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Fantasy Reaper

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Grim kept evading Yui's attacks, his cruel smile still on his lips. He looked up at Aura. His smile grew larger, and he started to chuckle. "Scourge... I haven't seen him for awhile, do you know him?" He asked, casually dodging and parrying attacks with his scythe.
Joel, for the briefest moment, locked eyes with the weaver that all-too-much resembled a Reaper. Those bright red eyes that only momentarily locked with his own, were maddening to say the least. It took all the years of training, of isolation in prison, of doing questionable things in his gang, in order not to completely lose his mind and run off screaming. He resists the flight or fight response, and frowns when the woman didn't take advantage of the reaper...no. Reaper wasn't the right word to use here. It resembled one, for sure. Yet it was completely different from the ones that enclosed the two. He frowned when the woman didn't take advantage of this chimera's brief distraction. He sees a bullet from afar hit the ground by the two, and then the heavy-coated individual shout and jump from a rooftop. Scourge? The leader of Weave? That...can't be right, he thinks this for a moment, and then decides to help out. He contemplates using his weave to throw the car he was standing on, but decides against it. That would use too much of his energy, whatever he decides on a plan, he would need to defend himself after enacting it. Is this a time limit? He scowls, he's never been the fastest. Maybe, I don't need to be fast here...just fast enough. There was still that crowd of Reapers circling the woman, the trenchcoated man, and the scythe-wielder. A part of Joel wished that sniper hit a few of the Reapers. He shakes his head, hopping down behind the minivan. In a moment, silvery threads extend from his hands, and wrap around his hands, covering his arms in their vine-line hold. His boots are overlapped with the same silver-threads, creating an artificial metallic brace. He uses his own considerable strength, added with the powers of a veteran metal weaver, and with a grunt, launches the flipped minivan forward, towards the group of Reapers. Like one would play a game of Air hockey. He hoped it would hit some, and charged after it, hoping for three things. A. That he wouldn't find his own strength matched and had just enough speed not to meet the business end of that scythe, B. That the woman and the trenchcoat could escape in the confusion. and C. that he would be able to come back for his duffel bag. His expression and fact he closed his eyes half-way through his charge behind the minivan was evidence, he expected none of his three wishes to come true.
Grim saw the minivan and frowned. Within seconds he was in it's path, forming a sharp edge infront of himself out of his Threads. The van hit the edge, ripping it in two and sending both halves flying in different directions. He was extremely fast, faster than any recorded Reaper. "Don't hurt them, they mean no harm." He said quietly, his smile leaving his face. "It's so sad. Humans create monsters only to harm the monstrous ones."

(gtg for tonight)
Kano stared in shock from the minivan event. Oh God... How sharp is that scythe..? They need to get out now... I dont want to get more wounded comrades... He thought to himself. He ran for the garage looking for a motorcycle. He mounted one and revved the engines after putting the key in. The motocycle zoomed straight for the fight.

"Got to make it in time before they get diced..."

Kano put a gear higher and made it in blinding speed. He did a drift in between the fight sending a giant dust could at Grim. Kano boosted straight grabbing Joel and Yui and pulling them onto the bicycle with his unwounded arm. He raced back to make sure Grim wouldn't catch up.

"I'm sorry for interrupting but i'm not letting anyone become wounded to near death from now on... Even if it stops a good fight..."
Aura Shouded himself in a mass of his shadowy threads as they formed a giant wolf around him. he then ran for HQ, seeing the othhers retreat
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Aura thinks on the words of the reaperlike man. Humans create monsters, only to harm the monsterous ones. It slowly dawned on him exactly what that ment. Reapers were made by humans, just like the weavers. That must be what Project Grim Reaperrealy is.
Joel halted himself, or at least tried to, his metal-thread empowered feet digging into the ground, leaving behind a small skidmark. He looked at the thing. His own silver eyes once again locked to the creature which seemed to belong to no category. He looks to see the dead human bodies from earlier. No, he thinks to himself, we are not monsters. Actually, he did kind of look monstrous, although he would never see that himself. He takes in deep breaths, the silvery hue of his threads begin to shimmer, Joel was ready to take on this true monster. His metal-weave shimmers again, Joel curls his hands into fists, cracking the knuckles. He was ready, speed versus raw power. He hoped at least he could put up a good fight, and that those two who were previously facing the Reapers and creature could get away.

Then, he heard another motorcycle, he doesn't turn as it speeds past him, loops, and picks up the woman. What's this then, is all he can think before the bike returns for him. He jumps onto the bike, dismissing his threads. The boy wouldn't have been able to lift Joel anyway, and if he kept that metal-weave active, it'd weigh down the bike. As they speed back, he curses loudly. "Damn it. Left my duffel." Not the best introduction he's had, but at least there was a breeze going through his hair now.
Kano reached the base but when he slowed to a stop he remebered Aura was still there.

"Crap... Ugh..."

His body ached and stung. To much movement and shaking from the bike enhanced his wound's pain effect. Kano's body went dull and numb. He fell of the bike and lied down relaxing his muscles.

"Aura is still there... We have to get him out before we gain a casualty..."

Kano said weakly and slight faint to Joel.

"Don't get yourself killed..."
Aura Handed Kano the bottle of pain pills again. "Keep i this time. I can always get more. we of squad 7 need to take care of our own."
Joel quickly catches Kano as he falls over, before he could injure himself any further. With a surprising gentleness for a man this size, Joel lays Kano onto what looked like the softest part of a normally hard ground. He looks to the other two, Aura looked young, and honestly so did Yui, but Yui looked more experienced. Going out on a limb and assuming she was a squad leader, he trusts that she'll make a call soon. Until then, his metal threads appear, and form a sword like claw around his right hand. He begins to pace back and forth, looking at the direction which they came quietly.
"They wolnt atack us. They arent dumb. we are too close to the Weave bace." Aura looked into this mans eyes. "same color... Hmmm... What type of weaver are you? Ive never seen those type of threads befor."
No they weren't dumb, Joel thought, Yet it was not just that. If the one controlling the reapers attacked them here, it would be over. They were not exactly home free just yet.

"Never let down your guard." He says it quietly, but blinks when he's asked a question. He raises his nonclawed hand to his hair, scratching. "Oh, uhm. I am a metal weaver. It's one of the more uncommon varieties I think they said." He shrugs, and returns his focus to the direction they came from.
Joel smiles at this. He's heard the line a thousand times before, and will likely hear it a thousand times after. He doesn't tell Aura this, and continues to walk to and fro the bike and a line he drew onto the road with his foot. His claw clicks against itself, shimmering in even the slightest lighting. He patiently awaits for the probable squad leader to speak and give them an order. He was more than capable of defending them if a few straggling Reapers happened upon them. However, he thought out loud;

"That speed." He narrows his eyes into the distance.
Kano blinked a few times, worn out and tired. I need to stop being so stubborn... Almost doed again... He thought to himself. Threads of light covered most of his body helping him get up and used like bandages. The thread glowed with bright holy light. Kano raised his hand and a thread of light shot up as a flare dissolving. The flare was invisible to reapers and dim to weavers but it was extremely bright to humans.

"I need an amburlance..."

Kano chuckled childly at his purpose full mistake. Though he sighed and rolled to his side. He took a pill relieving his pain.
"That man..... he said something thats been bugging me." Aura muttered as he placed a few knives on the ground past the line that joel just made and took out a detonator. "He Implied that we made reapers, then started killing them..."

"Hang in there Kano. We got the road covered. you just rest for a moment." Aura said to the light weaver.
Joel nods quietly to Aura.

"It won't matter if he gets here before back-up does. Focus on what's at hand. " His silver-clawed hand points out to where the reapers were.

He resists the urge to say the word, son, at the end of his sentence, and risk sounding like his father.

Yui watched in disbelief as the scythe wielder defended the Reapers from the van. An unexpected turn of events, she must admit. She glanced towards the burly Metal Weaver before she listened to the red-eyed man's words while in disbelief, and her eyes widened in speculation. For once, the man's smile was nonexistent— they mean no harm... They? As in—

Before completing her thought, Yui found herself riding with Kano and the new arrival, speeding away from the scene. "Wait! Who authorized you to—" She stopped herself. It's safer this way, she thought. But just when he had started to talk...

The motorcycle slowed down, and it took Yui some effort not to berate Kano's actions despite his injury. Same goes for Aura— but they're not hers, and more urgent matters are weighing on her mind.

"He's right," Yui said, referring to the bulkier man beside her. "Let's keep moving. It's not safe for Kano to stay here. It's faster if we just go our own." Her eyes drifted to the Metal Weaver as she approached the bike. "I didn't expect you to arrive so soon, even more so with that explosive entrance. I'm Yui, but we'll save the formalities for when we get to base." And hopefully that will be soon. It's still awhile until arrival, and the atmosphere isn't feeling any safer. She wouldn't be surprised if Reapers ambushed them at this moment, though they would be heavily inconvenienced.
Aura looked around, he may not be a verry strong weaver yet, but his intelegence, instinct, and swift thinking made up for that. However if that reaperlike man came up the road, they were fucked. He had to make shure that didnt happen somehow. He handed Joel the detonator. "The knives are rigged with enough explosive power to kill a reaper. use it if need be. im going to blockade the road. get to bace. i will catch up.

Aura Runs off, using his threads to propell himself faster and up the walls of the surrounding buildings.
Joel nods to Yui,

"Joel" he says gruffly. He wasn't trying to sound gruff at all, but sometimes he couldn't help but do so. Drawbacks to being like this he supposed. He looks out to where they once saw the reapers. Then he was handed a detonator. Oh man, he thinks, if the prison warden could see me now. "He says he is going to catch up. Think he will?" He's asking Yui, already starting to walk back to the base, per her command. He stops at Kano, and offers him a shoulder or arm to steady himself. It was going to be a long walk back to their base.
"I-I'm good man..."

Kano got up himself so he can get used to standing again.

"I need to get used to doing things myself because what if we get seperated?"

The threads tighten as if they were a layer of flesh or skin. It aided him a lot.

"Lets go...!"

Kano sighed as he started walking toward the direction they headed. Luckily he still had his katana strapped to his waist which gave an arm support for his wounded left arm.
A woman who looked almost exactly like aura ran up from the road ahead of the group, she seemed woried and yet detetermend.
Joel was already "gone" by the time that Kano said he was good. He switches viewpoints, scrutinizing the way forward for the most part, but every now and again, looking over his shoulder, for two reasons. The first and foremost reason, was to make sure the two were still following him. He's already found this group endearing. Back in the day, he'd imagine them in a sitcom. The second reason was to make sure no more than two were following him. That would have been-

"Is that the fellow from before?" Joel says blinking and stopping suddenly.

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