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Fantasy Reaper

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The dining hall was mostly quiet, people minding their own business and eating at a slow and manageable pace. No one really bothered anyone anymore, now that food was never wasted on food-fights and none of them were young or stupid enough to start anything when the threat of death was real to every singe one of them. Or at least until...

"FOOD!" A woman materialized out of nowhere, leaping for a tray and gathering an amount that would definitely hurt her figure. She didn't seem to mind though, and most of the more experienced patrons of the mess hall didn't seem to pay her mind either.

She quickly took a veritable mountain of food and zipped towards an occupied table, with one other 'big eater', shamelessly pulling up a chair before taking a few bites from a burger might as well have been called a heart attack between two buns. "You Yui-Yui's new one?" She asked between bites, somehow managing to speak properly despite the amount of food she consumed each time she chomped on her sandwich.
Where Aura was quietly entering the mess hall, this woman has shouted. It startles Joel from his staring longingly at his tray of overstocked carbohydrates, which in turn, causes him to nearly fall out of his chair, jumping back in his seat. Please don't sit here, please don't- She sat there. He frowns, not so much her presence, but because now his food would inevitably get cold. He wasn't about to talk with a mouthful after all. Big guy had table manners it would seem.

Joel rubs the back of his head, nodding. "Yeah, I joined Squad 13. I'm Joel."
"Hm, didn't think she would ever find someone as old as you in her squad..." She said almost casually as she finished off her first meal, her tone nonchalant and calm compared to her earlier boisterous proclamation. Calm, cool and collected, huh? He'd be alright in her book if he could eat before his food got cold, rule of thumb always was not to get anything you couldn't finish in less than a couple of minutes. He was new, so she couldn't fault him for that.

She waited for him to take another bite of his own meal and start chewing before she spoke again. "Get into her pants yet?" Belle with a totally innocent tone, and an expression that one would find more appropriate on a child rather than a twenty year old woman, waited for his reaction. This was always the make or break in terms of people, but she wouldn't do it any other way.
Luckily, Joel had not been eating. Otherwise, when she asked her 'innocent' question, he would have just choked to death on his food. Some way for a veteran weaver to go, huh? He just blinks and stares blankly at his food, lowering his head. He couldn't help but wonder if Belle was joking, or if Yui had a reputation. He re-composes himself a moment later, and sticks a fork into the pasta, repeating the process several times until half of it was gone. One part consumption, two part genius tactic, this allowed him to collect his thoughts.

He answers quietly, "No plans to."
"You're no fun." Belle made a strange face, her lips fashioned in an adorable pout while her eyes were smiling. It didn't look like much, but she saw the reaction, and the fact that he had to think was telling. She had no idea what he was thinking of, mind you, but that was fine. It would have been funnier to see him splutter or maybe choke for a few seconds, she was one of those good enough to clear the esophagus with a thread, but it was not to be.

"Belle, captain of the Second, Joel of Thirteen, a pleasure." She introduced herself with a smile. "Just trying to shoot down those who would try, heaven knows what would happen if Yui-Yui did that herself."
Joel finished the rest of the pasta while she was talking, leaving only the bread-items which would take a lot longer to spoil than the warm pasta would have. He's pretty certain that they wouldn't spend that long of an amount of time talking. When she stops talking, he says, "It's good to meet you Belle." He remains pretty awkwardly quiet for some time, eating one of the pieces of bread. Seemingly out of nowhere he adds, "You've known Yui long, I take it? Or fast friends?" Still listening, he scarfs down another piece of bread.
"That, is a funny story... one she wouldn't want to tell willy-nilly." Belle ended with a wink, having finished her food. She was torn, either to poke more fun at her friend, get some more food or continue her experiments. What to do? "I'd suggest you get her side before mine, reactions are always better that way. Now, if you would excuse me, I would have to inform Awy that Revi is with his sister." She stood, having gathered her tray and dishes. "Bye-bye, Jojo!" Before returning them to the proper location and looking left and right for a boy who might have left by then.
Joel shrugs to Belle, he wouldn't pressure her for a story. He finishes the last of his bread as she gets up to go. As quiet as he was, it was unlikely he'd just randomly go up to his squad leader and ask her questions. He leans back as she departs, not really realizing what Belle had said until she had already left to find Aura. "Wait," he says to himself, "Who's Awy and Revi.....jojo?" He frowns, and runs his tattooed hand through his hair. He shakes his head with a sigh, and starts to daydream.
(I ship you two ^)

Xillia was eating at a table not far from Joel's table, and just noticed a few words on his shirt from over the table. Seduce me..? The Otome? Is that what it says..!? She stared for a long moment, then suddenly started laughing. She almost choked on her food, giggling like a child. It was obvious she was laughing at the shirt. After all, she played Otome games when Revnoir wasn't home.

(Did I ever mention that Squad Leaders get separate buildings to live in? >uO So very superior)
(Shipping everyone...I like it! Shipping multiple people with me... you might be disappointed)

Looking for Aura didn't turn up any result unfortunately, oh well, there were still a couple of things on her list anyway, one of them being grabbing a second helping and chowing down... again. Some would think it unhealthy to be eating as much as she did, but then again, with the way and the frequency at which she used her threads outside of battle, it was a necessity to keep her strength up.

She was just about to settle in with Joel again when she found something, or rather someone, more interesting. "Xixi!How you been?Reviwaswanderingdownthehallsawhileagowithagirlwhowasn'tyousoIwonderedwhathappenedandhereyouareeatingalonewithouthimssomethingmusthavehappened. What happened?" She spoke rapidly, an innocent smile on her face before she made herself comfortable.
Kano grabbed a whole tray a sushi and a whole tray of ramen. He looked like a reaper hunting for humans but instead a weaver for food.


He shouted grabbing sushi and ramen all over. Soon enough he halted to a stop and sat at the table where he knew people. He almost slammed the two trays onto the table almost spilling on Xillia and Belle. He cracked open chopsticks and started eating like a reaper on a human.
"Kanonono! You're still alive too!" Belle cheered with a fist in the air, her free had grabbing a few pieces of sushi before he, heck even before Xillia, could react. This was one of the only people who had a nickname with more than two syllables, just because something like KK or Nono just didn't fit. "How's all the killing and dying out there? Still as dull and grey as before, with a little splash of red?"

Talking with him was fun, one of the easiest people to rile up when it came to anything, as well as one of the honest men she had ever seen. Now if only he was a little better at controlling that laugh of his... Nah, people said the same thing about her eating habits. This was who they were, how they lived in the darkness, and let none take that away from them.
Kano hasn't eaten in a long time so he still kept eating rapidly. Kano's hands were blinding fast you would barely even see the food enter his mouth. It seemed as if he just swallowed the food whole but of course not.

"Umph... Mmph..."

He tried to talk while eating but can't.
"I know exactly what you mean." Belle nodded sagely, devouring her own food while taking a few glances at the still silent Xillia. Belle herself ate with frightening speed, but with a more demure stance when compared to the savage Kano, but then again what worried her more than how she looked to others, a girl eating as fast as she did had to look somewhat amusing, Xillia's lack of response was a bit worrying. She couldn't be heartbroken... right?

Oh well, the fallout would be on Revi anyway, so nothing to worry about.
Aura looked down on the rabble of the dining hall from the rafters just above Belle and Xillia. "Interesting..." he said quietly to himself. he was munching on a bit of bread. Then the bread slipped from his hands, and he almost fell from his spot trying to catch it. "NOOOOO! BREAD COME BACK!" He yelled in a seriously upset tone. The bread hit the table, helping give away his spot.
She caught the bread as it reached the height of it's first bounce, torn between looking up and telling the boy what she meant to tell him in the first place, and just continue teasing Xillia. Really, tough decision here, should she just give up the gun and tell Xixi her boyfriend was not the cheating douche she hopefully did not make him out to be, or should she continue the onslaught and hope that the human doesn't kill her, or worse, sic the dreaded first weaver on her.

She was hyper, ditsy, and immature most of the time, but she was not stupid. If ever Scourge did come at her in retribution, the man was as much of a softie as she was, she knew she would last, at most five minutes before having her sweet behind handed to her on a platter. But then again, she could always do both.

"Awy!" She called out cheerfully, throwing up the piece of bread, but not before taking a bite out of the other end. "Your super cute little sister's with Revi, go get her!" There, now Xixi would think of several things and more chaos could ensue. This was just getting better and better.
(sry just finished my work in class)

Xillia had squeaked when the bread dropped out of surprise. She looked at Belle then at Aura. "S-Sorry... I was just thinking, were you talking to me?" She asked Belle, looking a little worried about something and this time is wasn't Revnoir.

"Your sister can take on Revi!" She exclaimed with delight, more like a parent praising a child though rather than actual awe. "Then you should go get them! I want to play with little Yla too! Why don't you both come and play, I'm sure Xixi would love to meet her after she been with Revi all day~" This boy was amazing, truely the best straight man / joke set up there ever was. If he could play the butt too then she would be set, and they would terrorize the base with horrible humor all day. Too bad he was with Yame-Yame, things could have been fun.

"Ooh, something other than Revi bothering you, Xixi? Tell! Tell!" She goaded her friend, past attempts to tease her forgotten. If there was a problem, that wasn't her boyfriend, then things were getting serious. She might have to get serious.
(o no we cant let belle be serious xD btw next class coming up I'll jump in and out throughout the day.)

Xillia was silent for a long moment. "I'm thinking of becoming a Weaver, but I'm worried Revnoir will get mad at me." She said quietly. She knew she could tell Belle and Aura, plus they knew first hand that less than 50% of those who go in never come out. They die on the operating table. "I want to help fight the Reapers, I don't want to be stuck here helping Scourge with paperwork anymore. I want to make sure Rev doesn't get hurt." She mumbled, almost unsure of what she was saying. She had second thoughts, but she was dead set on helping.

(oh I also ship Scourge x Xillia. The sad part is Scourge is older than he looks.)
"Hmmmm..... Well your verry good with my explosive knives. i could make you a set of those so you can help. becoming a weaver is Extreamly dangerous." Aura said.
Belle reeled back as if she was struck, clutching her head as the two began looking at her curiously. Aura had said his piece, but she had yet to explain. "... That attack power... Too much.... Must support." She shook her head, revealing eyes that shined so brightly they might as well have been made out of her threads. She could only look between Aura and Xillia with an open smile, her voice so high that it could no longer be heard anymore before she sat back down on her chair, took a napkin from her tray and wiped her mouth demurely.

She opened her eyes, this time revealing only a glinting vermilion ice before speaking in a tone that somehow made everyone extremely uncomfortable. "In all seriousness, the chances would be low, especially considering your age, as well as your mentality when it comes to combat. I would give you, without training, a few minutes with a reaper at most before we have to rush in and save you. On survival however, if you have a capable enough team, I have dabbled in a few operations myself, on myself, then you shouldn't have to worry too much. If you insist, we can assemble a capable team and at least give you a 75% chance of surviving. If you want it bad enough, not even the Scourge could stop you. That softie would rather support you anyway."

(Too late)

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