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Fantasy Reaper

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Aura sheathed his sword again. "Good Craftmanship. It should serve you well Zen. Anyway, keep training. I have a new subordanate to train. Your welcome to watch if you like." Aura said, turning back o Serrina.
zen nodded he had concluded his tests for the sword at least until he though of a new technique though he already had one in mind he would need to figure out a way to execute it before testing it" sure i'll watch"
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Serrina decided to take the distraction as a opportunity to strike. She jumped up to the curling bars once more, she stayed silently above them, waiting for the perfect chance.
Aura coiled his new and improved threads around him, forming himself into the likeness of a giant snake. the surgery made his threads much harder to cut and break, so he knew that these recruits couldnt do it. he coiled around Serrina like a bowa constrictor.
Revnoir had fallen asleep, probably from exhaustion with a hint of crying. He sat up in his chair, leaning his back fully against the backrest of it. He stared at the ceiling as if looking for something tiredly. Nothing. He kept staring despite it. He looked down at his hand, which had stopped bleeding but the glass was still in it. Standing up, he sighed, and ripped the pieces out one by one. He flinched once or twice, but barely, and made his way into the hallway. He wanted to rip something apart. Heading towards the training room silently, he couldn't stop thinking about Xillia.
Serrina knew it would be to slow and hard to cut them, Using her threads, she lashed out with her wind threads, which allowed the threads to loosen a little for a moment, which was all she needed she jumped out of the coils, barely making it,, she drew her Katana, and gave it a outward motion, making it so large gust of wind hurdled towards Aura, although fast they gust weren't as powerful as she wanted them to be.
Aura lauhed as the gust hit him. He then retracted his threads and threw down a smoke pellet at her feet.
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zen watched the fight with studying the twos movements. serrina was agile and her threads strong and fast. aura was slower but his threads were like the walls of an impenetrable fortress hey would take at least an elite reaper to even dent them as they were now
Serrina cussed slightly as smoke surrounded her, using her ears, she jumped out of the smoke and unto the floor, and she hurdled slow but strong gust at Aura. She jumped up again as soon as the smoke cleared and ran along the bars.
Revnoir walked through the halls, and stopped infront of the training room. He looked inside, scowling. He saw Aura and the others sparring and decided to watch for a minute.
Aura Switched his style on a dime. He became swift and agile, out manuvering Serrina and making her run headlong into a mesh wall of his threads, entrapping her in a cage of shadowy threads, then he hardend them, making even stronger. Aura stood on top of the cage and looked down at her. "Your style is good, but you need to be verry aware of whats around you." He told her.
"You have a long way to go. But your realy good so far. With some practice, you will be quite powerful indeed." Aura said, retracting his threads.
"Dont look so glum. Your actualy realy good. " Aura noticed Revnoir. "Revnoir, Lets spar. I know you need to vent." Aura said to him.
Kano's whispers came all of a sudden. They were loud and clear. They were a shout now. We will destroy, we will conquer, we are your end, we are noble. Kano screamed with pain.

"Help... Ugh..."

(Brb for an hour ugh...)
Serrina smiled a little, until she saw Revnoir and her face went straight but she felt sympathy for him as well, she quickly backed off to the side.
(Sorry Greg, totally forgot you were standing in front of the office.)

"Strengthening? You mean the same operation Revnoir and Aura had?" She raised her eyebrow, thinking that the man before her was either very brave, or very stupid to willingly undertake an experiment in which the proposer of said experiment was on the run. She had promised to take Revnoir down if he didn't give her what she needed, now she had an unstable Aura to deal with. She did not want a third. Other than that, there was one indisputable fact. "The procedure was not supplied to me unfortunately. It seems that I was only allowed to interfere with Xillia's operation, like it did any good in the first place, ergo even if I wanted to I could not give you the same operation. Furthermore, Do you really think it's safe repeating the experiments of a man on the run?"

Kano was screaming with pain. A thread of a mind reaper was makingg the whispers and screaming. It wriggled around Kano's mind creating the whispers to him only. The thread showed slowly from his ear to the entrance. It was following Kano ever since he came back from the outer world. Saryn called through the P.A.

"Squad Leader Kano Of Squad 8 Needs Medical Attention Now! He Is In His Office! Please Hurry! A Mind Reaper Thread Is Coursing Through Him From His Ear!"
Aura heard the intercom and was in kano's office in no time, pulling him to his feet and walking him towards the medbay. "Hang in there Kano..."
zen stood up. he had went back to practicing his 'flying ice strike; as he had taken to calling it. he heard the announcement" so many types of reapers....just how many are their?" he wondered aloud

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