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Fantasy Reaper

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Aura came into the medbay to check up on Kano and found him awake."Hey Kano. How you holding up?" Aura asked.
Kano sat up and smiled slightly. He gave a thumbs up weakly. The bandages limited a lot of Kano's movements making him frustrated.

"Fine except the stupid bandages won't let me move, thank goodness for the weaver's faster healing capability."

He said a bit hesitant. He stretched a bit as much as he can without destroying the bandages.
(Back from the dead~)

Belle heard the announcement, sure, but didn't go out for a few reasons, none of which involved feeling dejected as Yui-yui pushed her off and ran into the distance. She supposed she could ask for the video feeds from the other AI's later, it would be interesting to note exactly that Project Grim Reaper, as ominous as it tried to make itself sound, wasn't exactly the first of it's kind in the long line of mistakes weavers made to combat the Reapers, and it certainly wasn't the latest. That type of strength, to effortlessly tear a reaper apart was something coveted by all weavers, but records showed that it never really ended well, case in point being the much too independent Grimm.

Yup, Grimm couldn't be Scourge just because he wasn't in at the time, that would be just stupid.

She would admit that she wasn't exactly the most rule abiding squad leader, out most of the time and doing something admitedly useless when she was actually in the premises, but if push came to shove, she would act as required, with all the authority of a Squad Leader and the maturity of an adult. Thank heavens that time still had not arrived, she could still have a little bit of fun while she waited.

"Revi, is this the newbie?" She chimed in animatedly, eyeing the young shadow weaver who just exited the office, who was once upon a time MIA, and a little girl who looked exactly like Aura.
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He looked at the more recently promoted Squad Leader, smiling for once. "Yeah, why? Did you need her for something?" Revnoir asked, strangely happy. Maybe he had hit his head a little too hard...

(FINALLY more than 3 people. That pretty much never happens dernut)
(Sorry about that, timezone and school problems)

"Nothing like that, it's just that..." Need her for something? Not exactly. There was a long time tradition that needed to be upheld, now that she had returned after who knows how long she's been cooped up in her office, which no one goes to by the way. "She's just soooo cute~"

Yes, it was glomping, something she used to do to all the new female, the guys would take it the wrong way, recruits whenever she was able. This would be one of the first ones, until her own squad member finally stopped hiding. "You look exactly like Awy! What's your name?" She asked excitedly, effortlessly twirling the child in the somewhat small hallway outside the office. "Revi, can I keep her?"
"Mmmmmno I have plans for her." He said mischievously. "Oh so adorable." He seemed to be covered in a creepy and strange aura. (not the person, but I ship it, the ships will sail)
"Hmm.... Yla?" She stopped for a bit, as if tasting the name on her lips. "I like it!" She patted the little girl's head gently before fluidly breaking away, standing before the two with her hand propped up and another on her waist. "You'll be with you're brother I assume, Yam-Yam isn't the most forgiving but she's fine so just stay away from her bad side. Older Sister Belle's here to help you out if you need it, and smile a bit more." She tapped a delicate finger of the girl's rosy cheeks. "It'll make the days pass faster, you'll see."

"Now, you former squad 1, finally done with recovery after you're little... accident?" She aimed a teasing glance at Revi, trying to dispel the strange, old pervert aura around him. This would not do, no matter how good looking he sees himself as.
Revnoir just let out a nervous chuckle. "Yeah... Yeah... Well it was better me than some newbies." He said quietly, as if unsure of his answer. "Please dont kill me..." He said, a little scared of her suffocating him to death with her massive... Well... Let's just hint that he would probably hit on her if he weren't with Xillia. Like... A lot. He IS a guy after all, and he's not Asexual.

(I ship that too)
A doctor walked into Kano's medical room. He checked Kano's wounds, might as well be fully healed. So Kano got dismissed, taking the bandages off Kano. Kano stretched even more, finally able to move correctly.

"Yes!! Finally!! I'm Good!!"

Kano shouted with joy. He punched Aura in the chest in a friendly way. He smirked with happiness though he seemed a bit overjoyed just from being healed from one wound. Kano was still a bit drugged from the nulling agent and laughing gas. Kano jogged off to the armory. On the way he spotted Revnoir Belle and Sayla and did a small wave on the wave kinda breaking their flow. Getting in the armory, he equipped another of his armor sets. He grabbed a double edged, heavy axe from his weapons storage. He called the weapon, Scindo.

He sheathed it next on his back and walked out smiling joyfully, a bit creepy in fact.
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( xD ) Sayla blushes. these two are realygood looking, she thought.She blushed again at the thought.
"I don't kill people, silly!" She diffused the tension as quickly as she could, aware that she was more likely to be hurt if ever xixi came along. She supposed she would have to hold off teasing him for his... misakes both in the side of battles and relationships. "Well the, you two better be alive the next time i see you, I've got some experimenting to do!" She pumped her fist, making a few... objects occilate with her before wrapping herself in threads and disappearing from sight.

(I got school, I'll be back asap)
Revnoir didn't really know what to say, and just looked at Sayla. "So... I'll uh, show you to the barracks then."

(That exit tho. And I suddenly ship Aura x Kano)
( what a shame, I was beginning to ship Joel and Aura lol )

Yui had fallen asleep in her office, which was no surprise. Where she slept in HQ rarely mattered, for she always seemed to wake up at 5:45 in the morning, right on the dot. Why? To work, of course. Her normal morning routine would be to freshen up herself first, then ask her AI for her to-do list, and an hour of self-meditation and/or exercise. After a quick meal in the dining hall, it's mainly up to where the day takes her.

At this moment in time, Yui was in the close-combat training grounds. Off into the distance, Yui could make out an enthusiastic high-pitched voice. She closed her eyes, pushing that voice out of her mind, practicing her forms and maintaining her focus. Lest her mind wander to who she might awkwardly encounter during the day.
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Joel Collins, easily one of the largest people in the base, was now staring wide-eyed at the dining hall. The food seemed, at best, average, but to Joel, it looks as though angels have descended from above in order to lay out this banquet for him. No longer wearing his torn jeans, although still very much wearing blue jeans, he had managed to find a bathroom to change this morning, as he still didn't know where the barracks for his squad was. His army jacket was once more open, beneath was a mostly black t-shirt, displaying a feathered heart, with the TM'd, "Seduce Me, the Otome" Did Joel really play dating simulators meant for girls? You bet. Does he believe anyone actually knows what an otome is? Not a chance.

Back to the task at hand, Joel looks over the choices for meals in the dining hall. He was starving after having to walk half the way to the base, dealing with those reapers and aptly named Grim Reaper, and spending the entire day pointlessly walking around with his duffel bag strapped to his back. The army green colored bag with the scarab clips was almost as tall as he was. Not that he was too tired or anything. just hungry. He decides to try for some carbs, quickly ordering the food, and hoping he wouldn't have to produce any form of I.D. to be fed.
Joel has since made his way to the back of the dining hall, a full tray loaded with what appeared to be breads, pastas, anything Italian, pizza. (I'm unsure on what exactly is stocked in the Mess Hall for food!) He was sitting alone at the farthest table, giddily looking over what he was about to eat first. His duffel bag was no longer strapped to him, and rested on the bench next to him. He doesn't see Aura walk into the mess hall, because he is so enamored with the food. He was rubbing his hands together, like a villain when the plot falls into place. Joel loves his food.

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