minutes of looking zen found and old katana it was a little beaten up which made zen only like it more. after finding his weapon zen walked over to aura "look what i found"

(i fell asleep somehow)
zen nodded unsheathing the katana. the blade was practically broken with few sharp parts"perfect..." zen had an idea of what technique he wished to use but it would rely more on timing and his control over his threads than the blade of the weapon he was using"i'm going back to the barracks to test it...you coming"it was more of a statement than a question because of his monotone voice
"Got nothing better to do pal. I will come with ya." Aura said Taking his sword off his hipand strapping it to his back, outside the trenchcoat, then he pulled his hair back into a ponytail, revieling his scar over his left eye. "Up for a spar? Id like to see what your made of."
he nodded as he walked to the barracks "sure it's been awhile since i've used a weapon though so don't be surprised if i'm not that good" zen tucked one hand into his pocket and held the sword in his other hand as he walked
"Training Rooms Are this way Zen." Aura said with a calm smile. "And take it easy would ya? I have one more day befor im allowed to actualy go all out again"

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