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Fantasy Reaper

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Aura and Sayla made eye contact, Long enough to know the other wasnt an imposter. Aura was then turning towads the medbay, and Sayla did as Yui comanded.

Sayla turned to the Squad leader. " I will answer your questions if i can miss."
Joel nods, now panting from the display of force earlier involving a certain minivan, and the running. After catching his breath, he noticed Aura was already heading off. He's never even been here before, but he'd give this direction a shot. He offers a hand or arm to Kano, who looks pretty beaten up. "Pride is fine and all, but if you can't walk, you can't get better. " He offers a friendly, and honest, smile to Kano.

Before Joel leaves, he says to Yui, "It's fine, I'm used to following orders anyway. I lost my paperwork, but I'm supposed to be part of Squad 13, if you could contact their squad leader, I would be thankful." He bows his head in thanks, revealing something tattooed in kanji on his neck. Brushing his hair out of his eye, exposing the "eye" over an eye tattoo. With that, he takes Kano to the med-bay, or if Kano doesn't want to be escorted, he'd just follow behind.
Yui's eyes widened at Joel's news, and could only nod in response. She turned and looked at Aura's twin, cleared her throat, and continued walking.

The two entered a lift, bringing them upwards to Squad 13's floor. It wasn't exactly decadent, nor as loud as the other Squads'. It was actually rather plain, having been mostly unoccupied for six years. Her mind wandered back to Joel. She surely hadn't misheard him, but somehow, she was still slow to fully understand what he said. She filed her thoughts to the back of her mind on the matter, remembering where she was going. When Sayla and Yui entered the latter's office, she signaled for the girl to sit before sitting herself from across her desk. She went right away with the questions as to avoid her snooping around. "When did you join Weave?"
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Sayla sat down and answerd shyly, "a..about a year ago.... they put me through a year of basic training..... befor the tranfered me here...." She said, being compleatly honnest. She was obviously worried she had already done something wrong.
Yui's shoulders relaxed slightly, previously unaware of how tense she must have looked. She folded her hands and gave Sayla a small smile. She's such a stark contrast from her brother, it's almost funny. While she emphathized with the girl's feelings, she needed to be tough with her. But seeing that she might faint any second, Yui breathed in, defeated. I'll just soften slightly, for now.

"I'm concerned about whether you should really be here," Yui said. "Even a trainee would know not to run out alone during a time like this." She searched Sayla's eyes for any suspicious sign. "When did you arrive at base?" She paused and looked through the papers. Yui looked up. "Who is 'they?'"
"i arrived just today. and by they i mean the people who made me a weaver...." She answerd. She started to relax slightly as Yui relaxed. "Im sorry I ran out alone.... i... i just had to find my brother..... I will accept my punishment, whatever you deem it to me Ma'am. Im just glad my brother is safe... he is all i have left... our parents were... well... were..." she started to tear up, so she stoped talking, trying not to cry and seem weak.
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Aura reaches the medbay and turns to look at Joel. " We are here. i suffered no further injuries besides the ones i left with. So im going down to the dining hall."
Yui furrowed her brows and raised a hand. "No, I'm not authorized to punish you for anything, since I'm not directly your superior." She sighed. "Though, a word of advice, I would think again before doing something impulsive. You were lucky this time, but death could have been punishment enough." She stopped herself, hoping not to have a crying kid in her office. She's not the best with those things. Yui stared hard at the girl's paperwork, then stood up from her seat. She reached out her hand to shake with Sayla's with a smile. "We'll deal more with this later. Come with me to medbay." Thinking that there was some personal matters to deal with at the moment, Yui decided it was best for Sayla to sort things out with her brother before any further interrogation.

Arriving at medbay, they came just in time before Aura announced going to the dining hall. "Great. Bring your sister to catch up."
"Yes ma'am." Aura came up to Yui and wispered to her." Its realy her, isnt it..? Do all her papers check out?"
Yui looked at the young man in slight confusion. "She said so herself. I've yet to fully check them, but you two share the same last name." And face. But now she's unsure if she should leave those two with each other— but it really isn't any of her business. She whispered back, "Take this time to find out," she paused, "Do you need someone to join you?"
"no ill know in a matter of seconds if its her. The reason i ask is because there is a new kind of reaper that takes the form of those it has killed. If its realy her though, dont underestemate her. She is shy, but like me, only less recless." Aura starts off towards the dinning hall with Sayla following.
Yui nodded slowly and watched the two walk off. Aren't you a bit on the reckless side, yourself? She thought. Turning to Joel, Yui found herself somewhat struggling with her words. She glanced around, then back to Joel. "Injured anywhere? If so, help yourself to the supplies." It was obvious that the man wasn't crippling in pain, and he hadn't sustained any wounds to her knowledge, but Yui couldn't bring herself to just say what she wanted to say. She didn't even know what she wanted to say.
Joel nods quietly to Aura, having brought Kano presumably to the med-bay as well. When Kano was well situated and under the care of someone with some hint of medical authority, he departed the medical office as well. Assuming there was a mirror on one of the walls, Joel takes the time to stop, brushing his too long dark hair to either side. He absent-mindedly does a check of his body to make sure everything was still there. Hand with tattoo of scarab, check. Hand without that, check. Eyes, one of which had another eye tattooed around it. Check. In the end, the only thing that doesn't Check was the duffel bag, now miles away where the one Scythe-wielding Reaper was. His confidence boosted by the mirror check, Joel enters the hallway.

Joel blinks, having, in his own weird rituals, forgot someone else was even here. He stammers for several seconds, and almost flails. All that composure just went out the window. "Uh, no no. I'm all good. Well, I lost my bag, but other than that. Yep. Good." He smiles, and gives Yui a thumbs up.
"I beleve i have something that may be yours. I picked it up when i was in my shadow lupin Armor. It has a Scarab on it, like the one on your hand."
More people talk to Joel, probably the most socially awkward person here. And to think, he's even more socially awkward than the two sociopathic twin fire-weavers somewhere on base, or the hot-boxing weaver. The large man blinks again, and manages, to barely, stammer out a "Y-yeah? What's up?" when Aura comes back.

Joel tilts his head, "What is it?"
( lol )

Yui eyes Joel's thumbs up and fidgets awkwardly. She looked around the room, trying to regain whatever composure she had left. "Good, that's good." Yui swallowed. She just needed to tell him that she's his squad leader— there should be no difficulty saying that. Furthermore, unsure of how to react to his rituals, which perhaps she shouldn't have seen, she started to speak, "You—"

Successfully interrupted by Aura, Yui visibly pulled back. She's almost grateful for that.
Aura comes in and pulls up his trenchcoat, revealing something tied to his waist by his shadowthreads. once the threads let it go, a duffel bag. "Looked important. it was were you were befor kano picked you up."
If Joel was ever to seem like he was slacked jaw, now would be that time. He's visibly shocked by this, he doesn't even have the capacity to blink. Clearly Aura was secretly a magician. He stands there agape and despondent for almost five minutes. He finally blinks, and releases a massive sigh. "I'll be honest, I'm not so surprised you got it. As much as you somehow pulled that giant duffel, out of a trenchcoat." He sighs again, relieved he wouldn't have to ask anyone on base for spare clothing. Trouble enough as is just talking to people 'bout daily things. "Thank you Aura."
"no problem. I kind of steped on it when i was that big wolf. i pulled it in to inspect it. seemed important, so i kept it." Aura said. he was glad to be of help. sometimes his sharp senses had a more practical use. so did stepping on things apperantly.

"So you said your Squad 13 right?" Aura asked.
Joel smiles, and bows one more thank you. He quietly and quickly takes the duffel bag, and slings it back around his back. "It's all clothing, so nothing is broken. Thank you again." There was enough relief in his system to go around, now if only he knew what squad he was in, and this day could almost classify as a good day. Almost. Joel nods to Aura. "That I am. Know the squad leader?"
"Yes. She happens to be in this room with us." Aura says casualy, climing into the rafters of the ceiling. The fact that Yui hadnt told him yet ment this was going to be entertaining. he settled in fo the show
Yui stood a bit ways off from the two, trying to muster up any self-respect she could find. As they spoke, she thought of possible official introductions, though she found it to be a bit difficult for whatever reason.

"Yes. She happens to be in the room with us."

Having been effectively caught off-guard, Yui froze and glanced at Joel. Better an intro as any. She stood straight and gave a stiff nod, automatically declaring herself. "Squad 13 Leader, Yui Kashihisa. I'll be enacting as your direct superior from now on." She smiled slightly at the thought of this unexpected coincidence.
"By the way Yui, Its realy my sister. And she needs a squad with a good leader. 7 is currently full compared to the other squads."

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