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Fantasy Reaper

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There was a lot of people in the room, at least, in the med-bay. It's not so much what Aura said, however, than what Aura did. He casually dropped that bomb on Joel, and then proceeded to stowaway in the rafters. Like a spider retreating into its nest, Joel thinks. He doesn't do this visibly, but he shudders. It wasn't so much that spiders scared him, as it was they do creepy things. Like hide in rafters. He raised his eyebrow to Aura as he climbed into the rafters. He was terrified he would have to make the introduction, but Yui makes it for him. small favors.

He turns around, and a little too loudly says, "Joel Collins, former member of Rose squad." He doesn't salute or anything over-the-top, but he does bow, revealing the kanji image fully on his neck. A part of him hoped she wouldn't ask why a squad was named after a flower, but he expected it nonetheless.
Aura looks around from the safty of the rafter, he usualy slept in these things. they were much safer than beds, where his parents were butchered by reapers. no, rafters are places reavers never look for sleeping people, that made them safe. he started to nod of slowly, the first time anyone had seen him sleep since he passed out from blood loss. it would be the second time in a week he had slept.
Slightly irked at the informal address, as she often went by Miss or even Ma'am, Yui couldn't answer Aura before he nodded off to sleep. She was hesitant about taking Sayla in— Belle and her more affable personality might suit her better. She will consult the other Squad Leader another time.

She turned back to Joel and nodded. "Welcome to the Squad." Her eyes caught the kanji on the man's neck. Raku? She tilted her head in curiosity. "Rose Squad?" She asked.
Sayla came into the room and looked around for Aura. she spotted him asleep in the rafters, took off her boot, and threw it with deadly acuracy, hitting him in the face with it. "Ass! Get down from there befor you hurt yourself!" She yelled at him

Aura fell from the rafters compleatly disorinted and with a face full of pain and boot. "That..... hurt..." Aura said shortly, compleatly confused and on the floor.
Joel blinks, and then rubs the back of his head apologetically. He wasn't exactly the top-notch when it came to explaining things, and in all honesty he seemed uncomfortable doing so. "Yes ma'am." He thought for a moment, "There was a base further South that was collecting Weavers for Weaver-only teams. " He pauses, trying to gather his thoughts. "Each squad had six members, including the squad leader." He quickly adds, "Each squad was named after a plant or plant-piece. I was in Rose, but there was also Daisy, Pedal, Grass, Thorn, Vine, Pine, Lily, Leaf, Maple, Oak, Ivy, and I think the other one was...Branch?" He frowns. "Don't quote me on that last one." Hoping not to be on her bad-side, he adds, "Ma'am." then bows his head again.

Then, he looks at the sudden commotion. What's this then? He blinks, finding himself at a loss for words over the sister knocking the other out of the rafter, with a boot. He was probably more confused than Aura was, for sure.
sayla grabbed her boot and pulled it on. then she asked sweetly "So... Where is Limbo?"

Aura rubbed his face. Damn his sister has gotten so much stronger. that hurt like hell. Aura checked his nose. Bleeding.

Aura reached into his coat and unhooked the sword Limbo from his swordbelt. He handed his sister her sword after he got up, trying to stop the bleeding in his nose.

Sayla appologised for hitting him so hard, and took her sword.
(Gtg to bed! I'll be online again tomorrow ^^)

Yui felt odd at Joel's referring to her as Ma'am. A "Miss" would have done just fine, but even then, it would feel a bit strange. She saw Joel as more of her equal than the usual members she's interacted with the past years. From what she's seen so far, she'd go so far as to say it looks as if she should serve under him. She also wasn't quite used to all this respect directed towards her. She raised her hand, almost in protest, "Ease up. I'm just your Squad leader, not the President," she swiftly added, "and a 'Miss' would do. Having a veteran such as yourself call me ma'am seems inappropriate." Yui looked up in thought at this information. She had only heard of such things from overhearing higher-ups. "Interesting. You have to tell me more about it—"

Yui jumped slightly at Sayla's arrival. She watched the two interact before proceeding to rub her temples. "—after you get yourself settled, that is." The day had been long enough. "Seek someone to show you around, or, please, feel free to roam. Just not in unauthorized areas. Same goes for, you, Sayla." Yui sighed, unsure of what to make of her, then started for the door. "If anyone needs me, I'll be in my office."
Joel watches the two twins with an odd fascination. They had a named sword? He couldn't help but wonder if they had been rich before all of the world decided to end. He sighs, shaking his head at the thought. He nods thankfully at Yui's comment to ease up. He was a pretty easy-going person, but now had an excuse to be even more so. "Sure, I could say 'miss' instead, or just use your name." He thinks for a second, trying to pace his thoughts, which were being distracted by the two twins. "I'll take a walk around the facility, I think." He bows lightly when Yui leaves, and sighs, once again starting to feel relieved. He turns to the twins, "Good night you two. Don't run off." He smiles good naturedly, and thought to himself, And don't kill each other. After, he turns a corner, and departs, once more stuffing his hands into his coat pockets.
Revnoir sat on the medical bed, his chest hurting still. Weavers being able to heal faster than Humans due to their Threads, his pierced lung was closed up enough for him to breath normally. The doctors said he could walk around, but not too quickly. He had to lay off on the stress, as he would only hurt himself if he lost his breath. Standing up, he ambled into the hall and grumbled. "Damned Reapers... This is the only time I'm glad to be even slightly like them." He muttered under his breath, frowning. Xillia was nowhere to be found, so he decided to stroll around the halls to get the blood flowing in his legs again. He kept murmuring insults towards the Reapers and looked genuinely tired of their bullshit.
Sayla was wandering around the halls, her sword Limbo on her hip. It was identical to Aura's sword, witch he used in battle to try and save Revoir and Donaldson, Purgatory. She wasnt paing attention to were she was going as per usual. she almost smacked dead into Revnoir, but looked up just in time to stop herself. She let out a suprised noise and jumped a little, not expecting to see this man here. He was kind of scarry.... intimidating in a way. "I... I... Im sorry....." She studdered.
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The Shadow Weaver looked down at the girl, a little confused. "A new Recruit..? There's more?" He asked himself quietly. "You look oddly like Aura..." He said, his voice fading away. He noticed the sword. It couldn't be a coincidence, he remembered Aura talking about a twin sister to Donaldson. He tried not to look too intimidating, as he felt a little bad for the girl. He could tell she was a Weaver, and knew that she went through so much pain and risks just to become a monster.
"Um.... y..Yes Sir. I just got out of basic a week ago. the brought me here yetserday." She said. "And Aura Is my brother...."
Revnoir scowled. "Straight out of First, huh..? Were you given a squad?" He asked, giving her a reassuring smile. He didn't always have to look angry or scary, he could sometimes be pretty adorable or warm-hearted, although that's a little rare for him.

(gtg idk if I can use my computer in other classes nor do I know if I can even have it in other classes)
"No Sir. They never gave me a squad. Im an Ice Weaver. Im not verry good yet though... but i will do what i can." She said shyly.

(Ok. talk to ya soon hopefuly. good luck in class.)
Revnoir stared at her for a moment, then nodded subtly. "Then I'll expect great things from you and your squad. Don't let us down." He said with an oddly charming smile, and left. When he said Us he wasn't using the Royal We.

(apparently there's a mobile vers. of the site?)
"Wait... does that mean... Im in your squad now..?" She asked as he walked away.

(yeah ik im on that rn.)
Revnoir just chuckled. "Not that I know of, I just got the green light to get out of a hospital bed. I'm not the best informed here." He said, cracking his neck.
"Barracks. Nobody showed you around the place?" He asked kindly. Maybe his lungs weren't the problem here. Cracking his knuckles, he waited for an answer.
He nodded. "Female and Male, too. Were you worried about that?" He asked, signaling for her to follow him as he walked down the hall.
She followed him. "no sir...i just dont have a squad yet right...? so what barracks would i use...?"
Revnoir looked back at the small girl, laughing a bit. "We're not going to the barracks right now. We're getting you a Squad. Then we'll know where you'll be staying." He said a little quietly.

After a few minutes, they arrived at Scourge's office. Revnoir signaled for Sayla to stay just outside the door, and walked in. She could hear arguing and yelling, one voice quieter than the other - Revnoir's. His lungs wouldn't heal completely from what happened, so he needed to be a bit quieter and calmer.

Revnoir came out and sighed. "You're in Squad __"

(^ Choose her Squad. And I love how whenever I'm on it's just you and me and sometimes one other person >u< Nobody's wanting to rp on here anymore or something...)
(I'm at school while you two are on <.< i could be on almost all day...)

Whispers kept going through Kano's head while he is unconscious in the med bay. Faster and louder the whispers kept going. Suddenly the whispers became a shout but could not be undesirable, it woke him with a scream. Kano was on a medical bed covered in bandages instead of threads. He sighed and looked around the room but he lied back down after a minute. He kept thinking to himself about reapers and how vicious they are, merciless.

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