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Fantasy Reaper

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A couple of minutes pass as Mini had to bare EVE and her nonsense gossip about Revnoir based on what Rogue told her or something. He then suddenly stops at a front of building as he hears what seems to be static from a radio.

“That's Odd, EVE do you hear static or is it just me?” He asks as he turns the engine off to hear the static better

“Kinda, I don't know, maybe, maybe not” She replied

Mini steps out of the vehicle and begins walking towards the building, but before he could, EVE stops him from getting any closer to the sound.

“STOP!, ARE YOU NUTS?!” She yells in form of a whisper, “Don't go inside, they're might be Reapers in the premises Mini!”

“Don't worry EVE, you worry too much!” Mini chuckles at her, he then proceeds to enter the building ignoring EVE's whispered shouting at him not to go.

Inside the building, what may seems to be a car factory, Is covered in black mold, with strange black liquid coming out of holes from the walls. Strange orange and yellow glowing egg like shells form from the ceiling. He begins to slowly creeps towards the static, until he stumbles upon a Creature sleeping. The creature is A Reaper!, but not normal one, this one's different, it's much more larger than the others and more terrifying. Mini spots from the distance is a dead pilot, Who's chute is stuck to a metal bar on the ceiling, The pilot's body is torn in half. Whoever he was, he was piloting a Cargo Plane, on which is now a bed for the Giant Reaper, The plane was full of dead scientists. He proceeds to sneak his way to the plane, in there he begins checking the scientists IDs, what he finds is that they're Weave Scientists, he looks for anything more interesting, in luck he stumbles upon a large locked crate, locked by a code.

“EVE can you see what I see from my point of view?”, He whispers to EVE through his TacNet.

“Yes, interesting, In actuality I'm recording it” She tells him.

Mini Brushes dust off of the crates which appears a label that says "Project Grim Reaper", Mini bents his head side wards in curiosity. Mini begins to call Weave HQ for assistance and back-up, and all of a sudden he feels heavy breathing coming from his back. In fear he shakes and trembles as he forgot to bring his guns when he left, which are still in the garage, He turns around slowly as he sees the sheer existence of fear too all, A Giant Reaper!. And suddenly all He could feel was pain as a spike began to burst out of his chest even with his power armor, His vision blurs as he stumbles to the ground in pain, blood pours from his chest as a large hole was punctured to it. All that he could see were Nothing but Reapers clawing their way to his body and all he could hear was his own heart beat and the voice of EVE. All he could do was signal a flare in hopes of help...

((I don't want to be a know it all or a smart arse right now( :o ), I'm just suggesting Ideas at the moment, if you don't like (*^*), I'll remove this post, ~Cheers(o'v'o). And possibly Goodnight))
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Aura, who had walked outside to get away from so many people inside HQ, had this feeling again, like when Revnoir had left. He looked around and kept his eyes open. Intstincts had never led him wrong, so somthing was going on. Then he sees a signal flare. "Someones in trouble...? Must be why i had that feeling..." Aura says as he starts in that direction, ready for another snatch and grab. he couldnt fight in his condidtion, but he could run. That alone would be enough to help, as well as his knives. he could take at least one small reaper out with one of them. Aura saw a truck and hoped into it, hotwired it, and sped off towards the flare, knowing there wasnt a second to lose.
Krasny was on the training grounds, maintaining and getting to know the SAW, when he saw a flare go up into the sky. As he looked at it, he saw a truck speed past and head towards the flare. He dropped his gear and ran to the infirmary, "Seargeant Donaldson, someone shot a flare into the sky and I think Aura set off after it. What're you're orders?"
One of the Weavers who were out on patrol sent in a message to the main building. Scourge was out, so one of the Squad Leaders got the signal. "We need all able fighters out north-east as quickly as you can!" The un-named Leader said over the speakers throughout the building.

Me and andrew were practicing our fighting skills with our fire in the training grounds. We heard through a loud speaker that all fighters report to the North-East as quickly as possiable. I just screamed like a school girl clapping my hands as I did a happy dance. "Finally we can start fighting. I was getting kinda bored" i said yawning grabbing my knifes putting it in my boots as andrew did the same. "This is going to be so much fun" said andrew. "Yeah it is blood and guts everywhere" i said laughing spinning around. "Don't forget brains" we said at the same time laughing. "Come on we better hurry" said andrew grabbing my hand as we ran off. This is going to be fun i thought smiling evilly.
Aura pulled up to the place the flare was shot from. Others probably say the flare too, and so did reapers. He was the first there though. He got out and left the truck running, then covered himself in threads of shadow, and made his way to the spot the flare came from and began to look around, sticking to the shadows so as to avoid detection. This place seemed to be some kind of nest. He then saw the man laying on the ground, half dead. Aura snuck over to him to check his pulse. Just as he thouht, the man was alive, but barely. Next Aura saw the crate next to him. It would take more than him to move. Aura started to drag the man back to where he left the truck and put him in the bed of the truck. Others would be here soon, Both Weaver/ human, and Reapers.
Scourge was nowhere to be found, and nobody had seen him after he spoke to Aura and others about going out without permission.

The Reapers were taking notice of Aura, but made no move to stop or attack him.
Aura constantly checked his rear veiws. He still had that bad feeling. something just wasnt right. He made it out WAY too easy. Its as though the damn reapers were up to something. They knew he was there, he was shure of it. "But why would they not attack me...?" Aura muttered, "Unless its some kind of trap...?"
Infront of Aura's truck was what seemed to be a Weaver dressed in all black. Grim stood there, his red eyes glowing as if he were a Reaper himself. He held a pitch black scythe, and seemed to have no intention of moving.
Aura saw this man in the road. His instincts told him this man was bad news. He started to swirve around the man, once again trusting his sharp instincts.
Aura continued to speed towards the bace and once he got there, he dragged k'bane to the medbay. then he desided to rest a bit. (TTYL GUYS ill be on latter tonight.)
Yui looked on with mild irritation as her comrade once again burst her personal space bubble. "This is highly unprofessional..." She muttered, though she didn't stop Belle. She stopped protesting against the younger woman's actions, having known her for a long time. She did sigh amusedly watching Suzuya react. She knows that despite his attitude, he's smart— but has a lot of learning to do.

As Aura walked out, Yui opened her mouth to tell him to bandage up and not do anything reckless until she caught a glance from Kano. Well, she didn't expect to get any positive feedback, but hopefully he'd taken her words into consideration. What a handful of characters, these people.

As Yui pried Belle off of her (or at least tried to), a message from the intercom announced that Weavers are to go to the north-east immediately. What? She looked at the people in the room and nodded. "Prepare yourselves, quickly!" She gripped her swords and grabbed a helmet from the room and ran to the garage. She thought about Kano— all fighters are summoned to the northeastern point, but he's injured. But this message seemed urgent. Yui shook her head and jumped onto a motorbike before speeding to the point, with others close behind.

"Arête, what's the current situation?" Yui spoke to her AI.

"Multiple casualties," Arête spoke through the helmet, "Aura of Squad 7 arrived at the area. K'Bain of Squad 7 is heavily injured. Aura is retrieving his fellow Squad member." A map of the area showed on the screen of the helmet. "Playing incoming message from Aura."

After listening to the message, Yui clenched her teeth. Project Grim Reaper? As Yui sped to Aura's location, she could see him in his truck approaching an individual standing in the middle of the road. As she got closer, she squinted her eyes to make out who the figure was. She halted her bike 20 feet from the unknown individual, while Aura sped past. She had a nasty feeling about this. She spoke through her helmet to all Squad leaders. "I'm detecting something terrible here. I'm... Unsure about this."
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Grim's gaze snapped to Yui, and he curled his lips into a chilling smile. He said something, but she couldn't hear it from that distance. Gripping the scythe tighter, he started taking silent steps towards the Weaver.

Reapers all stared, watching as if it were some sort of show.

(Trying to stay on as long as I can but if I disappear, just expect it mmk?)
(Cool beans ^^ Not much Yui can do alone here, anyway)

Yui's eyed widened in shock at the identified man's gaze. "What..." She muttered. With each silent step, Yui's body chilled. Multiple casualties, she thought. She frowned. "Was it you?" She hissed. Yui glanced to the surrounding Reapers and tightened her grip on her main sword, but she didn't get off her bike. She needed to buy time before the others arrive. She quickly turned to two lower tiered Reapers and used her threads to influence them. The reapers roared in protest, but she quickly subdued them, and the two went charging towards the red-eyed man.

She didn't expect them to do much, but if she could just gauge his ability...
Grim snickered, keeping his eyes on Yui. Black threads just like a Reaper's came from his hand and ripped the two Reapers limb from limb without giving them so much as a glance. He kept walking towards Yui. This Weaver was much stronger than he looked, and was obviously a massive threat.
A Weaver? Yui thought. She watched him slaughter the two Reapers, his eyes glued onto hers. She clenched her teeth. Numerous questions ran through her mind: who the hell was he? What is his purpose? "Arête, take record of all of this."

One thing's for sure— that thing is hostile. And dangerous. And Yui seems to be the first target. He's stepping closer, and the Reapers are only watching. It's best to be cautious and retreat, but if they all left him to his devices, who knows what could happen? Yui gripped her sword tightly. She hates to do this, but she must make a move. It's better that she do so than a recruit. Even with his strength, she could at least stall even more. It won't be easy, but damn it... Revving her bike's engine, she announced to the others, "I'm going in." She came at the Weaver full speed. When she got close enough, she leapt high off her bike and quickly unseathed her sword and aimed for his head.
Grim quickly stepped out of the way, just dodging the blade. He seemed to be playing with the Mind Weaver, always keeping his sinister smile. "Miss." He spoke quietly, his white pupils following Yui's every move.
Joel "Scarab" Collins did not expect to be greeted when he ventured to the Arena which was now being used for a base by the local soldiers and weavers. He heard rumors, mostly horrible, about the type of leadership that was at work here. He also heard the darker rumors, revolving around experiments and a callous disregard for life. He wasn't sure if any of it was true, but for certain, he wasn't going to let that get him down. Nor would the fact the jeep he was in is now a mess, and its driver was torn to pieces. Joel walks slowly down the road, wearing faded jeans with the knees blown out, a white t-shirt, and over that an open army jacket. He keeps his hands stuffed into the pockets, a large duffel bag strapped to his back. His eye has the tattoo of another eye around it, although his long dark brown hair covered the top of the tattoo. He's walking at a slow pace, only vaguely wondering why the Reapers pulled back after they ambushed the jeep. It was a nice, enough, day. He was enjoying the wind rushing at him. When it stops however, he regains his situational awareness. Nearby, he noticed an entire crowd of Reapers, forming their own little arena. He blinks, but shrugs it off. Until he hears the sound of a motorcycle rev up, and then drop. He frowns, and ventures over to the commotion, avoiding the Reapers while trying to find a better vantage point. He finds it on top of a flipped minivan, leaving his duffel at its base, he watches as the events unfold, noticing the woman facing off against what boils down to a Reaper with a scythe. Joel thinks to himself, That seemed to be heavy-handed, are the Reapers aware they are called Reapers? Out loud he says quietly; "Wonder if Reapers have a sense of humor..."
Aura Couldnt shake the feeling he recognized the man who stood in front of his truck back out on the road. the grin..... it looked somewhat..... well.... He rememberd someone with the same grin, but couldnt quite place it.

After a while of racking his brain, Aura finaly realized who it was that grin reminded him of. back the birthday party for the little kid, Scourge had lifted his mask just enough to drink his coffee. he had grinned that day, the Same grin as the man from the road.
Joel Collins continues to look over the tops of the amassed Reapers. Most of them seemed fairly average, by Reaper standards. He notices a few that are larger than the rest, yet they all seem to be entranced by either the Reaper with the scythe, or the woman. He was unable to tell which was preventing the rest of the Reapers from attacking. His frown deepens as he scans the crowd, attempting to find an opening. He saw how quickly the scythe reaper moved, his weaving couldn't catch up. Maybe, however, and just maybe, if he managed to sneak in through the crowd of Reapers, and launch a surprise attack...Risky, he thinks, but there doesn't seem to be another option. Joel was very likely visible, standing on top of the upside-down minivan, to anyone on the other side of the crowd of Reapers.
Grim's gaze momentarily drifted over Joel, but he dismissed the man and kept his attention on the Mind Weaver. "You'll entertain me, won't you?" He asked quietly, but his directed audience was unclear.
Kano looked out in the distance seeing the unknown weaver fighting yui. Kano smirked with gladness.

"Something to do..."

Kano winced from a small shock from his wounds. Damn... Stupid wounds... I want to fight... Maybe from the distance... Lets try a sniper... Kano ran to the armory and grabbed one of the spare snipers and an extra clip. He ran back to the walls where he last saw the fight. He lied down on the platform on the wall and took aim. Kano's wounds prevented a perfect shot but he still tried. Kano shot and the bullet missed but it was close enough for the weaver to know he was getting sniped.
Yui landed deftly on her feet and striked a defensive pose.


Yui twitched a brow. Unamused, she answered, "You're welcome." She pointed her sword at the being in front of her and slowly circled. It's no use, she thought. Even now I can tell I'm just a toy. Yui's eyes never left the man's before her as she cycled through possible openings. Using her Threads seem useless at this point. His eyes left hers momentarily, and she inferred that someone behind her might have a plan.

"You'll entertain me, won't you?"

A bullet whizzed pass the Weaver. Yui isn't alone. I'm not alone. She tightened her grip on her sword. "If that's what it takes to explain yourself, by all means." Yui lunged forward and swung her sword adeptly. The Weaver did an annoyingly fine job evading her attacks, but Yui wasn't doing too shabby either. She kept it up, slowly getting him closer southward, hoping that someone could find an opportunity to assist.
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Aura Walked back out to confront his fears. "TELL US YOUR REAL NAME! IT ISNT SCOURGE IS IT!?" Aura yelled as he leaped from above, having come out onto a rooftop. He had his sword drawn.

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