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zen nodded following aura, he had not studied the map as well as he thought"will do" zen was eager to test out the technique he thought of while looking at the katana
Serrina ate and left the cafeteria. She went to the training room, she set down her violin, and unsheathed her katana. She put her own music into the rooms stereo. She whipped around slashing dummies. All in clean cuts, but her speed needed improvement.
Kano grabbed one of the fire test rounds that Yuriko made for for him. He loaded it into the gunblade. He flipped it into gun form. Then Kano breathed deeply and aimmed at one of the targets there. He pulled the trigger and the shot went off. It exploded loudly throughout the base. The kickback was extreme, sending Kano's arm straight up staggering him. It was enough to take an elite tank down. However if things stronger than those appeared it woupd need two shots, but the way it needed to reload he would be dead unless he could stagger the enemy. The target was extinguished and the wall had deep holes in them from the blast and round. He smirked and slapped Yuriko in the back. He bursted in joy. Kano was nearing his max of his capabilities. Though those capabilities can be changed by the surgery Aura took. However Kano believed in his skills and weapons. He laughed with pride and joy.
Aura walked into the training room with Zen and turned around in the middle of the room and drew his sword. "Come at me then Rookie."
zen taking his hand out of his pocket, quickly drew his sword he clipped the sheath to his belt and dashed towards aura lowering his center of gravity till he was almost touching the ground.as he reached aura he shashed upwards at the hilt of his blade in an attempt to disarm him
Aura Spun his broadsword Around with ease, parrying the attack and knocking Zen off balance. "Good Stratagey and determination, but you need more focus. Watch my shoulders and eyes, they will tell you every move i make with my blade. Watch the sword and you will die. Remember that."
zen nodded as he dashed away to regain his balance and shifted his center of gravity back to his waist"i should have figured it wouldn't be that easy.....though i am self taught so i have many flaws"
"I was self taught as well. But after a while, my father noticed how good i was, and started sparing with me. He never gave me advice. he let me learn for myself so i coud one day teach others" Aura said with a sad look in his eyes. "Come on then. Attack me again."
After Serrina was done, she went and watched Zen and Aura. She sat in the back of the room. Her recurring nightmare, always left her in a bad mood. And extremely uncooperative.
zen decided to try out the technique he had thought of that caused him to pick the katana. he switched his sword to his right hand, unclipped the sheath from his belt and held it in his left hand. he sheathed the sword and crouched watching aura. shortly after he quickly unsheathed the sword into a side swipe, the edge of the broken blade coated in his threads. as he swung to the side he released his threads sending a thin wave of ice in auras direction but instead of flying all the way the threads collapsed shortly after leaving the blade crumbling into a heap of ice about 5 feet from auras feet
"Nice trick. If you can master that it will be a good attack. Now watch and learn as i nemonstrate my threads." Aura said. His threads crawled up his body, making an armor out of themselves. An armor of pure Shadows and spikes. Threads of shadow Slithered at his feet and acrost his sword, giving it a more deadly look. He then steped forward and in an instant he was inches from Zen. Instead of striking with the sword, he used his off hand to push him back without hurting him.
zen fell backwards startled. never had he seen someone move so fast. he stared up at aura "that....amazing" seeing what aura could do caused zen to realize just how far behind he was in skill. zen slowly stood up sheathing his sword. he had thought of a theory for improving his technique but it would require further testing
zen smiled a little "i'm far from done i still have many things i want to test out....but" zen paused " some things are better kept for a surprise" zen looked over to aura"ill let you have the full package of my sword skills after i've worked out a few kinks for now though"zen, instead of pulling his sword held up his fists " i'll fight you with the same technique i used to kill my foster family" zens coated his hands in his threads frost began to become visible in the air around them "i've been wanting to try this out on an armed target for a while now"
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Revnoir stayed in the Med Bay, watching everything happen around him. He couldn't stand the wait, wanting to pull Xillia out of that operating room and leave the company altogether. He wanted to bring her somewhere safe.

Scourge was going through the halls, completely silent. He was deep in thought it seemed, but he could hear what was going on in the training rooms.

(Heads up guys I'm staying for jazz tomorrow too most likely, so It'll be around the same times as today that I'm on ^^ Just wanted to give you guys some notice)
Serrina watched Auras threads with amazements. He was obviously a Shadow weaver. And she watched as she made her wind threads twirl around her, until they receded.
zen dashed forward again but just before reaching aura he dashed to the side and struck downwards aiming for auras gut his threads coating his hand with thick ice
Aura opend himself to the attack, and as it hit him, his threads from his armor wraped around Zens hand and dagging him with the fall.
zen was once again surprised his trap had failed and in fact been used against him in the same way it was supposed to be used he was at a lost if he punched with the other hand he would be completely stuck and defeated he decided to kick up off the ground and fling himself over aura and use the force from the fall to pin him to the ground
Lucio looked at Rev as he waited for Xillias surgery to finish. he started to think about the past. he remembered the day he vowed to defeat Rev, and the day Rev had his surgery. he had sat in the waiting room on that day as well, but he didn't let anyone know he was there. he wondered if perhaps it was impossible now, to beat Rev, without the surgery. he had trained continuously even after reaching what was believed to be the max potential for a weavers abilities,he had tried to prove everyone wrong about the weavers limits, but so far he had yielded no results. even his cunning and strategy would only take him so far in battle. he tried to push the thought of Revs Surgery out of his head, but he kept thinking about the subordinates he had lost over the years. would they still be alive if he had increased his own power? was it really cheating if it meant saving a life?
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Kano heard the clashing of two weavers from the other training room. He flipped his gunblade to a blade and sheathed it on the back of his hip. He walked over to the enterance of the training room where Aura and Zen was with Serrina. He puts his hands in his pocket and leaned on the entrace way watching.

Yuriko followed and watched also. She stood next to Serrina listening to music to cut off the sounds of them fighting, which seemed to annoy her.
Aura reached into his coat and pulled out a knife and a detonater. he then tossed the knife straight up and made it explode with the detonater, using the distraction to escape and then threw down a smoke pellet, causing a thick mist to surround Zen and cloud his vision,

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