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Fantasy Reaper

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Kano blinked from Joel's statment. He grabbed his katana and turned. He unsheathed it and threads covered the sword making it bigger and more dangerous. Kano was aggravated. He wanted to rest but he was also too jumpy and cautious.
The woman, too focused on her goal, ran straight into the Joel, falling to the ground. She yelps a little in suprise as she hits the ground.

She had just come from the direction of HQ and she looked so much like aura it was scarry. she looked up in a daze at the three befor her. "Wha...?"
There was an urge within Joel to move, but he didn't. Her yelp confirmed she wasn't the other person who looked like her, at least. Joel lowers his thread-based weapon, before it disappears, revealing the silver scarab tattoo on his right hand. He raises an eyebrow at the girl, and then lets out a huge sigh of relief. He offers the girl a large smile, and his tattooed hand to help her back up. "Welcome aboard miss, you want to speak to Yui, I think."
"I um..... im just looking for someone.... They said at the weave bace that he whent this direction...." She said timitdly.
Yui sighed after the first set of explosions.

"I wouldn't worry about him," she said with a half-raised brow. "He's Squad 7's infamous hard head." She watched Kano get up and furrowed her eyebrows. "Him on the other hand..." She said more to herself.

Yui looked at Kano. "Save your energy. I won't allow us to get separated." She let him do what he wanted, however. She knew so much as to step too much on a man's pride. "Just stay close."

As explosions rang through the air, the group of three walked briskly towards base, with Yui in concentrated thought. At Joel's statement, she looked up while gripping her sword— but her hands loosened at the sight. She's a little... Dumbfounded. She looked at the girl and nodded, really unsure of what to say.

"Who is this someone?"
Joel nodded, once again the thought popped into his head, and he looked back at his two travelling companions Kano and Yui. Am I on a time limit? He couldn't help but think that someone so fast as that Reaper-coordinator was, that if he really wanted to, he probably could have caught up to the bike, slew them all, and then get back home in time for, whatever it is people who control Reapers do when they have free time. He stepped out of the way so Yui and the girl could properly see each other.
"My brother... we are twins...." She said still timidly "I joind weave to find him, they tranferd me here and i heard his name from someone. its Aura...."
Kano sheathed his sword in relief and rested his arm again. And he observed the conversation, tired.

"Did you really have to say that of all things? Anyways i haven't introduced myself. My name his Kano."

He bowed formally to them for introductions.
"See we were seperated befor Weave was founnded..... I knew he would be alive, he is too resorceful." She said. " oh.... um my name is Sayla.." She said to Kano.
Yui's eyebrows raised in slight surprise. But the explosions behind her sobered her thoughts. She nodded at Kano then turned and smiled to reassure the lady before her. "He's fine, don't worry. It's dangerous to be out here. We must return back to base." It's a wonder how she ran here unscathed. "Joel, stick with her. Our destination hasn't changed."
At this point, Joel just stared. That's over six years these two twins would have had to been apart, afterall, weave was running before the Reapers even appeared. Although, this brought up what exactly they did before they actually made Weavers. Little hats for cats maybe? Joel sighs loudly, and shakes his head. He's snapped back to reality when Yui gives him the order, he nods with a gruff grunt, and moves to where he can keep an eye on the girl.
Joel turns to look at Yui for an answer, ultimately unsure of what to give the girl. Never been great with people, hence why despite being a veteran weaver, he's never been a squad leader. He scratches the back of his head, and sort of mumbles things around the lines of, "Uh-oh." "Well, you see.." "The thing kinda is..." It became evident very quickly that he was not good at holding extended conversation. He was grasping at short straws. He looks back again to the two behind him.
A screech sounded in the distance. An elite is nearby. Kano looked at rhe way of the screech and slowly started to jog, to a run, then a sprint towrds the base.

"Get Out Now!!!!"

Kano didn't even know what it was but his gut urged him to run as fast and far as possible. He kept sprinting towards the base, his sword hitting his hip.

The elitle was in sight but unidentifiable. However you would be able to see the horde of reapers behind the elite.
the explosions in the distance stoped.

Aura came form the way the reapers were. they seemed to be persuing him. he was using his shadow threads to move as fast as possable he was yelling "DETONATE THE KNIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Yui gave an unsure look at Joel. She's a squad leader, for sure, but usually any words she'd say was addressed to a trained individual. Not towards faint-hearted maiden like the one before them. She smiled once again. "He's right behind us. Keep your eyes ahead—"

Yui turned around at the sound of Aura's voice. She nodded to the others. "Run!" Whilst running, she looked back to witness the scene before her. What on Earth? She looked at Joel and commanded, "Detonate them!"
Currently, if anyone had the good graces to see Joel's face, there was that tell-tale look of What the Hell Did you Just Do Kid? However he was not deaf, and not going to let anyone be killed today. With a flick of his thumb, he hits the button on the detonator, causing the knives some ways back to all explode. He begins a slow jog to the base, however purposely goes slower than both Yui and the other girl, the twin. He saw how Yui was able to command those two lesser reapers earlier, so he already knew she was a mind weaver, and thus less suited to hold the line should they be overwhelmed. To make sure they don't stop for him, he speaks calmly, "I am right behind you, keep going." There was a deep anxiety to that voice.
The elite one was a bit buffer than the others, a tank. It charged at full speed, mindless.

Kano stared at the elite reaper trying to find a weakness. He kept looking at the brute. It acts like a mindless bull... Wait... A bull! Kano thought to himself. Making a plan while running, the base was in sight. However the reaper looked as if it would burst through the walls.
Aura used the blast that killed most of the reapers behind him, pluss his threads to propell himself forward, catching up to the other three.... wait... Four..? Mid air aura froze, his threads receeding, as he stared awstruck at his sister.

Sayla saw the big bull like reaper and used her ice threads to entangle it and freaze it in its tracks, she then whiped one of her threads, breaking the frozen reaper. She obviously acted out of fear, pure instinct and nothing more.
The giant reaper stopped and got engulfed by the reapers behind it. The reapers kept going. However the group traveled far enough where the reapers lost interest though they screeched at them before turning around to the buildings.

Kano slowed and now out of breath. He panted and sighed trying his best to recover still.
Giant "elite" reaper or the guy that looks like he was pulled from an anime? Mid-jog, Joel decides on both. Then he saw the ward he was in charge of, the sister of Aura, having already dealt, rather expertly, with the reaper. "Nicely done." He said this directed at the girl, and turned around, compelling his own metal threads to extend, allowing him to polevault up into the air, and catches Aura before he eats the ground. The large man looked downright knightly carrying Aura like a damsel in distress, but just as forces unseen were ready to ship them, alas, Joel puts Aura down, and says, "Run fast, alright? I'm right behind you." Joel smiles.
Aura fell into step with the group behind joel.

"So Is that...woman up there named sayla or do you know?" Aura asked joel.
Joel turns his head slightly so Aura could see part of his mouth, he looks like he's about to say something drastically important, but then all he says is, "Don't know her name." with that he turns his head back forward and continues his run to the base. He adds as they get closer to their destination, "Tell ya what, you get there alive, ya can ask her." He said this in hopes aura wouldn't do anything drastic and return to the base in one piece.
Yui appreciated Joel's words, even for its less than desired connotation. "Glad to have you back, Aura," Yui said shakily as she ran, with an undertone of slight irritation. She watched the silver-haired look-alike swiftly deal with the charging Reaper and nodded, impressed.

The group finally reached base, and Yui signaled for everyone to enter. She kept her mouth closed from unecessarily commenting on anything, especially anything oddly endearing and heroic. Now she has to deal with the issue before her. Without pausing to breathe, she looked at Joel. "Sorry for throwing orders around, you haven't even been officially assigned to any Squad— but bring Aura and Kano to the infirmary. It's easy to find." She turned to Sayla. "You, come with me. I have a couple questions," she said whilst walking toward her office.

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