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Fantasy Reaper

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"Kid, I respect you for having the opposite Thread as I and the Scourge do but even I know you can't opperate, and at your age, allowing you to stare at a taken naked woman is also on the list of reasons. Don't go just yet though, you need to hear the next part." She brushed off Aura, though his heart was in the right place. The girl needed people's reassurance, or if others wanted to dissuade her, than she needed proof, proof Belle didn't have. "I could, and frankly I don't think he could deny me, or would deny you, in this matter, but then again, why ask permission in the first place? Aren't you supposed to be trusting your significant other in a relationship?"

That comment would serve a two fold purpose, one to strike at the girl since trust was obviously her issue here. As much as she said she wanted to help out, she wanted to watch over him more, and while that was a good thing, there were other variables at play. The second was to find her resolve, because on that table, the only thing that matters is your own will to survive. No matter how excellent she would be as a person, she needed to know that she really wanted this if it was to go through smoothly.
Sayla walked in to the mess hall at this time, seeing her brother standing on a table talking to two women. 'Had he become one of Those guys since she hand been away...?' she thought curiously. "so.... hello..."
"Yla~" One moment she was sitting still, talking down a girl who didn't seem to know if the leap she was taking was correct, the next moment she was rubbing her cheek against a female Aura. "How about some food? Have you eaten yet? You need to eat if you still want to grow, you know?" And just like that, it looked like she had forgotten all about what had happened. Well, not exactly everything. "Oh, Yla, your brother's a BIIIIIIG PERVERT!" She pointed an accusing finger at Aura as she clung to his sister. "He wants to watch as he strip Xixi, cut her open, and give her Threads while she's helplessly asleep!"
"Woah. No! I thought you ment a team for her to be in to kill reapers without becoming a weaver. NO! Not EVER going back to that horrable room!" Aura started to look as though he was going Mad from the memories. He jumped back into the rafters, his little safe place.

"he looks like a spider in his web, witch was ironic considering his fear of spiders." Sayla wispered to Belle.
"Maybe someone should tell him that there are spiders up there..." She mussed, patting Yla's head like she would a junior, even if the age gap between them wasn't exactly large. Bigger sister was strong with this one it seemed, she just couldn't help herself. "So, where's the handsome boy guiding you around? You didn't... compromise him now, did you?" She asked with a scandalous smile, fully aware that said boy's girlfriend was right in the area.
"Something happened?" That was a squeal if she ever heard one, or at least an evasion if not totally horrible. "Come on, nothing? No swooning moments, or igniting instances in your little tour, little sister?" It was the duty of the elder to grill the younger, especially when it came the the opposite sex. Such tradition would not be broken this day.
Kano finally finished eating and just listened to the conversatio, bloated and too stuffed just to talk. He thought to himself wondering, should i get dessert? should I? I need to train these calories off so no dessert for me... Kano stood up and tripped looking so stupid and clumsy.

"ugh... come on..."
"Good call, she's right there, you know?" Belle guided the girl to her own seat before clasping both Sayla and Xillia on the shoulder, before jerking her head at Kano as well. "You two should get to know each other a bit more, and you, make some friends, okay?" She waved at them one last time before shouting at the ceiling. "Oi, Awy, two things before I go. One, there are spiders there, just so you know. Two, talk to Revnoir for me if you can, I would probably be out of commission for the rest of the day if what I'm trying to do goes wrong. No one is to disturb me" With her piece said, Belle walked out of the mess hall, leaving behind a few shaken patrons who not just once, but twice bore witness to the Second Commander.

(Be back in a few hours, don't go too far without me~)
Kano eyes went wide staring at the event. He crawled his way to a stand. Then he walked out of the mess hall and went to the training area, to burn off the calories from the sushi and ramen. He held his Scindo axe near the end of the handle.

(Gtg i'm in school in computer class lol)
Revnoir was walking through the halls, texting someone. He looked up and saw Aura coming around the corner. "Hm? Did you need something?" He asked, turning his phone off.
Joel had left this planet and was fondly recalling tid-bits from his past. Stuck in an endless daydream cycle of remembering his old gang, the prison, the reapers, and eventually the weaving itself. He yawns loudly, waking up from his daydream. He catches Xilla when she was staring at his Seduce Me, the Otome shirt. He looks down to make sure she wasn't staring at a stain or something. Relieved there wasn't, and that the attention was no longer on him as both Kano and Aura, and Sayla, arrived, and together, they would distract others from talking to Joel, which was alright.

He watches as, once again, Aura spiders into the rafters. And then leapt down and crashed into the six tables. The sound of it made him wince. Joel sighs, picking up his now empty tray and dropping it off in its designated drop off location. He proceeds to walk to each table and it's patrons, effortlessly placing the tables back into their correct spots, and bowing his head to each set of patrons. "Apologies. Sorry for him. Sorry. Lo siento. Lo siento mi hermano, Apologies for the disturbance. " When Joel was done apologizing on Aura's behalf, he returns to his own quiet table.
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Sayla looked at the man who just so diligently picked up those tables. "You were from yesterday! Hey!" She said to joel.
Revnoir looked at Aura as if he had just heard the world was ending - not exactly all that surprised. "I'd love it if you'd stop kidding around. That's nothing to joke about, Aura." He said, sounding a little annoyed.
"Afraid i dont joke about that sir. Wish that i could tell you its a joke. Squad 2 leader Belle sent me to talk to you about it. She seems to be in favor of the idea." Aura said with a serious look on his face.
Revnoir looked at the other, not surprised to say the least. "Xillia said this?" He asked, gripping his phone tightly. Any more force and he'd crack it.

(gtg to dentist O.o just remembered)
(-freakin the hell out- NOOOOOOOOO I hate dentists >n<)

Revnoir frowned, and quickly walked past him towards where Xillia would most likely be.

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