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Fantasy Reaper

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This gave Aura the confermation he needed. Xillia was dead, and Scourge was to blame. Aura started back towards his office at a slow walk. 'Well Scourge is Fucked now' Aura thought as he walked into his office. he saw Serrina looking at his computer. "Well? What did he say?" Aura asked.
Revnoir squad threes leader. What happened? She heard of someone getting surgery at the MedBay, but she couldn't remember why. Then something dawned on her. The surgery must have failed and the person whoever was in it died. Revnoir must've had feelings or cared deeply for this person. Or was just temperamental. She closed out of the message, so it wouldn't say when she read it." He said yes... And something else."
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"Changed your mind? Alright, but you are next. We're equally responsible here." She scoffed at him, disappointed at his inaction. She could take care of Scourge herself, it would be better if he did not interfere for now. "Go, mourn or something. This will be over soon."
Scourge sat in his office, actually worried for once. He knew Revnoir would realize what happened, and Belle would too. Revnoir now after the surgery could tear him to shreds, given the fact that he was injured.

Revnoir left the room, ignoring Belle. He went to his office, walking in and collapsing into his chair. He slammed his head onto the desk and said nothing, staying like that for an extended amount of time.
"I see. Aura was around to his computer in seconds, typing fast. he shot a message to Scourge. it said. "Belle is who you should worry about. I think she is after your head." Aura hit the enter button and sent it. "Welcome to Squad 7 Serrina. I will have someone bring your things to our barracks. And if you every want to know something, just ask. I dont like to keep secrets."
Scourge sighed, and locked the doors to his office and formed a wall of his Threads to barricade the door. "No way in hell am I dying today." He muttered under his breath, and sat back down at his desk.
Aura sat in his chair and sighed. "Xillia whent through the opperation to become a Weaver. She was Squad Leader Revnoir's other half. Director Scourge had her killed through the opperation and now Squad leader Belle, Xillia's close friend, Is out for blood. Revnoir will be too soon enough im shure. Belle stoped him earlier from going on a rampage."
At his desk, Revnoir looked up at the picture of him and Xillia he had. He slowly put his hand on the top of the frame and slammed it down, cutting his fingers on the glass that went flying when the frame bounced back up from being pushed down so hard. He didn't react, and just stared at it. "You promised..." He whispered to the now absent girl. He clenched his fist, pushing the glass deeper into his hand as he buried his face in his arms on the desk.
"Quando Judex est venturus." She whispered, fitting now that she was before the office of the very first Weaver. There was a limit to how much punishment they would take, and now, now that he killed off one of their own, he would have his reckoning. She did warn him before, he would answer to her next time they met. "Debemus incipere?" Threads appeared from behind her, clothing her in light before she stared at the door that Scourge foolishly thought he could hide behind.

A pity he didn't calculate the fact that it was made out of the very thing she used to play with. The explosion shook the base, as every single sliver of he door detonated with such force that it could wake the dead, a pity it didn't. That was, however, just the warning shot. She would wait for the smoke to clear, to see the Threads of the enemy before striking again.
Scourge looked at Belle, already expecting her to be stronger than the door. He stood up from his chair, and sighed. "You'll have to pay to replace that..." He muttered, and formed his spear yet again. This time, his wounds hurt even more as they had gotten infected. He wasn't ready to take Belle as she was now, let alone Revnoir after his own surgery.
Aura looked up at Serrina. "Thats the part i dont know." The explosion sounded. "Well Belle is on the move now. I need your opinion. I beleve we should stay nutral. Do you think we should take a side? If so which one?" Aura asked serrina, in an honest question.
"A pity you can't replace her." She riposted just as easily, her own threads out and about, ready to strike him down at a moment's notice. "Let's try going up this time." She mumbled to herself setting up the required threads in a heartbeat before firing a laser from out of nowhere. The beam itself was not made of threads, but light bent and gathered until it could very well cut through lead, one of the more resistant elements to radiation. The leader needed to have foreseen such an event to dodge, once one sees light, they were dead after all.

"Now, where are you?" Of course, he could have easily used illusions.
Scourge did exactly that, an illusion. The glass of the window had been broken and the hole was big enough for anyone to fit through. He was nowhere to be seen.
Aura pulled out a flask and drank deeply from it. "We need to deside soon though. Scourge cannot be trusted, thats for shure, but he is the most powerful Weaver alive. he was the first." Aura said, the deep look of worry on his face making his deep scar over his eye stretch and look even deeper.
(gtg guys, I'll be back at the normal time. No jazz band tonight ^^)

Revnoir stayed in his office, making absolutely no sounds.
"They always run." She allowed herself to shake her head with disappointment as she unleashed the net. Scourge was smart, but not the the extent that he could bend several frequencies pulsing simultaneously. Gamma, she was going to kill him anyway, X, next best things, and Infrared flew in all directions, piercing cold concrete and reinforced steel to find her target before he escaped. Or at least that was supposed to happen. Thinking about it more clearly, she could track him, and if she could track him, then it would be quite simple to get what she wants since he is probably running to where he could gain assistance.

Project Grim Reaper would be hers, if only she let him go for the moment. It's not like she couldn't track him again, so long as he remained in her 5 second zone, he was basically dancing within the palm of her hand. "Next time then." She mumbled, allowing her threads to fade back into nothingness before turning to the broken office. "I need Joel here as soon as possible." She muttered harshly before she began repairs. At least some mindless work will be able to buy her enough time to think about what to do next.

Gathering the Squad Leader would be the best first course of action, it was what would occur next that worried her.

(Good Night to everyone on, I'm going away too~)
(Night) Aura heard the sounds of battle stop. "Well.... lets see who the victor is, shall we?" Aura said to Serrina.

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