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"Ready?" Belle asked as a formality, though if she was talking to herself or talking to Xixi, no one would ever know. Despite the thin veneer of confidence she excluded, there was, there would always be that hint of doubt bubbling inside of her. She needed to get this operation done as soon as possible, if only for her own sanity, as limited as it might have been, to remain intact. "It'll be perfectly fine and over before you know it." She added with a wink, none of her own nervousness showing as she spoke to one of the people in the base who was always honest with her, people were starting to be less and less open about things these days. She needed the support, they both did, as they underwent this trying time. Xixi should not be privy to her own hesitation though, now that would ruin most of the plan, and if she went under stressed, that would make fora rude awakening.

She shook her head to clear away her worries, they were alone now, she didn't have to worry if she pulled the lab-coat and glasses look well enough.
Aura awoke in his office chair to find a stack of papers placed on his desk. Paperwork he needed to file. He also had a few maps. It was his job to make routs on them now. He got up and placed the maps and graphs on the corkBoard behind his desk, then got to work on the paperwork. Aura was already falling into his role quite well, though he wondered how Kano was fairing with his paperwork and office.
Aura came acrost a paper with the names of his Squad. He had his sister and someone he had never seen nor heard of befor. "Hmmm... I will need Some people in my squad."
(@Silsa I'm a little lost as to whats going on so if this is wrong, just remember I'm guessing that you're with Xillia in Rev's office now? Did I miss a post?)

Xillia looked at Belle, forcing a smile, and nodded. "Ready." She said, fidgeting a little.
(Alright, we're in the office, I'll roll with it :D )

"Revi... Give her your support. we'll be going back to my office for some last minute checks then we'll put her to sleep and do unspeakable things to you~" She gave them a wink, as if she wasn't planning to skin the boy alive if he did not tell her exactly what she wanted to know next time she asked. "Come on, now, we got a schedule to keep!"
(Rev's not in... the office... But meh I'll roll with it xD )

Xillia just laughed a little, and Rev gave Xillia a worried look. He didn't want her to go, but he had no choice in the matter. He had to trust Xillia and give her some freedom.
Aura finaly got done with all that paperwork and looked around his office. Squad 7 was practicaly empty now.... It was almost unsetling. He needed some people to liven it up. "Oh well." He sighed and left his office. walks were nice. He passed rev's office and overheard part of the conversation. he desided it was best not to interupt and just kept walking.
(He's not? Well that's awkward....)

"Guys, if you're gonna kiss and all that, you better do it no.... OOhhh, I'm still in the room, aren't I? I do feel a bit stupid with this stuff on~" She chuckled lightly, rapping herself on the head once before heading for the door. "I'll expect you both, or Xixi at least, in my office in a few minutes so if you guys want to raise a deathflag and stuff, or do some last minute heir-making, it would be great if Revi still has a PE problem~" And with that, she rushed out of the room.

She could easily deal with Revi's anger, but Xixi was there and fighting in front of the girl left a bad taste in her mouth. Besides~, they knew where to go.
"No time, Awy, Revi might bust out of that any minute~" She called out, not slowing down for him. Again, everyone knew here knew where her dunge... err... lab was so it would not be that hard to find her. "Sorry for not making it to your operation, but you're still alive aren't you~" And with those parting words, she disappeared into the hallways.
Silsa said:
Revi still has a PE problem
(what? xD Is PE Physical Education?)
Revnoir gave her a deadly glare, and pulled Xillia into a hug. He stayed like that for what seemed like a long time, but to him it felt like just a few seconds. "Remember your promise, Xillia." He said, letting go of her. Xillia looked up at the Shadow Weaver and gave him a kiss then ran out. "I'll come back, I promise!" She yelled behind her as she hurried after Belle. Rev slumped onto his chair, watching his feet.
Aura saw Xillia rush out and watched her follow the hall Belle just whent down. He desided to go se Revnoir. He knocked on the office door.
(Ah, the naivety of youth~, look it up... not here...)

Okay, now what to do~? She could always just make it quick, allowing them to fall asleep before she started did take up quite an amount of time, or she could do this slow and carefully, making sure that Xixi survives, but where was the fun in that? What thread she wanted, well that was another story, so she would ask if ever she couldn't think of something, also the integration method, she thought of a few more besides classic operation and insertion, well the insertion part was kept and she thought that Xixi was a healthy adult... For anyone who wondered, that just didn't apply to girls, but that's beside the point. She could also make her... well, there were a lot of options, more fun and traumatizing options, aside from operation so that was cool too.

Then there was the knock. "Come in sweetie, I'm ready for you~" This was going to be just the greatest night ever~ If only Yui were here.
He used his threads to open the door for Aura. "Did you need something?" He was slouching on his chair, playing with a pen out of nervousness.

Xillia snuck in, smiling a little. She was scared to say the least.
Aura came in and took a seat. "Dont worry about her too much. Im shure she will be just fine." Aura said handing Revnoir a flask. "dont worry, its just coffee. Rare blend too. Costs a fourtune."
Revnoir looked at Aura, then silently took the flask. He stared into the opening for a moment, then smelled the strong scent of coffee and gave a nod in thanks. He took a sip, scowling as always.
"Okay, Xixi, now comes that fun bit~" Belle practically dragged her into the room, locked the door, methodically stripped the young woman and sat her down on a chair without much distance. "So what would you like, and how would you like it placed in you~" She was brimming with excitement, the birth of a new weaver was always so exciting despite the death that could occur.
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Xillia was covering herself, her arms now exposed. They had dozens and dozens of little scabs on them, which she tried to hide every day with long sleeves. She looked at Belle. "Wind Threads..." She said quietly, now cracking from the nervousness.
"Wind? and why exactly that?" Belle pushed on further. This was to be a support Weaver, great, but wind wasn't exactly suited for support; it was more of a scouting Thread more than anything, cause, you know, wind had great affinity with speed. If she was placed as a scout, cause that's what they do, then Revi would try and bite her head off for throwing her to the wolves. That would not stand, she would not let that happen. If anything, water was a bit better, it's flexibility was kung fu and all that jazz, or maybe earth as a solid defensive operative.
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"Its good isnt it Revnoir? I figured you would need it, considering whats happening." Aura said with a calm expression.
Xillia scowled. "I made a promise to Revnoir, that I'd take the least risky Thread possible. That's Wind Threads."

Revnoir didn't say a word, as if he didn't hear Aura but he definitely did.
(try doing a constant refresh. thats how i do it.)

Aura desided to get his mind of the subject. "So I have two members in my squad, but ive never even seen or heard of one of them, and i cant find him."
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